Thankful for helping hands close to home

Alicia Farus’ hands are always moving. She is either making, baking or cooking something. She loves to knit. During the holiday season, she enjoys handwriting messages in Christmas cards. A few years ago, though, she started to have issues with her right hand and arm. She has another neurological issue, so at first she attributed her symptoms to that disorder.   


An initial symptom was weakness. She started to drop things. She had to regularly stop knitting because of numbness. She couldn’t write Christmas cards. As time went by, she couldn’t lift things. If she wanted to cook pasta, a family favorite, her husband Scott had to fill the pots with water and move them to the stove. When the pasta was ready, Scott had to lift the contents and move them to a strainer. “We are a team,” Alicia said, “and I’m grateful for that, but it is difficult to become completely dependent on someone.” Eventually, Alicia had to stop almost all of the activities she loved. “The pain kept increasing,” she said. “I wasn’t sleeping.” She finally decided to move ahead with a diagnosis she was fairly certain would include surgery.  


Alicia and her husband were referred to a specialist at a hospital that required a fair amount of travel. They expected to hear that Alicia had carpal tunnel syndrome, and the specialist confirmed that.   


The best option is close to home  

Her husband was happy about a surgery he’d had at Genesis, so Alicia decided to get a second opinion from Matthew Langford, M.D., Fellowship-trained, Board-certified Orthopedic Hand Surgeon at the Genesis Orthopedic Center. Dr. Langford confirmed the carpal tunnel diagnosis but added that she also needed surgery for pronator syndrome. “Pronator syndrome makes carpal tunnel worse,” said Alicia. “That explained the absolutely excruciating pain.”   


Alicia felt extremely comfortable with Dr. Langford and listed his amazing bedside manner as one of the reasons. “He takes his time and explains everything. He told me what he was looking for and what he found. He talks to you as if you’re on the same level.” 


Dr. Langford told Alicia that he could perform both surgeries at the same time. “It sounds worse than it was,” Alicia said. “Carpal tunnel is a simple surgery, and even with the addition of the pronator surgery, it was done on an outpatient basis.” Alicia went home that day. “I had discomfort because of the surgery, of course, but the terrible pain went away as soon as the surgery was done.” 


At the time of this interview, Alicia was about eight weeks out from her surgery, still healing but well on her way to a full recovery. As she followed the recovery plan, which included physical therapy at home, Dr. Langford and his team were available to answer questions and review her progress. 


“I’m cooking and writing again, but my favorite recovered activities are pushing my granddaughter on a swing and steering her stroller when we go on walks. I highly recommend that people considering surgery for a hand or arm issue meet with the orthopedic team at Genesis first." 


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Alicia and her husband were referred to a specialist at a hospital that required a fair amount of travel. They expected to hear that Alicia had carpal tunnel syndrome, and the specialist confirmed that.   


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A teacher gets a lesson in body mechanics

Bob Froelich has been an elementary school teacher for almost 32 years, a part-time painter for 25, a regular fixture at the gym and a pretty active golfer.  

All that movement screeched to a halt on an afternoon in 2022 when an event at the gym ended in incredible pain. 




Time for help 

A call to a friend who worked at Genesis Orthopedics resulted in a referral to Thai Trinh, M.D., a Board-certified and Fellowship-trained Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine Physician with Genesis Orthopedic Sports Medicine.  


“Bob came in with the classic symptoms of a rotator cuff tendon tear – progressive pain and weakness especially when performing overhead activities like lifting, pushing or pulling,” said Dr. Trinh. “Many patients also report difficulty sleeping.” 


Orthopedics 101 is in session  

Dr. Trinh scheduled an MRI, after which he told Bob that he had torn three tendons and surgery was a requirement. ”Most rotator cuff repairs are performed arthroscopically using minimally invasive techniques,” he said. “The torn tendon is reattached to the bone using anchors, or less commonly through drill holes.”  


As a teacher, Bob liked learning that the anchors were bio composite and would dissolve in the body naturally over time. “That’s the kind of information kids find interesting.” 


When he woke up after surgery, Dr. Trinh told him it had been successful, but the damage was severe, and he would have to wait until he received clearance to start physical therapy. 


