
Displaying 201-210 of 611 results matching:

(Quiz) Is Fish Good or Bad to Eat?
fish quiz
(Quiz) Is Fish Good or Bad to Eat?

May 16, 2023

One study says you should eat fish. Another study says no. Your social media feed says … well, let’s not go there. Take our quiz to find the answer to one of life’s great mysteries. Well, that might be an exaggeration, but you can still learn a thing or two. 

Science Supports a Trip to the Dog Shelter
Science Supports a Trip to the Dog Shelter
Science Supports a Trip to the Dog Shelter

May 11, 2023

For instance, a scientific study released by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute reported that petting a dog for 18 minutes increased immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels in the saliva of humans. Higher levels of immunoglobulin lead to stronger immune systems.

Fad Diets – No, Thank You
Fad Diets
Fad Diets – No, Thank You

May 9, 2023

Most nutrition experts agree that the biggest problem with fad diets is the lost weight comes right back. Not sure if the latest craze is a good idea, then ask yourself these questions: 

Surviving Snoring as a Couple
surviving snoring as a couple
Surviving Snoring as a Couple

April 27, 2023

You’re probably all too aware if your spouse or partner suffers from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Sleep apnea occurs when the flow of air (aka breathing) is blocked during sleep. The resulting snoring, gasping and other sounds associated with trying to wake oneself up to breathe can be annoying or frightening. Usually both.  

Deciding If It’s Time to Try Therapy
Deciding if it’s time to try therapy
Deciding If It’s Time to Try Therapy

April 25, 2023

Life can feel overwhelming. Juggling family life, work, social obligations, and your own well-being can feel impossible some days. Each of us has ways of coping with the stress of daily life. You might listen to music, talk to a friend, or go for a walk. 

A letter from our President and CEO | LiveWell Spring 2023
A letter from our President and CEO | LiveWell Spring 2023

April 24, 2023

In the past month, Fortune Magazine/PINC AI, a healthcare improvement technology company, ranked Genesis as one of America’s top 50 heart hospitals. We also opened the Genesis Coshocton Medical Center. Wow, what a month.  
