Ericka Wickham was diagnosed with triple positive breast cancer. A new hobby and the Genesis Cancer Care Center helped her find a positive outlook during treatment.
In 2018, I had everything anyone could desire. A loving husband, two wonderful daughters ages 8 and 3, a beautiful home and a career that enabled me to help people.
Alicia and her husband were referred to a specialist at a hospital that required a fair amount of travel. They expected to hear that Alicia had carpal tunnel syndrome, and the specialist confirmed that.
Did you know that Alzheimer’s disease currently impacts over 6.7 million Americans? The Alzheimer’s Association defines the disease as a type of dementia that affects memory, thinking and behavior.
There are approximately 57.8 million Americans living with a diagnosed mental illness. Despite the fact that the number translates to 1 in 5 adults, there’s still stigma attached to almost everything related to mental health. This sense of shame and reluctance to discuss disorders that affect the brain is why May is Mental Health Awareness Month.