Bob said he was eager to start physical therapy but soon discovered that despite his overall good health and activity level, it required effort. Every therapy session, he’d ask questions, and the therapists and their assistants would answer and explain their answers. “They encouraged my interest and that helped with my recovery,” he said.  


”Safe lifting practices, shoulder-friendly exercises, rotator cuff strengthening programs and avoiding repeated steroid injections are the key to avoiding this type of surgery.”  – Thai Trinh, M.D.  


Surgery makes the grade  

Bob vividly remembers each milestone of his recovery: the increase in range of motion, the first time he could golf again and when he was released from restrictions. Since the surgery, he’s learned to trust his body. “The shoulder is an amazing joint,” he said. “I even shoot a basketball a little better than before.” He works out in the gym three times a week and golfs as often as he can.  


He’s been pleasantly surprised to realize that some of the limitations he attributed to aging, such as decreased range of motion, have lessened. That might be the best news of all. “I want to be able to hold and comfortably play with my future grandchildren,” Bob said. “I want to live my best life with my wife, Amy.” 














Thai Trinh, M.D.  

Board-certified and Fellowship-trained Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine Physician  

Genesis Orthopedic Sports Medicine  



Learn more about the Genesis Orthopedic Center at 




Bob Froelich

Orthopedics 101 is in session when a local teacher learns he needs surgery to repair three torn tendons.

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Getting Athletes Back in Action

Remington McClung’s football days began in kindergarten, which inspired dreams of playing professionally. So, imagine his excitement and nerves during his first college football game.

He had achieved an ambitious goal of joining the starting defensive lineup as a freshman defensive end. However, something went wrong during the first quarter of that first game. 

“I was turning the corner to sack the quarterback when my knee gave out. I took two steps, and I went to the ground,” Remington said. “My season was over. I was crushed.”

Thai Trinh, M.D., Fellowship-trained Orthopedic Surgeon with Genesis Orthopedic Sports Medicine and Team Physician for Muskingum University, ran from the sidelines for an initial assessment of Remington. He didn’t need emergency care on the field, so the next steps included X-rays and an MRI. The imaging revealed an acute lateral patellar dislocation, as well as an injury to the kneecap’s cartilage. 

“When Remington’s kneecap popped out of place, it banged against the femur, causing a piece of cartilage to break off. He needed surgery to remove the floating cartilage because it could potentially scrape or damage other surfaces. During the procedure, we would also reconstruct the torn ligament that holds the kneecap in place,” Dr. Trinh said.

Learning the playbook: Picking the best treatment plan for the situation

“Dr. Trinh took the time to explain the three treatment options. I was impressed with Dr. Trinh’s knowledge. I could tell he wanted me to understand everything clearly and wanted to do what would be best for me personally,” Remington said.  

Once familiar with the medical playbook, Remington confidently moved forward with a plan to surgically reconstruct his ligament and remove the cartilage fragments. 

“Everyone at Genesis made me feel comfortable. They got to know me personally instead of treating me like another patient to operate on. That’s what I really liked about Genesis.”

Gameday: A surgical solution and team approach

On surgery day, Remington felt pre-game jitters, but personalized care from the Genesis team eased the tension. 

“Everyone at Genesis made me feel comfortable. They got to know me personally instead of treating me like another patient to operate on. That’s what I really liked about Genesis,” Remington said.

After surgery, Remington began a slow and steady recovery process. 

“Dr. Trinh didn’t want me moving too fast to avoid reinjury. He laid out a specific, six-month protocol, and I followed it diligently. Dr. Trinh wanted to make sure I’d fully recover successfully, and so did I,” Remington said

Play ball: A surgeon’s pep talk 

By the following football season, Remington returned to the starting lineup. His team even had its best season in 18 years, and Remington felt proud of his performance, once Dr. Trinh gave him a pep talk. 

“Dr. Trinh saw my first game back. I was upset with how I played that day. I had a mental block because I was worried about reinjuring myself. Dr. Trinh ended up calling me later. He motivated me with encouraging words like, ‘It’s all within you. You got this. You’ll get back to normal.’ That was special,” Remington said. “It really shows that you’re not just a patient at Genesis. You’re a person.”  

