A letter from the frontlines of COVID-19

Monday, April 11, 2022


We were in the largest medical crisis I had ever seen, and I’m both honored and humbled that I witnessed the little and large fights towards life and healing. When families were grieving, I was by their side and offered an ear or a blanket. When miracles happened and I saw patients come back from the edge, I was filled with joy and humility. Working at Genesis during the pandemic is the hardest and most rewarding experience I have ever had. When I can be there for others, I feel like I can take on anything no matter how tough or intimidating. 

Thank you to my amazing team and to the staff in the Genesis Emergency Department for pushing me to be my best and keep people safe, happy and healthy. Without them, none of this would 
be possible. 

Stay awesome!
-Genesis R.N.


Read their stories and share your story

After two long years of dealing with a pandemic, a few Genesis team members wrote letters to document their experience. Their words are heartbreaking and inspiring. We are eternally grateful for what our doctors, nurses and all Genesis team members have done to help our community. 

Read more at genesishcs.org/COVID-19Blog and submit your own story to share with the community.
