(Quiz) Is your home contagious?

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Home is a refuge to feel safe and comfortable. However, it is easy to overlook cleaning certain items often enough to keep your home safe. Learn more by taking our quiz below.



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Home is a refuge to feel safe and comfortable. However, it is easy to overlook cleaning certain items often enough to keep your home safe.

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Protect loved ones from COVID-19

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Getting vaccinated is vital for your health. However, did you know that even if you are vaccinated, you can still get and spread the COVID-19 virus without knowing it? It remains vital to take precautions to keep everyone healthy, especially those at high risk for getting COVID-19.

“The most important thing you can do is get vaccinated. You should also talk to your doctor as more data is compiled and follow recommendations on booster shots. In addition, please continue to wear a mask when indoors or in close quarters, wash your hands frequently and social distance,”

said Nouman Farooq, M.D., Fellowship-trained and Board-certified Infectious Disease Specialist at the Genesis Infectious Disease Clinic.

Genesis HealthCare System offers scheduled vaccine appointments at several primary care provider offices and walk-in vaccinations at multiple Northside Pharmacies.

For the latest news about COVID-19 and a list of where you can receive the vaccine, visit genesishcs.org/vaccine.


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Getting vaccinated is vital for your health. However, did you know that even if you are vaccinated, you can still get and spread the COVID-19 virus without knowing it?

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After-school dinner on the go

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Your daughter is at cross-country practice until 5:30 p.m. Your son has a soccer game at 6 p.m. When you get home, you need to wash laundry if you don’t want your house to smell like a locker room.

It will be late, and everybody will be hungry. Actually, starving if you listen to your children. The easy thing to do is stop at the drive-thru for their favorite combo meal or order a pizza. However, frequently eating out can create unhealthy eating habits. Teenage athletes often burn through excess calories, but as they age and slow down, those habits will stay with them, and it can eventually lead to weight gain, heart disease and diabetes.

You know how important nutrition is, especially to teenagers, and even more so for teenage athletes. So, plan and prepare meals with various healthy foods to eat on the go and when they get home.

To make it easy for everyone, place each meal in a separate safe-togo package. Then on the way out the door, everyone can grab their lunch, dinner, or snack to avoid getting hangry.

For athletes, include food high in calcium and iron. The calcium will support strong bones and help avoid fractures while they are running, jumping and falling. Iron found in lean meat, fish, chicken and leafy green vegetables will carry oxygen to the muscles.

Also, include protein for muscle growth and carbohydrates to give them energy. It’s tempting to slip a candy bar or soda into a meal to make children happy but avoid adding sweets so they can prevent the crash that comes after consuming sugar.

“Eating healthy during busy sports seasons takes planning. If you do, you’ll help your family in the long run by helping them avoid illness and lessen their chances of injuries. You’ll also get to see them perform at their top level,” said Anastasia Gevas, D.O., Genesis Primary Care.

You know how important nutrition is, especially to teenagers, and even more so for teenage athletes. So, plan and prepare meals with
various healthy foods to eat on the go and when they get home.

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Tips to prevent children's sports injuries

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

While you can’t protect your young athlete from every injury, you can try to minimize the risk with a few basic steps.

When you’re the parent of an active child, you know that injuries are a part of the game. While you can’t protect your young athlete from every injury, you can try to minimize the risk with a few basic steps.

“It’s important to begin by making sure your child can participate in sports. We recommend children have a sports physical before they start – even if they’re younger than junior high age,” said Thai Trinh, M.D., fellowship-trained and board-certified orthopedic sports medicine surgeon, Genesis Orthopedic Sports Medicine. “If your child has an illness or problem with lungs, heart, vision, hearing, strength or movement, we can tell you how you can manage the problem so your child may still be able to be active.”

Reduce common injuries

Most sport-related injuries are from impact, overuse or poor body mechanics. To reduce your child’s risk of injury, you can:
• Always use the right safety gear. Learn about the proper fit of that gear. Replace it as your child grows.
• Make sure your child learns proper form and technique from a class, trained coach or athletic trainer.
• Teach your child to take pain and tiredness seriously and not ignore or “play through” it.

Avoid high-risk activities

Some activities are so high-risk that child health experts warn strongly against them. These include boxing, driving or riding on motorized bikes and vehicles and using trampolines. Even with constant adult supervision and protective netting, many children are injured on them.

Wear safety gear

Safety gear helps protect your child. Before your child starts a new activity, get the right safety gear and teach your child how to use it. Depending on the sport or activity, your child may need these items:
• Helmets help protect against injury to the skull. Brain damage is still possible even when a helmet is worn. Use a helmet for any activity that can cause a fall or an impact to the neck or head, such as bike riding, football, baseball, ATV riding or skateboarding.
• Shoes help protect feet from injury. Sandals or flip-flops are not safe for bike riding. Some sports require special shoes for support and safety.
• Mouthguards help prevent mouth and dental injuries. Use a mouth guard for sports such as basketball, football, wrestling, martial arts, gymnastics, baseball and soccer.

