Genesis Hospice Care
Serving Muskingum, Perry, Coshocton, Morgan, Guernsey, Noble and Licking counties
Charitable, nonprofit hospice care
Genesis Hospice Care is a charitable hospice that has been providing compassionate, end-of-life care for more than 35 years. We are the only nonprofit hospice in the area offering comprehensive care including in-home, Morrison House, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Genesis Hospice Care is rated 5 Stars by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services, the highest ranking possible.
Who qualifies for hospice care?
You or a loved one may be eligible for hospice care during the end stages of a life-limiting illness such as:
- ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Cancer
- Chronic respiratory illness
- Heart failure
- Liver or kidney failure
- Parkinson’s disease
Care when and where you need it
Receive hospice care anywhere you call home, including a family member’s house, a nursing home or an assisted living residence. The hospice team will visit regularly and a hospice nurse is available 24/7 to answer questions or assist with medical concerns.
If you need more care than can be provided at home, ask about staying at the Morrison House.
You may receive hospice care for an unlimited amount of time, depending on the course of the illness. If you believe hospice is a good option now, but change your mind later, you may stop receiving hospice services at any time. Resuming hospice care is as easy as a phone call to our office.
Choosing a hospice provider
We understand the challenges you may be facing when you need to consider hospice care for your loved one. How do you know when a company is local? What companies are non-profit, and which ones are for-profit? Does every hospice have its own inpatient unit if needed?
These are just a few of the questions you may be asking. You might not even know what to ask. Here are some resources you may find helpful as you research hospice care.
Suggested Questions to Ask When Choosing a Hospice
You might also want to check out Medicare’s website to compare Genesis Hospice with others.
Learn more about how the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services help you make informed decisions about choosing a hospice provider through the Hospice Quality Reporting Program.
Grief support
Grief support services are available to friends and family at any time. Genesis Hospice has a dedicated bereavement counselor to help with your needs. Find a grief support group or learn about Genesis Spiritual Care.
Your hospice team
Get comprehensive care from a hospice team dedicated to meeting your physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs. Count on us to encourage, support and train family members to care for loved ones. We’re here to support you around the clock.
Insurance coverage
Hospice care is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans. Check with your insurance carrier to find out if your plan includes hospice care. Care will be provided regardless of payer source. Financial resources are available.
Honoring our veterans
Find care that addresses the unique needs of those who served our country. Genesis is the only “We Honor Veterans” level four hospice partner in the area. That means you can trust us to:
- Provide high-quality care to veterans
- Honor and recognize veterans for their service
- Provide education to our staff and volunteers about the needs of veterans
- Maintain relationships with local and national veteran organizations
- Increase access and improve quality of care for veterans in our community
Give to Genesis Hospice Care
Genesis Hospice Care is a 501 (c)(3) organization. If you would like to donate financially, you can complete and submit the donation form below or call 740-454-5364 to discuss options.
Supporting HealthCare in Our Communities
The Genesis HealthCare Foundation is here to promote charitable support for Genesis HealthCare System. Find more ways you can help.