Lower your cholesterol naturally

Lower your cholesterol naturally

Thursday, January 18, 2024


Maybe you just came from the doctor’s office and learned your cholesterol is too high. Maybe you want to avoid hearing those words from your doctor. Either way, take our quiz to learn more about cholesterol and tips to lower it naturally. 


1. All cholesterol is bad. 

False. Cholesterol is made up of HDL (good) cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol. Good cholesterol helps your body build cells and make vitamins. If you have too much of the bad cholesterol or not enough of the good, it can build up in the arteries leading to a heart attack or stroke. 


2. Foods with a lot of fiber and no saturated fats are best for naturally lowering cholesterol. 

True. According to Harvard Health, the best 11 foods to naturally lower your cholesterol are oatmeal (the old-fashioned kind), white (navy) beans, avocado, eggplant, carrots, almonds, kiwi, berries (raspberries and blackberries are the best, but strawberries and blueberries are also good), cauliflower, soy and salmon. 


3. Eating colorful fruits and vegetables can lower your cholesterol. 

True. Colorful fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber and contain sterols and stanols, molecules that block cholesterol. Generally, the richer the color of vegetables and fruits, the more nutrients they have. So, when shopping, look for dark green spinach, vibrant blueberries and so on. 


4. Exercise is the most important thing you can do to lower your cholesterol naturally. 

False. For decades, a healthy diet and exercise were recommended to naturally lower cholesterol. However, according to Harvard Health, an analysis found that exercise did not lower cholesterol. However, exercise provides so many other health benefits you should exercise regularly. 


Eating healthy is a great way to lower cholesterol naturally. However, sometimes our bodies need a little help, and there are medications to assist you when needed. If you have high cholesterol or want to prevent it, please talk to your family doctor about the best plan of action for you. 


To learn more about options for heart health, visit genesishcs.org/heart



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