Skin care for kids

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Since the end of 2023, there has been a craze for cosmetic products. The products range from makeup to skin care. Younger generations are heavily influenced by social media and often want what everyone else has. They might not know and need to be careful of how harmful some of these products can be to their skin.   

“Less is more when it comes to skin care,” states the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). “Using too many products, especially multiple anti-aging products, can irritate your skin. Instead, focus on the basics, such as a gentle cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizer. Establish and stick with morning and nighttime skin care routines that work well for your skin.”  

The AAD also recommends these seven tips to maintain healthy skin:  

  1. Wear sunscreen daily    

  2. Stay out of tanning beds   

  3. Simplify your skin care routine   

  4. Choose skin care products formulated for your skin type   

    1. Sensitive skin: May sting or burn after product use  

    2. Normal skin: Clear and not sensitive   

    3. Dry skin: Flaky, itchy or rough  

    4. Combination skin: Dry in some areas and oily in others   

    5. Oily skin: Shiny and greasy   

  5. Treat your lips   

  6. Keep your hands off your face   

  7. Check your skin regularly  

These tips and tricks are for everyone, not just kids or teens. We might not know or think about it often, but our skin is the largest organ in our body. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, it is important to keep our skin healthy because it helps prevent us from getting sick or damaging our bones, muscles and internal organs.   


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Skin care for kids

The AAD recommends these seven tips to maintain healthy skin.

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Beauty on a budget

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Who says beauty needs to break the bank? Here are some fun and easy beauty tips that can positively impact your health.   

  1. Multipurpose products: Opt for skincare products with multiple benefits, like moisturizers and SPF. Not only do they save your time, but they also protect your skin from sun damage, reducing the risk of skin cancer and premature aging.   

  2. Nourish your body: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins can work wonders for your skin and hair. According to the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the minerals and antioxidants in fruits and vegetables help your body fight harmful substances, reduce swelling and keep the skin barrier strong.  

  3. Beauty sleep isn't a myth—it's real: Quality sleep allows your skin to repair and rejuvenate, reducing the appearance of dark circles and puffiness.   

  4. Sweat it out, glow it up: Exercise isn't just for muscles. It's a skin-deep secret, too. Regular exercise boosts blood flow and nourishes skin, giving it a healthy glow.   

  5. Smile, your best beauty trick: A smile is your best accessory—it is simple, free and radiates positivity. Smiling enhances beauty and has numerous health benefits, like reducing stress and boosting mood. According to the National Library of Medicine, a genuine smile makes people feel good, leads to positive social outcomes and enhances learning.   

Beauty doesn't have to break the bank. These tips show that beauty is not just skin deep. It is about embracing a healthy lifestyle and feeling confident in your skin. So, the next time you think about splurging on expensive products, remember that the best beauty secret is taking care of yourself inside and out. After all, true beauty shines from within. 


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

beauty on a budget

Who says beauty needs to break the bank? Here are some fun and easy beauty tips that can positively impact your health.   

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The best-kept secret for anti-aging is already in your cabinet

Submitted by emily.griffin on

From serums to surgery, there is a huge industry dedicated to anti-aging skincare. However, one of the easiest and most affordable ways to prevent your skin from appearing wrinkled may already be in your home – sunscreen. 

Really? Sunscreen?

Yes, really. You already know sunscreen can significantly decrease your risk of skin cancers and skin damage from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. Sunscreen also offers anti-aging benefits to our skin. According to a study from the National Library of Medicine, sunscreen can prevent premature skin aging caused by ultraviolet radiation, including wrinkles, telangiectasia and pigmentary alterations. 

There are more options for sunscreen than ever

Don’t worry – if the idea of putting on goopy, white sunscreen or sticky spray sunscreen every day makes you shudder, many other options are just as effective. 

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, many sunscreens now blur the line between skincare and sunscreen, offering different formulas that are more lightweight on the skin or pull double duty and offer additional benefits to your skin. 

When you’re choosing a sunscreen, the American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends choosing one with at least 30 SPF and broad spectrum protection (protects against UVA and UVB rays). If you have questions about a particular sunscreen or if it will be effective, talk to your primary care provider. 

So next time you decide to skip sunscreen because your sunburn won’t be “that bad” or “it’s not even that hot out,” remember these benefits to your skin. You might discover you’re a bigger fan of sunscreen than you thought. 


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

The best-kept secret for anti-aging is already in your cabinet

From serums to surgery, there is a huge industry dedicated to anti-aging skincare.

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Quiz: Are you applying your perfume safely and correctly?

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Whether you’re hanging around your house or heading out to a special event, spritzing on your favorite body spray or perfume can be a key step in feeling your best. 


Take the quiz below to find out if you’re a perfume pro or if you need a little help making sure your scent lasts all day. 



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Quiz: Are you applying your perfume safely and correctly?

Take the quiz below to find out if you’re a perfume pro or if you need a little help making sure your scent lasts all day. 

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4 tips for caring for your facial hair

Submitted by emily.griffin on

For many, growing a mustache or beard is a crucial part of your look and style. However, if your facial hair isn’t cared for, you can develop issues like ingrown hairs, dandruff and acne. Here are five quick tips to ensure your beard, mustache, or goatee is well-groomed, and your skin stays healthy. 


