Genesis Cardiac Rehab: Strengthening hearts
Friday, July 26, 2024
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- Heart & Vascular, LiveWell
Brian Cooper has a big heart – not just in how he cares but also anatomically. Brian was diagnosed with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM). This is a complex disease that enlarges and thickens the heart muscle, reduces blood flow and can lead to sudden death.
“My heart was too big,” Brian said. “What I have is rare, so I guess you can say I’m special and big-hearted.”
Genesis Hospital: A place and people focused on healing hearts
While some people with HOCM don’t feel symptoms, Brian experienced exhaustion, chest pain, heart fluttering, lightheadedness, shortness of breath and swollen feet and ankles. Plus, he constantly felt like his life was in jeopardy. Thankfully, Brian said Genesis Hospital’s experts vigilantly looked out for him.
“I have a special love for the place and people. They’ve kept me alive,” Brian said.
Abdulhay Albirini, M.D., Fellowship-trained and Board-certified Interventional Cardiologist at the Genesis Heart & Vascular Institute, diagnosed Brian with HOCM. This wasn’t Dr. Albirini’s first life-saving interaction with Brian and his family.
“I love that man,” Brian said. “My dad had two heart attacks, and Dr. Albirini saved him both times. This time, he saved me. He’s a doctor who cares about every patient.”
“Diagnosing Brian’s disease was critical so he could receive the proper treatment,” said Dr. Albirini. “However, it is also vital that he takes the appropriate action to recover and stay healthy.”
After his diagnosis, Brian underwent open-heart surgery at a nearby facility as the first step to treating HOCM. His second step focused on strengthening his heart. That’s why he sought expertise at the Genesis Cardiac Rehabilitation Program.
Genesis Cardiac Rehab: Gaining strength and stamina
Logan Clark, Exercise Physiologist Therapist and Cardiac Rehabilitation Clinical Coordinator, watched Brian weakly enter the rehab center for the first time.
It took everything Brian had. Once settled in, Logan taught Brian about the hope and healing that is possible through rehab.
“At first, I was overwhelmed,” said Brian. “Then Logan said, ‘Surgery’s only 50% of the battle. Rehab is the other 50%.’ With his help, I knew I could get stronger.”
Logan created a personalized exercise plan for Brian. During workouts, Logan monitored Brian’s heart and progress. A few weeks later, Brian’s endurance and strength showed tremendous growth.
“Just by how he walked into rehab, we could see it making a difference,” said Logan. “He worked hard to get where he is. We gave him the tools, but it’s what he did with them that made the difference.”
Initially, Brian had lost physical strength and gained unneeded weight due to HOCM and the related surgery. Thanks to his consistent diligence at Genesis Cardiac Rehab, Brian lost weight, gained muscle and significantly increased his stamina.
A couple of years after surgery, Brian continues benefiting from cardiac rehab workouts.
“I still go to cardiac rehab,” Brian said. “I go because they know my heart condition and want me to succeed. They keep me going.”