Preventing Swimmer's Ear: Keeping your ears healthy while swimming

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

(Slideshow) Check out these tips to help keep your ears healthy while swimming this summer.

swimmers ear

Dry your ears after swimming: You can drain the water out of the ear by tipping the head and repeat on the other side. If necessary, you can carefully use a hairdryer set on the coolest setting and hold 12 inches away from your ear.

swimmers ear

Maintain a healthy amount of ear wax: Ear wax has a natural germ-fighting agent that protects the delicate skin in the ears. Some ear wax is healthy, and it plays an important role in preventing infections.

swimmers ear

Be gentle to the skin in your ear canal: You should avoid scratching or vigorous cleaning with cotton swabs or other objects that can cause small tears and damage the skin around your ear canal.

swimmers ear

Swim smart: Swimmers should avoid swimming if water has a high bacterial count.

swimmers ear

Be prepared: Have an over-the-counter ear drying solution on hand to help keep ears dry after swimming. They are available at most local drugstores.

swimmers ear

Talk to your doctor before swimming: If you’ve had an ear infection or surgery, play it safe and discuss with your doctor.

swimmers ear

Contact your doctor: If you have pain, fever or mild signs or symptoms of swimmer's ear, contact your doctor.


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Check out these tips to help keep your ears healthy while swimming this summer.

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Quiz: Better Health Starts Before You Pack Your Bags

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Are your work deadlines getting shorter? Did you sign your kids up for too many activities? Start too many home improvement projects?  

Feeling overwhelmed?!  

Of course, you are. Many of us try to do too much and end up stressed, which can lead to unhappiness and other severe health problems. 

The solution? Well, there is no one perfect solution, but a vacation might be a great place to start. Take our quiz to learn more. 


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Many of us try to do too much and end up stressed, which can lead to unhappiness and other severe health problems. The solution? Well, there is no one perfect solution, but a vacation might be a great place to start. Take our quiz to learn more. 

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Renegotiating the Relationship: You and Your Phone

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Do you love your smartphone? Don’t laugh. You probably do. Most of us do. 
On the flip side, there may be times that you loathe it. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar: 

  • You feel a sense of panic when you can’t find your phone 

  • Areas without cell service turn you into an anxious mess 

  • When your battery gets low, you race to your charger to avoid any interruption in your online access 

  • You can’t resist checking if you were “liked,” “friended” or got a reply to a text you sent five seconds ago—and then you refresh and check again 

If you’re feeling a little too dependent on your phone—or suspect your phone is having a negative effect on the way you feel or how you deal with others—these frequently asked questions about phone addiction may open your eyes to a very real problem (hint: your phone) that may literally be staring you in the face.  


Is phone addiction a real thing? 

Yes. Constant, undisciplined phone use can negatively affect mental, social, developmental and physical well-being and can cause symptoms similar to other forms of addiction. Before clicking a button or sending another emoji, ask yourself—is this really the best use of my time? 

What are the symptoms of phone addiction? 

The symptoms may include irritability and anger, restlessness, sleep issues, lack of concentration and uncontrollable desire to check your phone. If you’re feeling any of these, that shiny rectangle in your pocket may be to blame. 


Who is most susceptible to phone addiction? 

If you guessed teens, you’re absolutely right. Because teen brains are still developing, they are less able to recognize when they're becoming addicted. If you have a teen, why not talk to them about phone usage, social media and related issues, and ask them to read these questions, too? Then make a plan so you can help each other reduce your phone usage. 


How can being dependent on your phone cause problems in your life? 

While “disappearing” into the online world of your phone may seem like shelter from the outside world, this type of comfort can actually make the boredom, depression and loneliness you are experiencing worse. Make a choice to live in the real world, not the digital one. 


Are there ways that I can determine if my phone use is problematic? 

If you’re finding that you’re preoccupied with cellphone use during other activities, if you turn to your phone for shelter from unwanted feelings or your sense of time is completely altered, your cellphone usage may be becoming a problem. 


What can I do to make my phone usage healthier? 

The good news is, you’re still in control. So, make a choice to regain control and vow not to be addicted to your phone. Here are some tips to get you going in the right direction: Put your phone away or turn it off during mealtimes. Install apps that limit your usage or give you reminders to turn off your phone. Don’t keep your phone in your bedroom, so it’s easier to sleep. Everyone is different, so identify your weak areas and build new habits that keep you away from your phone more often. 



