The Latest Technology for the Best Treatment
Friday, October 28, 2022
Twenty-five years ago, returning home on the same day following a major surgery was a fantasy. Today, thanks to minimally invasive robotic technology, in many cases, it is a reality. “During the decade plus that Genesis has offered robotic-assisted surgery, we’ve gone through several upgrades in robotic-assisted surgical technology,” said Stuart Chow, D.O., Fellowship-trained and Board-certified Trauma Surgeon specializing in robotic-assisted surgery. “As our surgeons increase their expertise in robotic-assisted surgery, we’re performing complex procedures offered in larger medical centers.”
Dr. Chow said Genesis offers the most advanced robotic-assisted instrumentation system available, which provides three-dimensional visualization of anatomy and technological integration with other equipment to improve efficiency and safety.
Advanced robotic-assisted instrumentation allows surgeons to perform minimally invasive surgery or more complex surgeries that in the past required a large incision or several small incisions. “The ability to perform surgeries using small incisions benefits the patients with less postoperative pain and shorter stays in the hospital,” Dr. Chow said. “Most of the procedures performed robotically allow patients to go home on the day of surgery.”
Robotic-assisted surgery continues to gain in popularity as it becomes more common, and patients learn of its advantages. “Patients are choosing minimally invasive surgery when it’s available as an option, and the volume of robotic-assisted procedures has risen significantly,” Dr. Chow said. Genesis has performed almost 3,000 robotic-assisted surgeries. However, even with all the technological advancements, there’s still a fine line between fact and science fiction.
The facts about robotic-assisted surgery
“A common misunderstanding related to robotic- assisted surgery is that the robot performs the procedure,” Dr. Chow said. “Robotic instrumentation is an extension of the surgeon’s hands who controls the robot’s every movement.” In addition, the robot has built-in safety features the surgeon uses to help perform surgery safely and efficiently.
“Another misunderstanding is that every surgical procedure can be done utilizing a robot. Although many procedures can be performed with the robot, some procedures are best done through a larger incision by hand,” Dr. Chow said.
Higher standards
Genesis’ primary focus has always been patient safety and quality surgical care. “Close surveillance of patient surgical outcomes are monitored daily through our process and patient safety programs,” Dr. Chow said. “Outcomes falling outside our expectations are scrutinized, investigated and acted upon if necessary.” Genesis uses national surgical registries and benchmark outcome targets to compare its surgical outcomes and assure the standard of quality care is optimized. “However, at Genesis, we set our targets, so we perform better than the national cohort of hospitals,” he said.
Dr. Chow said many of Genesis’ surgical specialties are credentialed to perform robotic-assisted surgery. General surgeons, urologists and cardiothoracic and gynecological surgeons perform most of the robotic- assisted surgeries at Genesis.
“Robotic-assisted surgery benefits the surgeon and the patient,” Dr. Chow said. “It allows surgeons to visualize the patient’s anatomy in greater depth and clarity.” Surgeons can access areas that could only be done through large incisions in the past. Robotic- assisted surgery benefits the patient greatly by having less postoperative pain, quicker recovery, fewer complications from large incisions, and return to a normal lifestyle, including work, at a faster rate.
“Genesis continues to invest in and focus on providing the best surgical care with new robotic technology, state-of-the-art operating rooms and integrated systems,” Dr. Chow said. “We continue to engage surgeons in multiple surgical specialties and surgical outcome analytics to provide the best surgical care for patients. I am grateful to be able to do this to help our patients.”
Learn more at genesishcs.org/roboticsurgery.