Grill masters go healthy

Thursday, May 25, 2023


The roar of a fire and the aroma escaping your trusty grill can start your mouth watering as fast as you can singe your eyebrows while lighting the grill. However, grilling safety is a different article, while this is about grilling healthy and delicious foods. There is no reason your taste buds and body can’t both be happy on grill night.

Protein Selection

Protein Selection: Fire and meat have fueled humans for thousands of years. Since the discovery of fire, we have learned a few things: how to harness electricity, fight bacteria and share memes on social media. We have also learned a few things about grilling healthy food. When it comes to grilling healthy protein, start with fish, especially salmon and trout. For variety, mix in skinless chicken breasts. Trim visible fat from the meat before cooking, and you will have protein with less saturated fat than red meat, which is bad for your heart. By the way, never eat hotdogs.

Portion control

Portion Control: The phrase “Super Size” should be banned from the English language. Overeating leads to a multitude of health problems and is often a concern when grilling. When eating meat, three ounces is the recommended portion size according to the American Heart Associatoin. Instead of buying the largest piece of meat, go smaller and complete your meal with fruits and vegetables.

New flavors

New Flavors: Worried about fish and chicken becoming routine? Try marinating and rubbing spices. There are numerous flavors, and you can even make your own. A general rule is about a ½ cup of marinade or one tablespoon of rub per pound of meat according to the American Heart Association. And never reuse marinade or rub after it was in contact with raw meat.

fruits and vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables: Remember when we said to limit your meat portion to three ounces? This is an opportunity to grill fruits and vegetables. You may need to brush them with oil to prevent sticking, or try a grill basket. Experiment for combinations that compliment your meat selection and enjoy.


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Ready to fire up the grill this summer? Here are some tips to help you keep it healthy. View the slideshow below.