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

If you’re feeling a little too dependent on your phone—or suspect your phone is having a negative effect on the way you feel or how you deal with others—these frequently asked questions about phone addiction may open your eyes to a very real problem.

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Tattoos and body piercing: Is it safe? FAQs

Submitted by Jeff.Mills on

Body art is a growing trend among all age groups. While ear piercing has been a staple accessory for decades, piercings on other parts of the body are also growing in popularity. Both have become more socially acceptable. You might be thinking about jumping on board and getting a tattoo or piercing. Here are some questions and answers you should consider to ensure you make the right – and safe – decision.

Q: How will I know if a body art studio is clean?
A: The entire shop, including the bathroom, should be clean. If you have any concerns, look for a different studio.

Q: Is there a procedure manual of written standards? 
A: Reputable studios will have a procedure manual of written standards for sterilization among other safety protocols. Ask to see it. 

Q: What type of sterilization procedures does the shop follow?
A: An autoclave is the best way to sterilize reusable equipment. An autoclave is a machine that sterilizes using heat. Reusable equipment should be sterilized and stored in sterile bags. The date of sterilization should be clearly visible on the bags.

Q: How are instruments that cannot be sterilized handled?
A: Make sure that instruments or supplies that can’t be sterilized using an autoclave are disinfected after every use with a commercial disinfectant or bleach solution.

Q: Are sterile needles used for piercing?
A: Needles should be stored in sterilized packages, only used once, and disposed of in safety containers.

Q: Does the person doing the tattoo or piercing wear gloves?
A: A fresh pair of gloves should be used for each procedure. Make sure the operator washes his or her hands before putting on the gloves. Ask the operator to change his or her gloves if he or she answers the telephone or does anything else during your procedure.

Q: Is a piercing gun used to do the procedure?
A: Do not have any kind of piercing done with a piercing gun. These instruments increase your risk of infection because they cannot be sterilized between procedures.

Q: What kind of jewelry is used for the piercing?
A: Only use nonallergenic jewelry.
•    Surgical stainless steel, gold, platinum, niobium and titanium are the only types of jewelry you should use in a new piercing.
•    Do not use nickel or brass-plated jewelry. 
•    Choose jewelry that has not been used or worn or that has been sterilized in an autoclave.

Although the piercing industry is not as well-regulated as the health care industry, some states have hygienic regulations to ensure safe tattooing practices. Check with your city or county health department to find out whether there have been any complaints about the studio you are thinking of using.

Source: Healthwise


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

woman with tattoos sitting at computer

Body art is a growing trend among all age groups. While ear piercing has been a staple accessory for decades, piercings on other parts of the body are also growing in popularity. 

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Healthy Distraction

Submitted by Jeff.Mills on

Here’s how you can put distraction activities into practice. If your mind continues to spiral with unhelpful thoughts, use distraction as an effective tool to knock out negativity. It’s important to note that a distraction activity must command your full attention to effectively reduce anxiety.

Reducing anxiety through activities

Remember when you were a kid and you threw a fit because you wanted the newest toy, and your parents distracted you by involving you in a new activity?

Well, good news. The same idea works for adults, too. It’s easy to do and doesn’t cost as much as a new gaming system for your child, either.

Here’s how you can put distraction activities into practice. If your mind continues to spiral with unhelpful thoughts, use distraction as an effective tool to knock out negativity. It’s important to note that a distraction activity must command your full attention to effectively reduce anxiety.

Give it a try. When an activity isn’t working well, reflect on why and how you could make it more attention grabbing in the future. Distraction activities can also help you feel happier, motivated, energized and combat boredom.

Here’s a checklist for healthy distraction activities. Check the ones you like along with adding your own ideas:

1. Browse mindfulness and meditation resources to try

2. Work on personal development through journaling

3. Search for healthy recipes

4. Plan your meals

6. Watch documentaries or comedy

7. Play on a trivia or games app

8. Learn basic yoga poses

9. Learn to play a musical instrument

10. Read a biography about someone who inspires you

11. Rediscover old music you liked as a teenager

12. Take free online nutrition course

13. Do a jigsaw puzzle

14. Make a list of goals for the year

15. Find a new podcast to listen to

16. Make a list of books you want to read this year

17. Take a free online drawing class

18. Search Facebook for local groups with volunteering opportunities

19. Do a workout video

20. Add your own distractions



Healthy Distractions, Reducing Anxiety through Activities

If your mind continues to spiral with unhelpful thoughts, use distraction as an effective tool to knock out negativity.

