Juggle without the struggle

Thursday, August 5, 2021


Does the pursuit of a healthy work/life balance seem impossible? When working from home the lines between career and down time, can be blurred. Many of us feel torn between juggling long workdays, relationships, caring for our parents and children and fitting in exercise or hobbies. 

At home 

  • Unplug. Make yourself available to your employer, especially if you’ve earned the right to flextime, but realize the need for personal time. 

  • Set family time as a goal. A specific amount of time together can ease the stress. 

  • Don’t over commit. If you’re overcommitted with activities, learn to say, no. 

  • Divide and conquer. Make sure chores and responsibilities are clearly distributed, so you aren’t shouldering the entire burden. 

  • Be active. Regular exercise reduces stress, depression and anxiety. 

  • Stay healthy. Be sure to eat right, exercise and get enough sleep. Don’t rely on drugs and alcohol. If you are suffering from substance abuse, seek help. 

At work 

  • Set achievable goals each day. Checking things off our “to do” list helps us feel in control and gives us a sense of accomplishment.  

  • Make the best use of your time. Evaluate when and if it is necessary for you to do, “busy work.”  

  • Request flexibility. Flextime and telecommuting are becoming necessities in today’s world. 

  • Give yourself a break. Taking small breaks clears your head and improves your ability to deal with stress. 


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