1. Wash your facial hair and face every day. 

Don’t forget to moisturize your skin and facial hair. Use circular motions to massage your cleanser into your skin and facial hair. Then rinse and gently dry your face. 


2. Prone to ingrown hairs in your stubble? Make sure to exfoliate. 

If you’re prone to ingrown hairs, exfoliating is a great way to prevent these until your facial hair grows back in. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a gentle exfoliating scrub 1-2 times per week. Make sure to moisturize immediately afterward. 


3. Take care when grooming 

Make sure your facial hair looks its best by creating a grooming routine that is right for you. Apply beard oil or moisturizer to detangle and style your beard or mustache. Make sure to trim your facial hair as needed with shaving oil or cream. 


4. Avoid touching your facial hair

It’s tough to resist, but touching your beard can spread bacteria and dirt from your hands to your face, which could lead to skin problems. 


If you have questions or concerns about the health of your skin or facial hair, talk to your primary care provider or dermatologist. 


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

4 tips for caring for your facial hair

Here are five quick tips to ensure your beard, mustache, or goatee is well-groomed, and your skin stays healthy. 

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Choosing the right moisturizer for you

Submitted by emily.griffin on

One of the most important steps in your skincare routine is moisturizer. A good moisturizer can help prevent dry skin and keep your skin healthy and soft. There are a variety of different moisturizers available that serve different purposes. If you choose one that isn’t right for you, it can leave your skin as dry as before or just plain greasy. If this sounds like you, don’t worry. By making a few simple tweaks, you can make your moisturizer work for you. 


Choose which moisturizer is best for your skin type 

If you find yourself panicking in the skincare aisle at your local drugstore and grabbing the first thing that looks like it might work, you’re not alone. With so many options, it can be challenging to figure out what you need. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, here are some common types of moisturizers and which skin types they may work best for:  

  • Gel: Often water-based and tends to feel lighter on the skin than a lotion. This option is best for people with oily skin.

  • Cream: Thicker and has higher oil content than a lotion and gel, making it more hydrating. This option is best for people with dry skin and people older than age 50. 

  • Ointment: The thickest of all, making it the most effective in remedying dry skin. This option is best for people with very dry skin. 


Switch it up if it isn’t working 

Now that you have your new moisturizer, how do you know it’s working? Watch for these signs when trying a new moisturizer: 

  • If your skin is irritated, burning or discolored, stop using your moisturizer and try a different one. 

  • If your skin is smooth, hydrated and feels comfortable, keep using it. Over time, if you notice your skin clearing up, this is a sign that your moisturizer is working.  


Have chronically dry or oily skin? Check with your primary care physician or dermatologist to determine the right fit for you. 


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

choosing the right moisturizer for you

One of the most important steps in your skincare routine is moisturizer. A good moisturizer can help prevent dry skin and keep your skin healthy and soft.

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3 heatless hairstyles

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Styling your hair with hot tools every day is time-consuming and bad for your hair. According to a study in the National Center for Biotechnology Center, heat damage happens when you use excessive heat on your hair for extended periods of time. Using a curling iron or straightener multiple times a week can cause your lovely locks to break and become dry. To combat frizzy, lifeless hair, try these other methods of styling.  


1. Heatless curls 

Curls without the heat sound like the best of both worlds. It’s not as hard as you might think. There are lots of different methods to try. You can get creative with what you have at home, like a pair of leggings or socks. By wrapping damp hair over the material and sleeping in it to let your hair dry overnight, you can wake up with luscious curls. You can purchase heatless curling rod headbands and do the same thing. Lots of tutorials are available online. With a little trial and error, you can wake up with styled hair. This will let you hit the snooze button a couple more times in the morning and save your hair.  


2. Braids or twists 

Braids and twists can take practice, but the results certainly make it worthwhile. A simple braid can create both a sophisticated and a relaxed look. If you’re not one for wearing your hair in this kind of style, try braiding your hair at night and sleeping in it. In the morning, take the braids out and comb through them for a wavy style.  


3. Hair accessories 

Headbands, berets, clips and more have been used to add a little touch to hairstyles for centuries. In fact, there are depictions of ancient Egyptians wearing hair accessories. Adding a headband can keep your hair out of your face in a stylish way. Claw clips and butterfly clips from the 90s are back on the rise in fashion.  


The next time you go to reach for a hot styling tool, think about trying one of these options instead. Your hair will thank you.  


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

no heat hairstyles

Using a curling iron or straightener multiple times a week can cause your lovely locks to break and become dry. To combat frizzy, lifeless hair, try these other methods of styling.  

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Green skin from jewelry: What is it?

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Picture this: You’ve just bought a beautiful new piece of jewelry. You spend the day admiring your ring, necklace or earrings, but when you remove it at the end of the day, you let out a loud groan. Your skin is now a strange green color. We’ve all been there. When your jewelry stains your skin green, it is at best, annoying, and at worst, embarrassing. It’s a common occurrence, but why does it happen? Read on to learn more about this phenomenon.  