“Genesis has the largest, most comprehensive orthopedic program in the region. We put emphasis on compassionate patient care. We strive to put patients first,” Dr. Trinh said. “We care for patients throughout their entire process. 
We’re not done with our patients just because the surgery is completed. For Remington, football is his love, and our goal was to get him back to his sport. To do that, he needed medical care and a little reassurance.”  

Remington suffered an acute lateral patellar dislocation, as well as an injury to the kneecap’s cartilage. After knee surgery and a six-month recovery plan guided by Dr. Trinh, Remington is back on the field.

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Moving Forward Without Knee Pain

With both knees gnarled by arthritis, Nancy Walsh knew that if she wanted to lead an active life, she’d need two total knee replacement surgeries. She also wanted the procedures done at Genesis HealthCare System. The one thing she wasn’t sure about centered on timing. How could she overcome the pain and get back to life in the least amount of time possible? 

“The pain just kept getting worse, and I knew it wasn’t going to get better. I had put off surgery for years, and it got so that I couldn’t walk down the hall without crippling pain – and that’s even with my high pain tolerance,” Nancy said. “So, I decided it was time to put my best foot forward. Once I made that decision, I wanted to act quickly.” 

Nancy scheduled an appointment with Corey Jackson, D.O., Board-certified Orthopedic Surgeon at the Genesis Orthopedic Center. Not only had she heard positive reviews about him, but he had removed fluid from her knee months earlier. During that initial interaction, Nancy appreciated how Dr. Jackson answered her questions and thoroughly explained her knees’ deterioration. 

Now that Nancy felt ready for surgery, she hoped for a speedy path to healing. She asked Dr. Jackson about operating on both knees the same day, but for safety precautions, he suggested scheduling her surgeries at least two weeks apart. 

“Typically, if someone needs both knees replaced, we schedule them three months apart. That said, I listen to and work with our patients to best meet their desires and provide optimal results. So, as long as Nancy’s first knee healed smoothly, I felt good about performing the second total knee replacement surgery on a tighter-than-normal schedule,” Dr. Jackson said. 

“I believe my knees are working so well because of Dr. Jackson’s skill in placing them and how the physical therapy team helped me push through recovery. I have no pain. I run around all day, and I’m ok! I returned to work just five weeks after my second surgery, and I’m fully enjoying life. It’s amazing,”

Things did go smoothly. With each procedure, Dr. Jackson utilized advanced navigation technology to ensure precise placement of Nancy’s knee replacement components. Then, during the recovery stages, Nancy fully committed herself to physical therapy. 

“I believe my knees are working so well because of Dr. Jackson’s skill in placing them and how the physical therapy team helped me push through recovery. I have no pain. I run around all day, and I’m ok! I returned to work just five weeks after my second surgery, and I’m fully enjoying life. It’s amazing,” Nancy said. Dr. Jackson agrees that Nancy’s results are fantastic.  

“She had terrible knees, riddled with severe arthritis. They were as bad as they could be. It’s incredibly rewarding to see Nancy now. She’s a prime example of why our Genesis Orthopedic Center exists – to help our community members overcome orthopedic challenges and get back to the things they love,” Dr. Jackson said. 

With her new knees and fresh future, Nancy is dreaming of travel adventures for her upcoming retirement years. She looks forward to walking and cruising around the world without knee pain.

With both knees gnarled by arthritis, Nancy Walsh knew that if she wanted to lead an active life, she’d need two total knee replacement surgeries.

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Pain-Free for the First Time in Years

When Belinda Hohman was 16, she tore her meniscus playing softball. She had surgery, and they took cartilage out of her knee. In the years after, she suffered a lot of pain. 

“Belinda had degenerative osteoarthritis, which is the medical term for age-related wear and tear that naturally happens in most people,” said Corey A. Jackson, D.O., Board-certified Orthopedic Surgeon at the Genesis Orthopedic Center. “The fact that her knee was missing its shock absorber sped up that process.” 

“I stopped traveling in 2017 because I felt like I was holding my family back by not being able to keep up with them,” Belinda said. “I was scared to death to have a knee surgery, so I tried other methods.” 

