Embrace the silence
When was the last time you stopped to appreciate a few minutes of silence?
Pause and think about it.
Instead of filling time by turning up the music or watching the latest viral video, find time today to welcome the quiet.
According to Piedmont Healthcare, taking time to be still can help you become more productive. They offer three main mental and emotional benefits of practicing silence:
Time to recognize and address emotions
Improved decision making
The Mayo Clinic recommends meditation to find fast relief from stress to feel calm and balanced. Meditation doesn’t have to involve closing your eyes. A type of meditation called open awareness is described by Harvard Health as selecting a task, like eating or working outside, and paying attention to your body while breathing and engaging your senses. Focus only on the task at hand. Encourage outside thoughts to pass by, like clouds moving through the sky.
Take time to pause with these activities:
Turn off the radio while driving.
Cook without the TV in the background.
Meditate while on a walk.
Keep your lunch break free from social media.
Connect spiritually. Many religious traditions encourage stillness.
Try a mindfulness app to enable quiet time and reflection.
Practicing silence can also result in physical changes. When your mind feels settled, your body will as well, encouraging relaxation and healing.
This doesn’t mean you have to take 20 minutes a day to find solitude. Start by taking a few minutes to find quiet time, perhaps in the morning, before bedtime or even when you’re trying to meet your daily step goal. Embracing silence will help you feel refreshed and bring the best version of yourself to your day.
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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.