Tips to prevent falls
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Two out of three falls occur when someone slips or trips. This is especially true if you live in a climate that includes freezing temperatures in the winter. Cold weather makes it easier to fall and harder to maintain your balance.
For instance, people slip or trip on:
Visibly icy surfaces
Black ice, a coating of ice so thin that people think it’s asphalt or pavement
Ice that’s covered by snow or snow drifts
Unplowed sidewalks and streets
A fall becomes more dangerous when:
Ice and snow makes it difficult to get up
Exposure to freezing temperatures compounds the fall or injury
Fall statistics
Falls are the number one reason for injury-related Emergency Department visits and accidental deaths in people aged 65 and over. Prevention is key.
Indoor prevention
Remove hazards (bags, baskets, cords and anything in walkways)
Good lighting
Non-slip rugs
Make sure your clothes and shoes fit
Bathroom grab bars
Outdoor prevention
Make sure surfaces are clear
Use assistance devices for stability (walkers, canes)
Dress for the weather
Use a path you know
Good lighting
General safety measures
Walk with a buddy
Carry a cell phone
Carry a medical alert system
Wear watches with fall sensors
Make a daily phone call or check in with a friend, family member or neighbor
If you fall, soften your landing
Flex forward into the fall, which gives you some control over direction. Fall sideways, if possible.
Tuck your head and turn your shoulder into the fall to protect your head.
Relax everything and fall like a sack of beans.
Fall on the soft, fleshy places, like your buttocks and thighs. These areas have more protection and are lower to the ground.
As you complete the fall, try to roll to your side in a ball. This will spread the impact to reduce injury and stop you from rolling farther.
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