Accreditations and Quality

Accreditations and Quality

Genesis Cancer Care is committed to providing care consistent with the highest standards for quality. We participate in several programs and quality initiatives that demonstrate our commitment. You can rest assured that the care you receive at Genesis is the of the same high quality or better than what you will find at hospitals in larger cities in Ohio.

Maintaining accreditation of our services demonstrates our commitment to you and your family. We have five accreditations associated with the Genesis Cancer Care Center.


American Board for Certification (ABC) of Orthotics and Prosthetics

The American Board for Certification of Orthotics and Prosthetics is the national certifying and accrediting body for orthotic, prosthetic and pedorthic professions. The Genesis Cancer Care Center and Women’s Boutique meet the standards to ensure you reach your goals for fittings after a mastectomy or lumpectomy.


Commission on Cancer (COC)

The Commission on Cancer (COC), a program of the American College of Surgeons (ACoS), recognizes cancer care programs for their commitment to providing comprehensive, high-quality, and multidisciplinary patient centered care. The Genesis Cancer Care Center is recognized by COC for providing education on preventing or finding cancer early, offering treatment and therapies, and supporting patients through survival.


American College of Radiology (ACR) Accreditation

American College of Radiology (ACR) Accreditation is recognized as the gold standard in medical imaging. Genesis Cancer Services Radiation Oncology’s ACR accreditation is achieved by demonstrating our commitment to providing the safest and highest quality care possible.


National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC)

Accreditation through the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) demonstrates a commitment to the highest standards of care for patients with diseases of the breast.


Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI)

The Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI) can routinely evaluate practice performance against quality measures and standards established by experts in the oncology field. The Genesis Cancer Care Center is required to have policies and procedures in place to meet all standards.

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Genesis Cancer Care Center maintains five accreditations that demonstrate our commitment to the highest standards of care for our patients.

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Patient Chooses Same Surgeon for Left Knee as Right Knee

Rheumatoid Arthritis Knee Pain is Gone After Knee Replacement

It was a great holiday season for Laquita Triplett who played with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and left her walker far behind. “I’ve already been shopping a couple of times with my daughters in St. Clairsville, and I’m looking forward to getting outside more this summer,” she said.

Just a few months ago, Laquita could barely walk. She had bone-on-bone pain and needed a total knee replacement. “I was in such bad shape before I got my knee done, I got out of the habit of doing things I enjoy,” said the normally active 80-year-old woman.

Previously, Laquita was a patient of Corey Jackson, D.O., a Genesis orthopedic surgeon. At the time, Dr. Jackson practiced in Cambridge, Ohio, not too far from Batesville, Laquita’s home. “I treated Laquita years ago with a right knee replacement, then I moved out of the area,” Dr. Jackson said.

When bone-on-bone pain requires a knee replacement

Laquita began having problems in her other knee, along with rheumatoid arthritis. She wished Dr. Jackson was there to do her left knee, and then her wish came true. “I found out he was moving back to Zanesville, and I waited to get the surgery,” she said. “I think Dr. Jackson’s pretty special; he provides the best care.”

Shortly after Dr. Jackson joined Genesis and returned home, he was reunited with Laquita. She could barely get in and out of a chair, had to climb stairs one at a time and depended on a walker for balance.

Dr. Jackson did Laquita’s total knee replacement in October using Genesis’ revolutionary KneeAlign technology. The state-of-the-art joint alignment tools provides orthopedic surgeons with real-time data and reproducible result. “Laquita’s going up and down stairs now in a normal way,” Dr. Jackson said. “There is nothing more satisfying than to see patients walk out of my office after undergoing surgery when they required a walker at the initial meeting,” he said.

Making a full recovery after surgery

“It just turned out great,” Laquita said. “Dr. Jackson is an extraordinary surgeon.” She also had excellent care following surgery. “I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful group of people. You have no idea how great it is being able to walk again,” she said. “Before, I couldn’t go from point A to point B without my walker.”

Laquita would encourage anyone experiencing knee pain, rheumatoid arthritis or any similar condition to contact the orthopedic specialists at Genesis.

Dr. Jackson agrees. “We can easily find out how much treatment would help,” he said. “Often we can even restore some mobility function without surgery.” Patients are no longer hospital-bound for days following orthopedic surgery. For Laquita it was an overnight stay.

Laquita progressed quickly following surgery, even climbing the long stairs to her house easily when she arrived home. “If people could see these stairs, they wouldn’t have believed I could’ve done it,” Laquita said. Time only increased her mobility. “By Thanksgiving, I had big improvements,” she said. “I was pain-free.”