She took over-the-counter medicine, but that didn’t stop the pain. She received steroid injections, but that didn’t stop the pain. She tried a gel injection. She went to physical therapy. She lost weight. No solutions were permanent. Eventually, she started meeting with orthopedic surgeons. 

“There was no question that I wanted Genesis to treat me. My daughter was delivered there. They’ve given my mom nine lives.”  

Dr. Jackson cared 

When she met Dr. Jackson, she knew he was the one for her. “I told him about my fears and cried, but he was very kind and patient. He listened to me. I felt that he really cared about what I had to say,” she said. “He’s the kind of person who tells it like it is. I felt safe and knew I could finally do this.” 

Dr. Jackson showed her the pieces that he would place in her knee. “With a standard knee replacement like Belinda’s, I remove all of the arthritis in the knee and replace it with metal and polyethylene, which is a medical-grade plastic,” he said. 

When the time came to go into surgery, Belinda was still scared, but she knew she was in capable hands. “The surgery went smoothly,” Dr. Jackson said. “I used a GPS navigation system, which is essentially a video camera attached to a computer constantly looking at her knee during surgery. This helped make the knee replacement as perfect as possible.” 

After the surgery, nurses and physical therapists helped her walk short distances during her stay in the hospital. “It was too painful to walk up the stairs before my surgery, and less than a day out of surgery, I was walking stairs again,” said Belinda. 

Returning to a full life without pain 

In the weeks after surgery, she went to physical therapy at Genesis’ New Concord location. “I had a team of three people – Kyle, Jennifer and Jackie – who were truly awesome,” said Belinda. “It was hard work, but they pushed and encouraged me.” 

In four weeks, Belinda was cleared to drive again. In six weeks, she was fully cleared to return to work. “I’ve been working in education for 43 years. I love what I do,” she said. 

“Belinda is doing exceptionally well,” said Dr. Jackson. 

Belinda is thrilled to be able to spend time and travel with her family again, including her daughter and granddaughter. 

“The bottom line is that Dr. Jackson and his team have given me my life back,” said Belinda. “When the time comes to get the other knee done, I know I’ll pick up the phone and be ready for surgery.” 

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Belinda Hohman

Knee surgery was the right answer

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New knees make her feel like 30 again

59-year-old Carolyn Church was born and raised in Duncan Falls, Ohio, and practically from the moment she could walk, she was on the move. By the time she became a young adult, adventure called, and Carolyn and her late husband decided to pick up and relocate to Florida.  

In Florida, there was never a dull moment, and Carolyn and her husband worked long hours on a construction crew, helping build houses from the ground up. Carolyn also worked as a manager at Lion Country Safari for 11 years, where she put hundreds of miles on her feet, walking day after day on concrete as she did her work. Not too surprisingly, Carolyn began developing knee and leg pain in her early 30s. 

After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Carolyn and her husband felt a strong urge to be near family again. At the same time, Carolyn’s mother was developing health problems and was starting to need support. The time was right for them to move back to Ohio.  

Pain and problems worsen 

Back home in Ohio, Carolyn found herself spending more and more time at her mother’s house, cooking, cleaning and caring for her—and Carolyn’s knee issues simultaneously became worse.  

She tried several non-surgical treatments, from over-the-counter medications to steroid injections to assistive devices, like a cane or walker. But finally, the pain became so bad that she could barely walk. So, she moved forward and had joint replacement surgery on her left knee. 

Afterward, life was looking up—but then, something happened. 

“I fell and damaged the knee,” explains Carolyn. “It caused my legs to turn in when I walked, and I was in pain every day. But I needed to take care of my mother, so I just kept going. When I finally went to see Dr. Jackson, it was so bad he said, ‘I don’t even know how you can walk.’” 

At Genesis 

Corey Jackson, D.O, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon with the Genesis Orthopedic Group. He explains what he saw when he first met and evaluated Carolyn and viewed X-rays of her knees. 

