Three Sneaky Ways to Add Protein to Your Diet if You Don’t like Meat
Monday, April 24, 2023
Protein. You know you need it, but if you don’t like meat or are opposed to eating it, it might feel like your options are limited. After all, you can only dip apples in peanut butter so many times before it starts to get old. It’s tempting to ignore, but protein is crucial for a healthy diet.
According to the National Library of Medicine, protein can help you heal more quickly, support healthy weight loss and lower your blood pressure.
If the thought of a big juicy steak doesn’t make you salivate, don’t worry. Whether you’re on a plant-based diet or can’t bear another bite of greasy ground beef, here are a few delicious ways to get more protein into your diet.
1. Add snacks to your rotation
Have you ever grabbed a snack to appease your grumbling stomach, only to still feel hungry? According to the National Library of Medicine, a protein-rich diet can help you feel fuller longer. Fend off the midday munchies with one of these snacks.
Keep sunflower or pumpkin seeds, edamame or string cheese on hand for a quick pick-me-up.
Cottage cheese is a protein powerhouse. It’s a great snack on its own or with fruit.
2. Swap an ingredient in one of your go-to meals with a protein-rich alternative
If an ingredient isn’t crucial to the structure of the meal, try switching it out with a protein-fueled substitute. Experiment to find the best fit for your dish. It might take some trial and error, but it will be worth it in the long run.
Switch up your spaghetti dinner by using whole-grain pasta. If you don’t like the taste of whole- grain noodles, try chickpea pasta instead. Both are protein-rich options.
Is plain Greek yogurt too bitter for you on its own? Try using it in place of sour cream. You probably won’t notice the difference during your next taco night.
Making a rice dish? Use quinoa or lentils as the base.
3. Boost your favorite meals by adding protein
Adding protein to a meal doesn’t have to mean adding a piece of grilled chicken to your plate. Adding an extra ingredient (or two) can enhance the flavor of your meal while making it healthier. You never know, you might find a new way to prepare your favorite dish.
Next time you pour yourself a bowl of cereal, toss in some cashews or peanuts for an extra crunch and boost of protein.
Love ramen? Add an egg, mushrooms or high-protein vegetables like cooked spinach or peas to your noodles.