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Are Pets Good for Your Health?

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

You may have heard or read that pets can be good for your health – but you might have wondered, “Is that true?” Turns out, the evidence shows that having pets can help you to be healthier in a variety of ways, both physically and emotionally. 

We all know pets provide companionship and unconditional love. But research has shown they can also help reduce stress and blood pressure in owners, increase longevity in those who've had heart attacks, and even relax and improve the appetites of Alzheimer's disease patients. 


Here a few facts regarding pets and your health: 

  • Heart attack patients with pets survive longer than those without. 
  • Kids with "furred animals" in the home have less risk of allergies and asthma. 
  • When a dog is in the home, infants were less likely to show evidence of pet allergies (19% vs. 33%). 
  • Male pet owners have less heart disease (lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels). 
  • Alzheimer's disease patients with pets in the home have fewer anxious outbursts. 
  • Pets can help children with their emotional and social skills. 
  • Having an animal companion to keep you company can help all of us – especially older adults who aren’t able to get out of the house much – to feel less lonely. 
  • Many hospitals and other medical facilities have pet therapy – bringing around pet volunteers to improve patients’ mental health. 


Pets Can Be Good Medicine 

Pets improve our health without speaking a word and without ever demanding a thing – they just need you, your love and your caring. Not only do pets help us to love, they help us to stay healthy and to heal. So, if you’re trying to decide whether a pet is right for you, keep in mind, improving your health might be the deciding factor!



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

You may have heard or read that pets can be good for your health – but you might have wondered, “Is that true?”

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The Nose Knows - Aroma Therapy Defined

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

While fragrance has been used for healing purposes for centuries, it was dubbed aromatherapy in the late 30s, thanks to a French chemist. Aromatherapy uses a plant’s aroma-producing oils (essential oils) to treat disease. Oil taken from a plant’s flowers, leaves, stalks, bark, rind or roots is mixed with another substance, like alcohol, oil or lotion, then sprayed in the air, inhaled or applied to skin. Depending on the type of oil, the result on the body may be calming or stimulating. Specialists of aromatherapy use it to help treat a wide range of physical and mental conditions including burns, infections, depression, sleeplessness and high blood pressure.

Sensory Cells Connect to Brain

The ability to smell comes from sensory cells in a small patch of tissue high inside the nose. These cells connect directly to the part of the brain that plays a major role in controlling our memories, behaviors and emotions therefore, how we interpret and respond to smells.

Aromatherapy Defined

Our nose helps us enjoy the aromas of favorite foods or flowers. Aroma, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is a distinctive and usually pleasant or mouthwatering smell. Therapeutic is relating to the treatment of disease or disorders by methods to provide or assist in a cure. If it passes your sniff test and you’re considering using aromatherapy, tell your doctor.

Source: HealthWise and NIH


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Aroma Therapy

While fragrance has been used for healing purposes for centuries, it was dubbed aromatherapy in the late 30s, thanks to a French chemist.

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How a Couch Potato Can Have a Healthy Heart

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Do you hate exercising? Don’t be embarrassed. There are a lot of us that feel that way. Exercising is hard work, takes time, makes you sweaty and can cause soreness when you start.

However, the facts are clear. Exercising is crucial to staying healthy and living a long life. So, think of it this way, a little exercise each week can give you several more years of lounging on the couch.

Solutions, not excuses

Let me guess, you are too busy to exercise? Most studies recommend 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. That is only 2 ½ hours out of a 168-hour week. If a few hours a week can add years to your life, surely you can find the time.

Maybe you would rather read or watch TV? Try listening to audiobooks or watching TV while exercising on a treadmill. Just be sure to pay attention to your surroundings. The last thing you want is to get hurt or do something embarrassing that somebody might capture on video and post online.

Perhaps you don’t like going to the gym and don’t want to buy expensive equipment? The good news is you don’t have to. You can achieve moderate-intensity exercise without working out your credit card. A brisk walk, swimming and push mowing grass are examples of moderate-intensity exercise. You can also mix in strength training by doing pushups, pullups and lunges. As you progress, you can purchase inexpensive resistance bands that are small enough to store in a drawer.

Bottom line

Exercising is great for your health. You will feel better and have more energy to stay up and finish binging season seven of your favorite show.