Prevent dehydration and heat-related illness

When your child is active and not drinking enough fluids, dehydration is a risk. The muscles get tired quickly, and your child may have leg cramps while walking or running. Playing hard and sweating without drinking fluids can cause dehydration and overheating. To prevent dehydration, teach your child to:
• Do activities during the coolest times of the day.
• Drink water throughout the day, every day.
• Drink extra water before, during and after exercise.
• Take breaks and drink at least every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise.
• Stop and rest if dizzy, lightheaded or very tired.
• Wear clothes that help cool the body.
• Water is the best choice for children and teens. A sports drink may be helpful if your child has exercised intensively or for a long time.

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Lighten the load

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

A roomy backpack may seem like a good idea, but the more space there is to fill, the more likely your child will fill it. When it comes time to buy a backpack and load it with school supplies, you might want to keep a few of these tips in mind:


Comfortable to wear and carry:

Wide, padded shoulder straps provide the most comfort. Make sure your child uses both straps when carrying the backpack—using one strap shifts the weight to one side and causes muscle pain and posture problems.

Sized correctly for kids:

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a child not carry more than 15% to 20% of his or her weight. Instead of guessing, use your scale to weigh the loaded pack. Also, a backpack should not be wider than your child’s torso or hang more than 4 inches below the waist.

Offers good organization:

Compartments in the backpack are an excellent way to distribute weight evenly. Pack the heaviest items closest to the back. “One way to avoid muscle strain and back pain is to use a backpack correctly,” said Nathaniel Amor, D.O., board-certified neurosurgeon, Genesis Neurosurgery Group. “If your child leans forward with the backpack on, it’s too heavy.” An alternative to strapping on a backpack is pulling a bag on wheels. If you’re uncomfortable with the heavy load in your student’s backpack, check with your local school to see if wheeled bags are allowed.

When it comes time to buy a backpack and load it with school supplies, you might want to keep a few of these tips in mind.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Answers for Women and Mothers

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

In the latest issue of LiveWell Kristy Ritchie, M.D. from the Genesis OB/GYN Group and Genesis Primary Care provider Kevin Frank, M.D. answer your questions about the COVID-19 vaccines:

Q: Should you get the vaccine if you are thinking about getting pregnant?

A: Definitely. Pregnant women who get COVID-19 are at a higher risk for hospitalization, breathing problems and more. Getting COVID-19 while pregnant also increases the risk for babies to be born early and other health problems.

Q: If you are pregnant, should you get the COVID-19 vaccine?

A: Ongoing data demonstrates the vaccine is safe for pregnant women and unborn children. However, pregnant women should discuss the vaccine with their obstetrician.

Q: Should breastfeeding mothers get the COVID-19 vaccine?

A: Generally, yes. The vaccine will help protect the mother and her infant if she is breastfeeding. This is also a conversation mothers should have with their healthcare provider.

Q: Does the COVID-19 vaccine impact your ability to conceive in the future?

A: The vaccine does not affect the ability to get pregnant or to have a healthy child. As with all pregnancies, it’s best to be as healthy as possible, including getting all appropriate vaccines.

Q: Should children 12 years and older get the COVID-19 vaccine?

A: Everyone who is eligible should get the vaccine. Wearing a mask, washing hands and social distancing has slowed the spread of COVID-19 but cannot stop it. The fastest way to return to normal is for everyone who is able and eligible to get the vaccine.

Q: How safe is the COVID-19 vaccine for children 12 and up?

A: The Food and Drug Administration has approved the Pfizer vaccine for individuals 16 and up. The Food and Drug Administration has authorized the Pfizer vaccine for children 12 and up for emergency use. The vaccine was also previously approved and used for children 12 years of age and up in Canada.

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Dr. Ritchie and Dr. Frank answer your questions about the COVID-19 vaccines.

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LiveWell Publication recent issues

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LiveWell is a magazine from Genesis that is mailed to members of our communities quarterly.

It features stories to help you understand how we are working harder and faster every day to provide compassionate, quality care to you and your family.

You’ll read about patients' experiences at Genesis, the latest advancements in technology, and the steps we’re taking to be your first choice for health care. You’ll also meet our newest physicians who’ve joined the Genesis medical staff.

This publication is a great way to keep up with everything happening at Genesis.

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  • Learn how our first COVID-19 patients are doing.
  • Check out community members helping prevent the spread of COVID-19.






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