Childbirth Preparation Class
Childbirth Preparation Class presents information to prepare for and enhance your labor experience. Topics include pain management and epidural, induction of labor, C-sections, abnormal signs and symptoms, relaxation and helpful tips for the support person.
This is a one-time, 3-hour class. Please wear comfortable clothing.
Fathers or support persons are encouraged to attend. Please bring only one support person with you. Support persons are not required to pre-register for the class, only expectant mothers need to register.
Class fees will be submitted to patient's health insurance. If there is a remaining balance due, a bill will be sent at that time.
Attendance is advised starting around 8 weeks prior to your due date.
Please arrive on-time and ready for class.
*Please bring ID and insurance card.
Virtual classes available, Childbirth Education 3-Course Bundle, ($199 value) for a one-time payment of $30. Click here to learn more.