Deaton, Evan J.

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Evan J. Deaton, DO
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2015 - 2019 Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine


2019 - 2022 OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital

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Internal Medicine

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Genesis Medical Group
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Buse, Thomas M.

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Thomas M. Buse, MD
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Diagnostic Radiology
Radiology- Telemedicine

1996 - 1997 Univ of Michigan Hospitals

Medical Education

1988 - 1992 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine


1992 - 1993 Univ of Michigan Hospitals


1993 - 1996 Univ of Michigan Hospitals

Board Certifications

Diagnostic Radiology

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Riverside Radiology and Interventional Associates
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Genesis Medical Group
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Diagnostic Radiology
Radiology- Telemedicine

Beam, Kayla D.

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Kayla D. Beam, PA-C
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Physician Assistant
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2017 - 2019 University of Mount Union

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Physician Assistant

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Genesis Medical Group
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Physician Assistant

Altemara, Dante

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Dante Altemara, PA-C
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Physician Assistant
Cardiothoracic Surgery

955 Bethesda Drive
1st Floor
Zanesville, OH 43701
United States

Medical Education

2016 - 2018 Marietta College

Board Certifications

Physician Assistant

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Is Referral Required
Dante Altemara
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Genesis Medical Group
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Genesis Medical Group
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Alfonso, Mark

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on
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Mark Alfonso, MD
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Year Joined Staff
Year Began Practicing
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Diagnostic Radiology
Radiology- Telemedicine

1995 - 1996 Univ of Louisville Hospital

Medical Education

1986 - 1990 Northeastern Ohio Medical University


1990 - 1991 Saint Joseph Mercy Hlth Syst


1991 - 1995 Creighton University School of Medicine

Board Certifications

Diagnostic Radiology

Accepting New Patients
Is Referral Required
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Riverside Radiology and Interventional Associates
Online Scheduling
Genesis Medical Group
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Diagnostic Radiology
Radiology- Telemedicine

5 Second Rule

Submitted by emily.griffin on

The 5-second rule is a myth – Nooo! 

Ignorance can be bliss and very unhealthy. Who would have thought the five-second rule was bogus? Well, most people, including scientists, researchers and doctors.  

A study from Rutgers University published on the Applied and Environmental Microbiology website in 2016 states it takes less than one second for contamination when food touches the floor. That is less time than it takes for dogs to pounce on an errant chicken nugget. 

The type of floor, food and the total time the food is in contact with the floor impacts how many germs are transferred, but the bottom line is once it hits the floor, it should be thrown away. Even if it is the last donut or cookie.  

In case you want to discredit this as a single study, try again. There are numerous studies all coming to the same conclusion, food on the floor is contaminated.  

Perhaps, you insist your floors are clean enough to eat off? Probably not. If you don’t believe us, read our blog, "Are your shoes your Achilles’ heel?" The blog shares the dangers of wearing your shoes inside. A study by a University of Arizona professor found that 96% of shoes contained coliforms, a bacteria found in human and animal waste. Plus, 90% to 99% of bacteria easily transfers from shoes to clean tile floors.  

So, that cookie that landed on your floor and you put in your mouth could have … some pretty nasty stuff on it.  

As sad as it may be at the moment, throwing away the cookie from the floor is better than getting sick.  


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

5 second rule

Ignorance can be bliss and very unhealthy. Who would have thought the five-second rule was bogus? Well, most people, including scientists, researchers and doctors.

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Fad Diets

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Fad diets – no, thank you 

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Think of fad diets – just because a diet is popular doesn’t mean it’s effective or healthy for you. Most nutrition experts agree that the biggest problem with fad diets is the lost weight comes right back. Not sure if the latest craze is a good idea, then ask yourself these questions: 

  1. Do I have to buy special foods or pills? 
  2. Do I have to skip meals?  
  3. Is rapid weight loss promised?  
  4. Is one or more of the food groups eliminated?  
  5. Does the diet claim to be suitable for everyone without warning those with diabetes or high blood pressure to seek medical advice before starting?  

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you might want to avoid starting what is likely a fad diet or is a weight-loss program worth skipping. 

Accept that what you eat affects your health. Many fad diets restrict or eliminate fruits, vegetables, dairy products and whole grains. Each food group provides its own unique set of vitamins, minerals and energy your body needs.  

The USDA suggests instead of trying fad diets or weight loss programs, take the long-term approach of developing healthy eating habits. Slow and steady weight loss is more effective.  

“We all want instant gratification, which is one of the draws to fad diets,” said Melanie Poinar R.D., L.D.  “One way to start weight loss is to ween yourself from packaged foods and sweetened beverages. Try and focus on drinking enough water daily as well as incorporating healthy choices from each food group like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, low fat dairy, and healthy fats.” 

Consult your physician about your diet plan. 


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Fad Diets

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Think of fad diets – just because a diet is popular doesn’t mean it’s effective or healthy for you.

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Genesis HealthCare System Named 2022 Most Wired

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Zanesville, Ohio (Dec. 22, 2022) – Genesis HealthCare System was named one of the Most Wired® hospitals of 2022 by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME).


“This award is tremendous validation for Genesis after recently being named a top 100 hospital in the nation,” said Ed Romito, Chief Transformation Officer at Genesis HealthCare System. “Advancements in healthcare technology are moving at a rapid pace, and the culture that we have built across Genesis is one that embraces that change; moving quickly to implement new technologies to support the delivery of safe, efficient care to our patients and keeping our patients’ needs as top priority.”