“It was immediately obvious that the alignment of the replaced knee had shifted and that the knee replacement components had loosened from the bone. She also had arthritic changes in her right knee,” he says. “However, the more urgent issue was the failed knee replacement of the left knee, so we attacked it first.” 

In September 2020, Dr. Jackson removed the existing artificial joint and revised it to a new artificial knee. Carolyn explains she also had lost a lot of bone over time, so Dr. Jackson needed to perform a procedure to place a steel rod in the lower part of her leg. 

“I couldn’t believe it” 

The next and final surgery, a knee replacement for the right knee, was scheduled for February 2021. However, COVID-19 complicated these plans and Carolyn also was not able to find care for her mom while she would be treated and recover. Fortunately, by early March, she found the help she needed, so she had joint replacement surgery. 

“I couldn’t believe it. Within a week, I was walking without a cane or walker and not limping,” says Carolyn. “I am doing great. Right now, I would say I haven’t felt this good since I was in my 30s.” 

The latest technology, right here at home 

Dr. Jackson explains that the Genesis Orthopedic Services team provides compassionate, high-quality care and state-of-the-art technology. 

“We are now using a computer-navigation knee replacement system that assists with placing knees in as perfect alignment as possible,” explains Dr. Jackson.  

He goes on to explain that high-quality care, technology, plus the convenience and peace of mind that comes from being treated close to home, is often a winning combination when it comes to joint replacement and other orthopedic procedures. 

“People in our community have choices when it comes to orthopedic surgery,” explains Dr. Jackson. “And certainly, those choices include traveling to a larger city versus staying local. However, it’s important to know that we have expert surgeons right here with the skill and experience to address the majority of issues, even complex ones.”   

Words of wisdom from Carolyn 

Today, Carolyn continues to care for her mother and provide her with companionship. But now, she’s doing it without pain. 

“I’m not doing anything new,” she says. “But that’s okay. I’m just glad I’m walking every day with no pain. The doctors were great, and I would say the only regret I have is that I didn’t get treated sooner.”  

Genesis Orthopedic Services offers a full range of joint replacement procedures, many of which can be performed on the same day or with a single overnight in the hospital. For more information click HERE.

Carolyn tried several non-surgical treatments, from over-the-counter medications to steroid injections to assistive devices, like a cane or walker. But finally, the pain became so bad that she could barely walk. So, she moved forward and had joint replacement surgery on her left knee.

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LiveWell Patient Story: Bouncing Back to Health

Laura Walker eagerly made her first attempt jumping on a trampoline at age 29. Unfortunately, she tumbled out of control, severely injuring her knee. As a result, Laura spent two decades in agonizing pain.

Then a chance encounter and recommendation for Corey Jackson, D.O., changed her life. Dr. Jackson is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon with the Genesis Orthopedic Group.

Knee injury worsens

“It was my first time on a trampoline and my last time off,” Laura said. As years passed, arthritis aggravated the injury, and she suffered from an excruciating two-inch bone spur. Laura relied on her other knee for support, which eventually resulted in arthritis as well. Ultimately, the pain was too great for Laura to continue an 18-year career at a local restaurant in Cambridge, Ohio, her hometown. She is presently a contract driver for a local transport agency serving non-emergency medical patients.

“I learned to live with the pain,” said Laura, now in her late 40s. “I spoke with several surgeons who insisted I was too young for the surgery.” One day, Laura mentioned her situation to a transport patient experiencing similar symptoms. The patient enthusiastically recommended Dr. Jackson. “I called his office that day,” Laura said.

Dr. Jackson to the rescue

“Admittedly, Laura is much younger than most patients who require such an extensive surgery,” Dr. Jackson said. “The combination of the injury and time caused her to have a severely afflicted knee with severe osteoarthritis.”

Osteoarthritis is the most common reason for knee replacement surgery. Arthritis causes the cartilage to wear away, exposing the bone in the joint, resulting in extreme pain.

“Our technologically advanced knee surgery is a solution for patients suffering from osteoarthritis,” said Dr. Jackson. The total joint replacement surgery involves removing a small amount of the bone and resurfacing it so patients can be pain-free. “Total joint replacement surgery has proven to be an incredible medical breakthrough,” Dr. Jackson said.

