Tips for keeping your New Year’s Resolutions

Tips for keeping your New Year’s Resolutions

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Now that the holiday season is wrapped up for the year, we look forward to next year. For many, the tradition of ringing in the new year involves making those pesky resolutions. But how do you stick to the plan and reach those goals? Studies on the News in Health and the National Library of Medicine websites suggest making an achievable action plan packed with more do’s and less don’ts


Positivity matters 

When creating your New Year’s resolution, focus on the steps for success rather than what to avoid. If weight loss is your goal, like it is for most Americans, strategize how exercise and healthy eating can become part of your daily routine instead of listing off the foods you won’t enjoy. 


It’s a marathon, not a sprint 

Looking forward to the new you in December is daunting on day one, so take it day-by-day and month-by-month. If you’re overwhelmed by the thought of losing 30 pounds, know it doesn’t have to be done overnight, and it shouldn’t. A goal of losing five pounds per month isn’t so scary.  


Spring into action 

Break the goals down into a plan of action spanning the year that changes your behavior in favor of your goal. For the health and fitness-oriented, this may includee increasing your daily step count or bringing your lunch to work more often. These small changes in daily behavior will add up by the end of the year. 


Find your support system 

Resolutions are more achievable when you have the right support to back you on your journey. Everything is easier with a friend. Connect with a friend with similar goals to keep each other accountable, or find a support group online. Don’t forget to make sure you have the right equipment to keep your trajectory straight. This could be proper shoes and clothing, a healthy stockpile of food in the fridge or a gym membership. 


By following these tips, you can create realistic resolutions and stick to them in 2023. Here’s to a happy and healthy new year. 



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