Patient Stories

Displaying 1-10 of 12 results matching:

Restored: Muscle cars and torn muscles
Restored: Muscle Cars and Torn Muscles
Restored: Muscle cars and torn muscles

April 24, 2023

Taking a worn-down, broken muscle car and transforming it into a flashy fresh ride takes time, skills and finances, but John Rusinko and his wife Haddi say it’s worth it.

Thankful for helping hands close to home
Thankful for helping hands close to home

November 3, 2023

Alicia and her husband were referred to a specialist at a hospital that required a fair amount of travel. They expected to hear that Alicia had carpal tunnel syndrome, and the specialist confirmed that.   


Getting Athletes Back in Action
Getting Athletes Back in Action

November 8, 2022

Remington suffered an acute lateral patellar dislocation, as well as an injury to the kneecap’s cartilage. After knee surgery and a six-month recovery plan guided by Dr. Trinh, Remington is back on the field.

Moving Forward Without Knee Pain
Moving Forward Without Knee Pain

November 8, 2022

With both knees gnarled by arthritis, Nancy Walsh knew that if she wanted to lead an active life, she’d need two total knee replacement surgeries.

New knees make her feel like 30 again
New knees make her feel like 30 again

September 13, 2021

Carolyn tried several non-surgical treatments, from over-the-counter medications to steroid injections to assistive devices, like a cane or walker. But finally, the pain became so bad that she could barely walk. So, she moved forward and had joint replacement surgery on her left knee.

Bouncing Back to Health
Bouncing Back to Health

July 28, 2021

Laura Walker severely injured her knee at age 29. She spent two decades in agonizing pain.