Remember, any exercise is better than none. Mahmoud Farhoud, M.D. who specializes in invasive cardiology at Genesis HealthCare System says, “Start slow and gradually increase. Exercising in small increments throughout the day and week. You should also always consult your doctor before starting an exercise program.”


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Do you hate exercising? Don’t be embarrassed. There are a lot of us that feel that way.

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He Snores … And You Can’t Sleep

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

You nudge, you try to move him, you even wake him up to tell him he’s snoring. You’ve tried it all, and nothing seems to work. He’s snoring, and it doesn’t seem to be a problem for him. But his snoring keeps you awake at night. What is going on with his snoring, and what can you both do about it?


Mechanics of snoring

You snore when the flow of air from your mouth or nose to your lungs makes the tissues of your throat vibrate when you sleep. This can make a loud, raspy noise. Loud snoring can make it hard for you and your partner to get a good night's sleep.

You may not know that you snore. Your partner may notice the snoring and that you sleep with your mouth open. If snoring keeps you or your partner from getting a good night's sleep, one or both of you may feel tired during the day. Here’s a fun fact: Snoring is more common in men than in women.


Indication of serious health issues

Snoring may point to other medical problems, such as obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can be a serious problem, because you stop breathing at times during sleep. So, if you snore often, talk to your doctor about it.


What causes snoring?

When you sleep, the muscles in the back of the roof of your mouth (soft palate), tongue and throat relax. If they relax too much, they narrow or block your airway. As you breathe, your soft palate and uvula vibrate and knock against the back of your throat. This causes the sounds you hear during snoring.

The tonsils and adenoids may also vibrate. The narrower the airway is, the more the tissue vibrates, and the louder the snoring is.


Making lifestyle changes can help

You may be able to treat snoring by making changes in your lifestyle and in the way you prepare for sleep. For example:

· Lose weight if you are overweight.

· Quit smoking.

· Sleep on your side and not your back.

· Limit your use of alcohol and medicines such as sedatives before you go to bed.

· If a stuffy nose makes your snoring worse, use decongestants or nasal corticosteroid sprays to help you breathe.

· Try using devices that you attach to the outside of your nose to help with breathing while you sleep. These include nasal strips and nasal disks.

· When you sleep, use a device in your mouth that helps you breathe easier. This device pushes your tongue and jaw forward to improve airflow.


If these treatments don't work, you may be able to use a machine that helps you breathe while you sleep. This treatment is called continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP. In rare cases, your doctor may suggest surgery to open your airway.


If your partner snores on a regular basis, it’s a good idea to make sure he talks to his doctor about it. Snoring can be annoying, but you want to be sure it’s not a sign of a serious health issue like sleep apnea.


Source: Healthwise


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

You nudge, you try to move him, you even wake him up to tell him he’s snoring. You’ve tried it all, and nothing seems to work.

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Good Posture Does More Than Make You Look Taller

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Sit up straight. Don’t slouch. We all heard this as children, and it turns out we should have listened. Here are 10 benefits of practicing good posture.

1. Reduce back pain: Sitting up straight cannot always eliminate back pain, but in many cases, can relieve it.

2. Improve circulation and digestion: Slouching can compress vital organs leading to poor circulation and making it harder for organs to work correctly.

3. Reduce headaches: Bad posture builds pressure in the neck muscles and head. This is often a result of your head leaning forward. Every inch your neck bends forward beyond a neutral position, you create an extra 10 lbs. of weight to support.

4. Increase energy: Sitting up straight can give you more energy? Yes. When your posture is correct, your joints and bones align correctly. So, your muscles do not have to work as hard, resulting in more energy.

5. Decrease stress on joints: Proper posture while sitting and standing reduces stress and wear on joints, which reduces pain.

6. Increase lung capacity: Good posture provides more area for your lungs to expand.

7. Prevent injury during exercise: Keeping your neck in line with your spine and your shoulders back can help prevent muscle strain and injury.

8. Ease tension in your neck and shoulders: Avoiding a head forward position will reduce stress on joints and ligaments.

9. Reduce jaw pain: Pain while talking, yawning, eating or chronic headaches can be caused by poor posture that adds stress to your jaw muscles. Focus on relaxing and loosening your jaw to alleviate this pain.

10. Appear taller, slimmer and more confident: In addition to looking taller and more confident, having good posture will also make you appear slimmer.


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Sit up straight. Don’t slouch. We all heard this as children, and it turns out we should have listened

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