Genesis HealthCare System has earned the CHIME Digital Health Most Wired recognition for the 7th consecutive year. Genesis is certified as level 9 for Ambulatory Care and certified as level 9 for Acute Care again for 2022. These certifications place Genesis in the top 10% of all hospitals in the country utilizing integrated technology. The CHIME Digital Health Most Wired program conducts an annual survey to assess how effectively healthcare organizations apply core and advanced technologies into their clinical and business programs to improve health and care in their communities. The surveys assessed the adoption, integration and impact of technologies in healthcare organizations at all stages of development, from early development to industry leading.

More information about CHIME and the award can be found here:



Most Wired Award 2022

This places Genesis in the top 10% of all hospitals in the country utilizing integrated technology.

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Resolution Success - Making the Change

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Making a change? Follow these tips to resolution success

With a new year comes opportunities to make new resolutions. Deciding on big life changes may feel overwhelming or even frustrating, especially when setbacks occur. Fortunately, science teaches us ways to secure successful personal change.

The stages of change model

According to the School of Medicine, the change model consists of five stages:  

  1. Precontemplation 
  2. Contemplation 
  3. Preparation/Determination 
  4. Action/Willpower 
  5. Maintenance  

In the first stage, precontemplation, people don’t think about changing, and don’t want help to change. In the second stage, contemplation, people teeter on the fence. They weigh the pros and cons of making a change (which could take a while). Things start moving along in the third stage, preparation/determination, when people fully commit to changing something in their life and start researching how to do it. By stage four, action/willpower, people move forward, making the desired changes to their lifestyle. After that, stage five, maintenance, focuses on solidifying the new change and lifestyle.  

Keep these steps in mind when preparing for life changes, and know that while progression is great, it’s also ok to fall back a step or two. Keep checking in and evaluating progress through each stage.   

Be intentional  

One study on the BMC Public Health website says that intention is one of the strongest indicators for changing behavior. Another study noted that the intention to do something can be predicted by our attitude toward the change, whether or not we think other people around us will approve of the change, and how easy or difficult we think the new behavior will be. Multiple studies show that the higher the intention, the more likely a change will begin. Thinking about the change in a positive light adds motivation and moves people toward action. 

Have an action plan and stick to it 

Many of us want to change and begin the process of change but then fall in our attempt to maintain such change. If maintaining a resolution feels overwhelming, try designing plans with automatic responses to situations that will likely arise. For example, when adding a new habit, designate a predetermined and consistent time each day to start; or pair an established habit with the new one (i.e., every time I brush my teeth, I’ll recite my affirmations). When cutting out a bad habit, reduce temptations by avoiding certain enticing environments (i.e., take the long way to your desk to avoid the office candy bowl). Making plans to change behaviors predicts whether that plan will go into effect. Having multiple plans helps, so create as many plans along the way as needed. 

Making changes in life may feel heavy, but with high intentions, planning, and determination, success stands within reach.

Give yourself grace throughout the process and know that any progress brings you one step closer to the person you want to become. 


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

2023 new years resolution

With a new year comes opportunities to make new resolutions. Deciding on big life changes may feel overwhelming, fortunately, science teaches us ways to secure successful personal change.    

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Portion Sizes Defined: How Much is 4 Ounces? 

Submitted by emily.griffin on

We all know that controlling portions is important to our health but how do you put portion control into practice? Here are some tips to recognize the amount of food you’re eating. First, don’t eat out of a bag or container. Second, use smaller plates so servings appear larger. Third, fill half your plate with vegetables first and substitute lower-fat varieties of your favorite foods.   

When eating out, order appetizers or lunch portions, split the order with a friend or fill up with lower calorie foods such as soup or salads.

Portion Sizes

You know that juicy 8-ounces steak you might like to cut into… do you really know how many servings of meat that equals? One serving of meat or poultry is the size of the palm of your hand or a deck of cards. One 3-ounce serving of fish is equal to the size of a checkbook.

salmon dinner with vegetables

We All Scream for Ice Cream

Child eating ice cream cone

When you eat an ice cream cone, how many cups of the frozen creation are you really consuming? One-half cup of ice cream is considered one serving and is the size of a tennis ball. How about other dairy products? One serving of cheese is six dice.   

Think about that tennis ball again. One-half cup of cooked rice, pasta and snack foods such as chips or pretzels is also the size of a tennis ball.

Computers and Carbs

The next time you’re at your computer, think about what foods should be the size of your computer mouse. We’ll give you a hint … it’s a carbohydrate. The answer is -- one medium baked potato.   

Remember compact discs (CDs)? One pancake or waffle should only be the size of a CD.   

pancake next to CD

Golf Balls or Baseballs

apple and tennis ball

The next time you bite into a delicious apple, remember that the fruit should equal the size of a tennis ball. An orange is about the same size as well. Other serving sizes that correspond to the size of a baseball are one cup of chopped fruits or vegetables. And a quarter cup of dried fruit or nuts is about the same size as a golf ball.   



So, the next time you’re grabbing a handful of pretzels, think about how many tennis balls that equals, and you’ll be on your way to serving the correct portions.



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

colorful food

We all know that controlling portions is important to our health but how do you put portion control into practice? Here are some tips to recognize the amount of food you’re eating.

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