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Digital Detox

Digital detox: surviving without your phone (yes, it is possible)

Thursday, September 12, 2024


In a world where our phones are practically extensions of ourselves, the idea of a digital detox can seem as radical as pineapple on pizza, controversial but surprisingly refreshing. So, why should you consider unplugging, and how can you do it without feeling like you’re missing out on the latest trends? Let’s dive in:   

Why detox?   

1. Reclaim your time: How many hours have you spent scrolling through social media feeds or watching funny videos? A digital detox gives you the gift of time, allowing you to focus on activities that truly matter.   


2. Improve mental health: The constant stream of information and notifications can affect our mental well-being. According to the National Library of Medicine, spending too much time with technology can cause issues related to attention span, understanding emotions and social cues, becoming addicted, feeling alone and having trouble sleeping. Detoxing can help reduce anxiety and improve overall mental health.   


3. Enhance relationships: Remember when people used to have conversations without staring at their phones? A detox can help you reconnect with loved ones in a meaningful way.   


4. Boost creativity: Without the distractions of digital devices, you’ll find your creative juices flowing more freely. Who knows, you might even discover a hidden talent.   


5. Improve sleep: According to Havard Health, the blue light emitted by screens impacts your sleep and body clock, keeping you awake longer and disrupting your natural sleep-wake cycle.   



6. Set clear intentions: Decide how long you want to detox and what you hope to achieve. Whether it’s a day, a weekend or a week, having a goal in mind will help you stay committed.   


7. Inform your digital companions: Tell your friends, family and colleagues about your detox. They might be surprised initially, but they’ll soon appreciate the benefits of your newfound presence. 


8. Plan adventures: Fill your detox time with activities that don’t involve screens. Go for a hike, explore a museum or enjoy a stroll in nature.  


9. Embrace silence: Enjoy the peace and quiet that comes with a screen-free life. You might be surprised at how refreshing it can be to disconnect from digital noise.  


10. Reflect and rejoice: Take note of how you feel during your detox. Notice any changes in your mood, energy levels or overall well-being? Use this time to reflect on your digital habits.


So, why not try a digital detox? It is the reset button your mind and body need. You might even find yourself enjoying a break from the digital world.    


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