Genesis is one of America’s top 50 heart hospitals
Monday, April 17, 2023
Awarded by Fortune/PINC AI
For more than 70 years, heart disease has taken more American lives than any other illness or injury. That is why Genesis HealthCare System created the Genesis Heart & Vascular Institute. It is why we recruit the best heart doctors and invest in the most innovative technology to perform advanced heart procedures.
“Achieving this national recognition as one of the top 50 heart hospitals in America is a huge honor for the entire team at Genesis,” said Matt Perry, President and CEO of Genesis HealthCare System. “This level of exceptional care our team provides each patient is the result of many years of building an exceptional team of physicians, nurses and technicians, and implementing the latest, innovative technologies. You trusted us to care for you when you were in need of heart care, and your faith in us made this achievement possible.”
When Fortune Magazine/PINC AI, a healthcare improvement technology company, rated hospitals across the United States for 2023, Genesis ranked number seven in the community heart hospital category, the highest community ranking in Ohio.
Rankings were based on results for treating patients with a wide range of heart conditions and the cost of that care. According to Fortune Magazine/PINC AI, the winning hospitals achieved the following successes compared to non-winning hospitals:
- Significantly higher inpatient survival rates (19.0 to 40.6% higher).
- Fewer patients with complications (13.2 to 15.4% fewer complications).
- Higher 30-day survival rates for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), heart failure (HF) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) patients (0.4 to 0.9% points higher).
- Lower 30-day readmission rates for AMI, HF and CABG patients (0.5 to 1.0% points lower).
- Average lengths of stay varied between patient groups from 0.6 (AMI, HF, PCI) to 0.8 (CABG) shorter length of stay.
- $860 to $5,076 less in total costs per patient case (the smallest dollar-amount difference was for HF, and the largest was for CABG).
- Lower average 30-day episode of care payments for AMI and HF ($1,493 and $781 less per episode, respectively).
- Patients had a better experience at benchmark hospitals compared to peer hospitals, with a top-box HCAHPS score of 75% versus 70%.
“The recognition of being one of the top 50 heart hospitals is an outstanding accomplishment,” said Tabitha McKenzie, R.N., BSN, MBA, Director of Genesis Heart & Vascular Services. “The team continues to do a phenomenal job. They are dedicated to bringing the best heart care to our patients and community.”
If all hospitals performed at top 50 heart hospital levels, each year there would be more than:
- 7,600 lives saved.
- 6,700 complication-free heart patients.
- $1 billion saved.
According to Fortune Magazine/PINC AI.
Genesis Heart and Vascular Care
Through every aspect of Genesis Heart & Vascular Services, we are working to build a healthier future for our community. At Genesis, we put our heart into treating yours.