Laquita welcomed a house full of 26 guests during the holidays. “To be able to walk around with no pain is just incredible,” Laquita said. “It made my holidays much more joyful.”

Knee replacements last longer with alignment technology

Dr. Jackson uses this innovative smart device about the size of a large cell phone, called KneeAlign, to improve accuracy in total and partial knee replacement surgeries. Using smart technology, similar to GPS navigation, the device precisely maps out each patient’s alignment and anatomy. With the cutting-edge device, Dr. Jackson provides patients with customizable placement of their knee replacement components.

In comparison, traditional knee replacement surgeries use statistics and averages to determine where and at what angle to place the prosthetic knee components. With this technology, each patient’s “new knee” sits perfectly horizontal to the rotation of the knee, based on each patient’s unique anatomy.

Dr. Jackson is the only surgeon offering the KneeAlign technology in our region, which offers many benefits, including:

  • Increased accuracy
    Decreased surgery time
    Less blood loss
    Less pain
    Longer lasting knee replacements

If you are living with chronic knee pain, have been told that you need knee surgery or want to learn about this surgical technology, call (740) 586-6828.

Laquita Triplett Patient Story

Laquita had a total knee replacement at the Genesis Neuroscience & Orthopedic Center. After the procedure, she was pain free and able to climb stairs again.

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Orthopedic Surgeon Uses GPS to Improve Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacements last longer with precise alignment technology

At first, her knee didn’t bend correctly. Then pain began piercing her. Overtime, that pain grew more and more debilitating. After four years of hobbling through the hurt, Glenna Simon, 57-year-old Zanesville resident, could no longer carry her groceries from her car to her home. She couldn’t make it down the stairs to do her laundry. Her quality of life dramatically decreased, while her constant pain continued to increase. It was time for a change. It was time for a new knee.

When cortisone shots and gel injections stop working

“I couldn’t put any weight on that knee and it refrained me from doing a lot of activities – it was a damper on my lifestyle,” Glenna said.

Prior to her total knee replacement surgery, Glenna sought relief from cortisone shots and a series of gel injections, to no avail. When she made the decision to have surgery, a physician referred her to Corey Jackson, D.O., orthopedic surgeon with the Genesis Orthopedic Group.

Choosing the right orthopedic surgeon for knee replacement

“Dr. Jackson was kind and understanding, and he took the time to explain everything to me,” Glenna said. “He told me, ‘We’re going to get through this.’ I loved how he was down-to-earth and easy to speak with. I decided this was the doctor for me – and I’m so glad I did.”

Being close to home, the office visits were convenient for Glenna. Dr. Jackson obtained standing X-rays of Glenna’s knee and diagnosed her with severe end-stage osteoarthritis, caused by wear and tear over time.

“When a knee gets to that point, there’s not much that can be done except a total knee arthroplasty procedure – a knee replacement,” Dr. Jackson said. “The good news is, we use cutting-edge technology to give our patients the most accurate placement of their knee prosthetics, and the prosthetics themselves have evolved tremendously during the past decade.”

Using smart technology for precise knee joint placement

Dr. Jackson is the only surgeon offering the KneeAlign® technology in our region. KneeAlign applies smart technology, like GPS navigation, to precisely map out each patient’s alignment and anatomy. With the device, Dr. Jackson provides patients with customizable positioning of their knee replacement components.

“We know knee replacements last longer if they’re aligned correctly with a patient’s anatomy,” Dr. Jackson explained. “KneeAlign provides precision every time. With the technology, I know for sure that the knees have perfect alignment – giving my patients the best knee replacement available.”

Praised amongst orthopedic surgeons nationwide, KneeAlign offers many benefits, including:

  • Increased accuracy
    Decreased surgery time
    Less blood loss
    Less pain
    Longer lasting knee replacements

Rehabilitation therapy is important after knee surgery

Glenna’s total knee replacement surgery took place in mid-November. She spent two days at Genesis Hospital before returning home for further healing. Within two weeks of the procedure, she bid her walker goodbye and graduated to a cane. She also underwent rehabilitation therapy at home before beginning a three-times-a-week outpatient rehab regiment at Genesis Center for Occupational and Outpatient Rehabilitation.

“The rehabilitation therapy is intense, but you have to be consistent with it for it to work for you,” Glenna said. “It’s definitely worth it to be out of pain and to get my life back.”

On average, it takes about six months for a full recovery, so Glenna’s not tackling stairs yet, but she says she sees the light at the end of the tunnel, and she’s walking toward it – without pain.