Genesis offers the latest in technology to provide the best in joint replacement surgery regionally. “Our specially trained surgeons and advanced providers provide expertise for patients like Laura to get them back to enjoying life,” Dr. Jackson said. “Plus, our advanced minimally invasive technologies help patients recover faster.”

“I had confidence in Dr. Jackson,” Laura said. “He explained every part of the surgery and recovery clearly and made me feel at ease.”

Life-changing surgery

“The principle goal of this surgery is for patients to walk pain-free,” Dr. Jackson said. “Laura was in misery. She couldn’t
straighten her knee, and every step caused discomfort. Now she is pain-free.”

Laura appreciates Dr. Jackson’s compassionate care that enables her to walk, run and sleep at night without pain. “The knee replacement surgery has been life-changing. I am so fortunate that I found Dr. Jackson.”

Laura Walker severely injured her knee at age 29. She spent two decades in agonizing pain.

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Patient Chooses Same Surgeon for Left Knee as Right Knee

Rheumatoid Arthritis Knee Pain is Gone After Knee Replacement

It was a great holiday season for Laquita Triplett who played with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and left her walker far behind. “I’ve already been shopping a couple of times with my daughters in St. Clairsville, and I’m looking forward to getting outside more this summer,” she said.

Just a few months ago, Laquita could barely walk. She had bone-on-bone pain and needed a total knee replacement. “I was in such bad shape before I got my knee done, I got out of the habit of doing things I enjoy,” said the normally active 80-year-old woman.

Previously, Laquita was a patient of Corey Jackson, D.O., a Genesis orthopedic surgeon. At the time, Dr. Jackson practiced in Cambridge, Ohio, not too far from Batesville, Laquita’s home. “I treated Laquita years ago with a right knee replacement, then I moved out of the area,” Dr. Jackson said.

When bone-on-bone pain requires a knee replacement

Laquita began having problems in her other knee, along with rheumatoid arthritis. She wished Dr. Jackson was there to do her left knee, and then her wish came true. “I found out he was moving back to Zanesville, and I waited to get the surgery,” she said. “I think Dr. Jackson’s pretty special; he provides the best care.”

Shortly after Dr. Jackson joined Genesis and returned home, he was reunited with Laquita. She could barely get in and out of a chair, had to climb stairs one at a time and depended on a walker for balance.

Dr. Jackson did Laquita’s total knee replacement in October using Genesis’ revolutionary KneeAlign technology. The state-of-the-art joint alignment tools provides orthopedic surgeons with real-time data and reproducible result. “Laquita’s going up and down stairs now in a normal way,” Dr. Jackson said. “There is nothing more satisfying than to see patients walk out of my office after undergoing surgery when they required a walker at the initial meeting,” he said.

Making a full recovery after surgery

“It just turned out great,” Laquita said. “Dr. Jackson is an extraordinary surgeon.” She also had excellent care following surgery. “I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful group of people. You have no idea how great it is being able to walk again,” she said. “Before, I couldn’t go from point A to point B without my walker.”

Laquita would encourage anyone experiencing knee pain, rheumatoid arthritis or any similar condition to contact the orthopedic specialists at Genesis.

Dr. Jackson agrees. “We can easily find out how much treatment would help,” he said. “Often we can even restore some mobility function without surgery.” Patients are no longer hospital-bound for days following orthopedic surgery. For Laquita it was an overnight stay.

Laquita progressed quickly following surgery, even climbing the long stairs to her house easily when she arrived home. “If people could see these stairs, they wouldn’t have believed I could’ve done it,” Laquita said. Time only increased her mobility. “By Thanksgiving, I had big improvements,” she said. “I was pain-free.”

Laquita welcomed a house full of 26 guests during the holidays. “To be able to walk around with no pain is just incredible,” Laquita said. “It made my holidays much more joyful.”

Knee replacements last longer with alignment technology

Dr. Jackson uses this innovative smart device about the size of a large cell phone, called KneeAlign, to improve accuracy in total and partial knee replacement surgeries. Using smart technology, similar to GPS navigation, the device precisely maps out each patient’s alignment and anatomy. With the cutting-edge device, Dr. Jackson provides patients with customizable placement of their knee replacement components.