Why is my skin green? Is it dangerous? 


Your skin turns because of a chemical reaction from the metal in your jewelry and the sweat on your skin. It can also be caused by your lotion or soap as well. According to Nebraska Medicine, it’s not dangerous, so don’t worry. 



What kind of jewelry will turn my skin green? 


We’re often told that “cheap” jewelry is the culprit of the green discoloration. The truth is that the price point of your gems isn’t the real issue. Typically, green skin from jewelry is caused by copper. Whether your jewelry is completely copper, or just has copper mixed in the metals, it can react with your sweat, lotion or soap and leave your skin green. Copper isn’t always to blame though. Certain silver jewelry can also have this effect. 



How can I get rid of it? 


Typically, you can remove the discoloration with soap and water. If that doesn’t seem to work, you can use alcohol remover. 



Is there a way to prevent it? 


You can opt for jewelry that doesn’t have copper in it. Another trick is to cover the offending jewelry with clear nail polish. This will create a barrier between the metal and your skin and prevent any unwanted interactions, keeping your skin stain-free.  


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Green skin from jewelry: What is it?

When your jewelry stains your skin green, it is at best, annoying, and at worst, embarrassing. It’s a common occurrence, but why does it happen? Read on to learn more about this phenomenon.  

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5 hair care tips to add to your routine

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Struggling with dry, damaged hair? The root of your problem may grow from your haircare habits. Whether you have coily, wavy, curly or straight hair, there are things you can add to your weekly routine to keep your hair healthy and shining. 



washing hair in shower

No matter how often you wash your hair, the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) says you should always pair your shampoo with conditioner. Conditioners can improve the look of dry, damaged hair and protect it against static electricity and UV rays. Conditioner should only be used on the tips of hair.  


Avoid heat

woman holding straightener with distressed look

Products that produce heat, like curling irons and straighteners, cause damage to your hair. Instead of using these products every day, opt for a couple of times a week. When you do use them, be sure to turn to the lower heat setting and use a heat protectant spray. 


Oil massage

coconut oil

Massaging oil, particularly coconut oil, in your hair once a week provides many benefits. A 2015 study published in the National Library of Medicine shows that oiling your hair can help prevent breakage. For more tips on how to use coconut oil on your hair, read this blog. 


Wear a hat in the sun

woman wearing a hat

We know how important it is to protect our skin from the sun, but we should protect our hair too. Wearing a hat in the sun protects our hair from getting dry and damaged.  


Wear your hair down 

5 hair care tips to add to your routine

When you can, opt to let your hair down. Constantly pulling it up in buns and ponytails can cause damage to your hair follicles. Over time, AAD says this can lead to hair loss. Keep your hair a cut above with these tips. 


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

5 hair care tips to add to your routine

Struggling with dry, damaged hair? The root of your problem may grow from your haircare habits. Whether you have coily, wavy, curly or straight hair, there are things you can add to your weekly routine to keep your hair healthy and shining. 

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Back to the basics of beauty

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Once upon a time, people used ingredients from plants, flowers, herbs, trees and even critters to make oils and lotions to help clean, soothe or enhance a part of their body. 

According to Forbes, what started with hunter-gatherers 5,000 years ago is a worldwide business worth more than $532 billion annually. 

There are rows and rows of beauty products in most stores. There are stores that sell only beauty products. Still, some people prefer to gather or plant or buy natural materials and mix them.


Who are these natural beauties?

  • Some simply refuse to shell out hard-earned dollars on costly beauty products 

  • Some are opposed to animal testing, ingredients and manufacturing processes that may not be good for the environment

  • Some are concerned about the effect(s) of chemicals in beauty products on their bodies

  • Others simply like to mix and make things, for example, choosing their scent


DIY favorites

Here are some favorite ingredients:


A mashed avocado mixed with a bit of water makes an excellent mask. Avocadoes contain antioxidants and are high in amino acids, which are great for reducing the signs of aging.

Organic yogurt and oatmeal

Organic yogurt contains lactic acid, which moisturizes and exfoliates the skin. Oatmeal is full of beta-glucans, which smooth and tighten the skin when applied as a facial mask. Mix and smooth them over the face, rinsing with warm water after 5 minutes. The skin beneath will be soft, refreshed and glowing.


Though mainly used in curry, this spice is great for killing bacteria that cause acne and reducing excess oils produced in the skin. A simple paste made of turmeric and water is an excellent spot treatment for blemishes.


Bananas are natural moisturizers that can be mashed and used alone or mixed with sour cream and honey to make a soothing facial mask. Treat dry hair with a mix of banana and avocado. Apply it to damp hair and leave it on for 30 minutes.

Coconut milk and coconut oil

Coconut milk is very effective in hydrating dry, dull hair. Mix half a cup with one medium-sized crushed avocado and massage evenly through dry hair. Leave it in for 20-30 minutes before washing it out. Many people use coconut oil for dental hygiene. 

For those looking for natural and healthy products to add to beauty treatments, your pantry may never look the same again.


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Beauty Basics

For those looking for natural and healthy products to add to beauty treatments, your pantry may never look the same again.

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