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Genesis HealthCare Foundation

The Genesis HealthCare Foundation is here to promote charitable support for Genesis HealthCare System. We're a 501 (c)(3) corporation and we're governed by a volunteer board of directors who are business, civic, educational and religious leaders representing our community.



Donate to the Genesis HealthCare Foundation

Make a gift online or call 740-454-5052 to learn how to contribute to our Genesis HealthCare Foundation.

Genesis Hospice Capital Campaign

Genesis’ Morrison House, the community’s only nonprofit, charitable hospice inpatient facility, must be replaced. Learn how you can help support this vital need for your community.


Why Give with James McDonald Genesis Foundation

Supporting Healthcare in our Communities

    The Foundation’s mission is: To promote charitable support for Genesis HealthCare System and share its mission “to provide compassionate, quality healthcare.” The Foundation works toward that goal by encouraging and overseeing gifts, grants, bequests and donations from private citizens, businesses and organizations.

    Your contributions to Genesis make a difference. In these times of economic turmoil, you have continued to support us as we provide compassionate, quality care to those who live in our communities, and we are grateful.

    Annually, the foundation receives support from estates established years ago by very generous individuals interested in making a lasting difference on the quality of healthcare within our community.

    We are also fortunate to have the support of volunteers who raise money each year through special events such as the ProAm Golf Tournament and other events. Other sources of revenue include memorial contributions and grants.

    A copy of the foundation's financial statements and IRS Form 990 may be viewed at the corporate office, 1135 Maple Ave., Zanesville, OH 43701.

    Since its inception in 1999 through the merger of the Bethesda Hospital Foundation and the Good Samaritan Medical Center Foundation, the Genesis HealthCare Foundation has provided over $44.6 million in financial support to the community through life-saving projects and programs at Genesis HealthCare System.

    What Does the Foundation Support (PDF)


    Genesis Offers New IV Pump Technology

    Stated simply, a gift to Genesis is a gift to the community. When you make a contribution to the Genesis HealthCare Foundation, you are making a direct investment in the quality of life within our community.

    To some, a gift to a foundation can seem as intangible as a drop of water in a river. Your dollars mingle with all the rest, flowing downstream toward an unknown purpose.

    Not so with a contribution to the Genesis HealthCare Foundation. Each investment becomes part of the current that touches the lives of people throughout Southeastern Ohio. The Foundation works with a singularity of purpose – advancing the quality of health within our community.

    There are several ways you can give to the foundation, including direct gifts of:

    Have questions? Call the Genesis HealthCare Foundation at 740-454-5052 to learn how you can support quality health care in our communities. You can also donate online.

    Rest assured your contribution to the Genesis HealthCare Foundation is more than charity; it is an investment in lives. You are funding life-saving technology, life-changing programs, and life-long results, as evidenced by Genesis’ many awards and accreditations.

    The Genesis HealthCare Foundation thanks the many donors whose generosity significantly improves the health of our community.

    The Genesis Pro-Am Golf Tournament is held every year to raise funds for Genesis HealthCare System. Get more information about the tournament.

    Each year the Foundation awards scholarships to deserving youth in our community pursuing a degree in health care. There are several scholarships available for students in Muskingum, Perry, Guernsey, Coshocton, Noble and Morgan counties. For more information and to apply, see the scholarship applicationApplications are accepted April 1, 2024, through June 14, 2024.