In comparison, traditional knee replacement surgeries use statistics and averages to determine where and at what angle to place the prosthetic knee components. With this technology, each patient’s “new knee” sits perfectly horizontal to the rotation of the knee, based on each patient’s unique anatomy.

Dr. Jackson is the only surgeon offering the KneeAlign technology in our region, which offers many benefits, including:

  • Increased accuracy
    Decreased surgery time
    Less blood loss
    Less pain
    Longer lasting knee replacements

If you are living with chronic knee pain, have been told that you need knee surgery or want to learn about this surgical technology, call (740) 586-6828.

Laquita Triplett Patient Story

Laquita had a total knee replacement at the Genesis Neuroscience & Orthopedic Center. After the procedure, she was pain free and able to climb stairs again.

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Orthopedic Surgeon Uses GPS to Improve Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacements last longer with precise alignment technology

At first, her knee didn’t bend correctly. Then pain began piercing her. Overtime, that pain grew more and more debilitating. After four years of hobbling through the hurt, Glenna Simon, 57-year-old Zanesville resident, could no longer carry her groceries from her car to her home. She couldn’t make it down the stairs to do her laundry. Her quality of life dramatically decreased, while her constant pain continued to increase. It was time for a change. It was time for a new knee.

When cortisone shots and gel injections stop working

“I couldn’t put any weight on that knee and it refrained me from doing a lot of activities – it was a damper on my lifestyle,” Glenna said.

Prior to her total knee replacement surgery, Glenna sought relief from cortisone shots and a series of gel injections, to no avail. When she made the decision to have surgery, a physician referred her to Corey Jackson, D.O., orthopedic surgeon with the Genesis Orthopedic Group.

Choosing the right orthopedic surgeon for knee replacement

“Dr. Jackson was kind and understanding, and he took the time to explain everything to me,” Glenna said. “He told me, ‘We’re going to get through this.’ I loved how he was down-to-earth and easy to speak with. I decided this was the doctor for me – and I’m so glad I did.”

Being close to home, the office visits were convenient for Glenna. Dr. Jackson obtained standing X-rays of Glenna’s knee and diagnosed her with severe end-stage osteoarthritis, caused by wear and tear over time.

“When a knee gets to that point, there’s not much that can be done except a total knee arthroplasty procedure – a knee replacement,” Dr. Jackson said. “The good news is, we use cutting-edge technology to give our patients the most accurate placement of their knee prosthetics, and the prosthetics themselves have evolved tremendously during the past decade.”

Using smart technology for precise knee joint placement

Dr. Jackson is the only surgeon offering the KneeAlign® technology in our region. KneeAlign applies smart technology, like GPS navigation, to precisely map out each patient’s alignment and anatomy. With the device, Dr. Jackson provides patients with customizable positioning of their knee replacement components.

“We know knee replacements last longer if they’re aligned correctly with a patient’s anatomy,” Dr. Jackson explained. “KneeAlign provides precision every time. With the technology, I know for sure that the knees have perfect alignment – giving my patients the best knee replacement available.”

Praised amongst orthopedic surgeons nationwide, KneeAlign offers many benefits, including:

  • Increased accuracy
    Decreased surgery time
    Less blood loss
    Less pain
    Longer lasting knee replacements

Rehabilitation therapy is important after knee surgery

Glenna’s total knee replacement surgery took place in mid-November. She spent two days at Genesis Hospital before returning home for further healing. Within two weeks of the procedure, she bid her walker goodbye and graduated to a cane. She also underwent rehabilitation therapy at home before beginning a three-times-a-week outpatient rehab regiment at Genesis Center for Occupational and Outpatient Rehabilitation.

“The rehabilitation therapy is intense, but you have to be consistent with it for it to work for you,” Glenna said. “It’s definitely worth it to be out of pain and to get my life back.”

On average, it takes about six months for a full recovery, so Glenna’s not tackling stairs yet, but she says she sees the light at the end of the tunnel, and she’s walking toward it – without pain.

“Our goals with total knee replacement surgery are to help our patients become pain-free and have increased function. We want them to get their lives back,” Dr. Jackson said.

