
Met your healthcare insurance deductible? It’s time to take care of yourself.

Thursday, October 24, 2024


Once you have met your insurance deductible, it is wise to proceed with a surgery, procedure or screening because you can save money while improving the quality of your life, possibly even saving it.


What is a healthcare insurance deductible? 

A healthcare deductible is the money you spend to cover healthcare costs before your healthcare insurance company helps pay for your healthcare expenses. For example, if your deductible is $1,000, you will pay the first $1,000 in healthcare expenses in a calendar year. Once you have paid $1,000, your healthcare insurance company will start paying a percentage of costs for the rest of that calendar year. The deductible will reset on January 1, so it is wise to proceed with any needed procedures or surgeries once you have met your deductible.


How do you find out if you have met your healthcare insurance deductible?

You should have a couple of ways to determine if you have met your deductible.

  • Check your healthcare insurance website. This will require a login.
  • Call your healthcare insurance company. The phone number should be on your insurance card and the company website.


So, you have met your deductible. Now what?

If you have met your deductible, your healthcare insurance company will help pay for select surgeries, procedures and screenings, saving you money and improving your quality of life. A screening could even save your life. Below is a list of common surgeries and screenings covered by insurance, but please confirm with your healthcare insurance company that they cover expenses before scheduling.


Bursectomy – Relieves bursitisGastrointestinal 
Ligament reconstructionLabral (cartilage) repair
ACL reconstructionRemoval of cysts, lipomas or fascia
Knee replacement – Total and partialKnee arthroscopy
Meniscus repairHip replacement – Total and partial
Rotator cuff repairBiceps tendon repair or release
Shoulder replacementShoulder arthroscopy
Elbow, wrist or thumb arthroscopyCarpal tunnel release
 Dupuytren's contracture



  • Colonoscopy – the colon cancer 5-year survival rate is 91% with early detection. It is 13% if diagnosed in stage 4.
  • Low-dose CT scan – you have a 20% better chance of surviving lung cancer with a low-dose CT scan if you are high-risk.
  • Prostate – prostate cancer has a 99% 5-year survival rate if detected before it spreads or only spreads to nearby structures or lymph nodes. The 5-year survival rate drops to 32% if spreads to other parts of the body, such as the lungs, liver or bones
  • Breast – the 5-year survival rate for breast cancer is 99% if detected before it spreads. It drops to 30% if it spreads to distant parts of the body, like the lungs, liver or bones. 
  • Carotid ultrasound



  • Zephyr Endobronchial Valve System
  • Device generator change/change


Now what?

If you are ready to move forward, contact your doctor today to start the scheduling process. Need a doctor? Click here


Ready to take the next step in your journey?

Make an appointment to see how Genesis HealthCare System can help