Dealing with joint pain? Glenna offers her advice

“I know it’s a hard decision to make when you know what you have to go through. It was hard for me to make that decision, too,” said Glenna. “But if you really want relief and want to do things you’re unable to do now, I suggest having the surgery and getting it done as soon as possible. Why put yourself through the pain of just dealing with a bad knee when you can get back to enjoying life again?”

Glenna Simon Patient Story

Knee replacements last longer with KneeAlign technology, a surgical option available for patients, like Glenna Simon, at Genesis.

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Landing In the Right Hands

Hand Surgeon Helps Local Man Enjoy Hobby

In June 2020, about 11:30 p.m., 68-year-old Bill Howard was in his basement working on his remote-control airplane.

"I accidentally bumped the switch that turns on the motor. That instantly turned on the propeller - which cut my finger," explained Bill. "I've cut myself lots of times before, but when I looked at this, I knew something wasn't right."

Another concern was the fact that Bill was on a blood-thinning medication. This meant there was more bleeding than normal, since blood thinners are designed to stop blood from clotting.

Wisely, Bill went to the Genesis Emergency Department (ED) right away. The ED team closed the wound with several stitches but arranged for Bill to meet the next day with Genesis orthopedic hand surgeon Clayton Gibson, M.D., fellowship-trained for the specialized care Bill needed

Tendon Repair Recommended

Having a knowledgeable, experienced specialist recommend the best treatment option for a hand injury is important and can make a big difference in a patient’s outcome.

Dr. Gibson is fellowship-trained and board-certified in general orthopedics as well as surgery of the hand. For decades Dr. Gibson has helped thousands of patients with hand-specific conditions and pain.

At his office, closer examination of Bill’s injured left index finger revealed that some bone had been chipped. There were also cuts through portions of his extensor tendon, which is a cord-like structure that connects muscle to bone and runs along the back of the hand.

Dr. Gibson determined that surgery would be needed to bring back normal range of motion and function to the tendon, specifically a surgical procedure called tendon repair.

“We use surgery as infrequently as possible and always consider nonsurgical options first,” said Dr. Gibson. “However, in this case, it was pretty clear that surgery was needed.”

Dr. Gibson performed the tendon repair procedure for Bill. After the procedure, Bill went home wearing a small splint.

Better Every Day

Several weeks later, Bill began therapy with Genesis Rehabilitation Services therapists to help ensure the injury would heal properly. Genesis has a certified hand therapist, one of only a few in the southeast Ohio region. “I stay in touch with the therapists about patients’ rehabilitation, and I find it is helpful for everyone,” Dr. Gibson said.

The hand therapist, physician assistant and other Rehabilitation Services team members help patients like Bill reestablish range of motion and increase strength by performing certain movements and exercises.

“I was going in for rehab more often at first, but now I’m down to every other week,” said Bill. “They give me diagrams of exercises to do at home, too.”

Ready for Takeoff

During the day, Bill has been able to return to his part-time job as a driver for a senior living facility, transporting residents to and from medical and other appointments. Bill is also pleased knowing his injury won’t prevent him from to returning to his hobby. Since 1994, he’s enjoyed working on and flying remote-control airplanes.

“I’m a member of ZARKS – the Zanesville Area Remote Kontrol Society. We fly nearly every weekend, except in the winter, and have our own field. I went out yesterday with my 14-year-old grandson,” Bill said.

Coincidentally, Dr. Gibson also enjoys flying remote control planes – and admits his own finger has gotten stuck in a propeller before, although he was not injured like Bill.

“Just a momentary distraction can cause a hand injury,” said Dr. Gibson. “Never take the guards off when working with equipment. We also see a lot of hand and finger injuries that happen in the kitchen, like when someone tries to separate frozen hamburger patties using a sharp knife. Prevention and paying attention to all the safety guidelines are key to avoiding hand injuries.”

Bill Howard Patient Story

When Bill Howard severed a tendon in his finger, he was glad to get surgery by Clayton Gibson, M.D., a fellowship-trained orthopedic hand surgeon. Now Bill is back to enjoying his favorite hobby.

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