“Our goals with total knee replacement surgery are to help our patients become pain-free and have increased function. We want them to get their lives back,” Dr. Jackson said.

Dealing with joint pain? Glenna offers her advice

“I know it’s a hard decision to make when you know what you have to go through. It was hard for me to make that decision, too,” said Glenna. “But if you really want relief and want to do things you’re unable to do now, I suggest having the surgery and getting it done as soon as possible. Why put yourself through the pain of just dealing with a bad knee when you can get back to enjoying life again?”

Glenna Simon Patient Story

Knee replacements last longer with KneeAlign technology, a surgical option available for patients, like Glenna Simon, at Genesis.

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Landing In the Right Hands

Hand Surgeon Helps Local Man Enjoy Hobby

In June 2020, about 11:30 p.m., 68-year-old Bill Howard was in his basement working on his remote-control airplane.

"I accidentally bumped the switch that turns on the motor. That instantly turned on the propeller - which cut my finger," explained Bill. "I've cut myself lots of times before, but when I looked at this, I knew something wasn't right."

Another concern was the fact that Bill was on a blood-thinning medication. This meant there was more bleeding than normal, since blood thinners are designed to stop blood from clotting.

Wisely, Bill went to the Genesis Emergency Department (ED) right away. The ED team closed the wound with several stitches but arranged for Bill to meet the next day with Genesis orthopedic hand surgeon Clayton Gibson, M.D., fellowship-trained for the specialized care Bill needed

Tendon Repair Recommended

Having a knowledgeable, experienced specialist recommend the best treatment option for a hand injury is important and can make a big difference in a patient’s outcome.

Dr. Gibson is fellowship-trained and board-certified in general orthopedics as well as surgery of the hand. For decades Dr. Gibson has helped thousands of patients with hand-specific conditions and pain.

At his office, closer examination of Bill’s injured left index finger revealed that some bone had been chipped. There were also cuts through portions of his extensor tendon, which is a cord-like structure that connects muscle to bone and runs along the back of the hand.

Dr. Gibson determined that surgery would be needed to bring back normal range of motion and function to the tendon, specifically a surgical procedure called tendon repair.

“We use surgery as infrequently as possible and always consider nonsurgical options first,” said Dr. Gibson. “However, in this case, it was pretty clear that surgery was needed.”

Dr. Gibson performed the tendon repair procedure for Bill. After the procedure, Bill went home wearing a small splint.

Better Every Day

Several weeks later, Bill began therapy with Genesis Rehabilitation Services therapists to help ensure the injury would heal properly. Genesis has a certified hand therapist, one of only a few in the southeast Ohio region. “I stay in touch with the therapists about patients’ rehabilitation, and I find it is helpful for everyone,” Dr. Gibson said.

The hand therapist, physician assistant and other Rehabilitation Services team members help patients like Bill reestablish range of motion and increase strength by performing certain movements and exercises.

“I was going in for rehab more often at first, but now I’m down to every other week,” said Bill. “They give me diagrams of exercises to do at home, too.”

Ready for Takeoff

During the day, Bill has been able to return to his part-time job as a driver for a senior living facility, transporting residents to and from medical and other appointments. Bill is also pleased knowing his injury won’t prevent him from to returning to his hobby. Since 1994, he’s enjoyed working on and flying remote-control airplanes.

“I’m a member of ZARKS – the Zanesville Area Remote Kontrol Society. We fly nearly every weekend, except in the winter, and have our own field. I went out yesterday with my 14-year-old grandson,” Bill said.

Coincidentally, Dr. Gibson also enjoys flying remote control planes – and admits his own finger has gotten stuck in a propeller before, although he was not injured like Bill.

“Just a momentary distraction can cause a hand injury,” said Dr. Gibson. “Never take the guards off when working with equipment. We also see a lot of hand and finger injuries that happen in the kitchen, like when someone tries to separate frozen hamburger patties using a sharp knife. Prevention and paying attention to all the safety guidelines are key to avoiding hand injuries.”

Bill Howard Patient Story

When Bill Howard severed a tendon in his finger, he was glad to get surgery by Clayton Gibson, M.D., a fellowship-trained orthopedic hand surgeon. Now Bill is back to enjoying his favorite hobby.

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Avid Fisherman is Pain-Free After Minimally Invasive Shoulder Surgery

Surgeons use advanced 4k camera to save rotator cuff

Mark Morris tried everything – physical therapy, injections, chiropractic care, changing the way he maneuvered his shoulder during everyday activities, even the “grin and bear it” approach – but the pain stubbornly remained.

“It got to the point where it was extremely difficult to carry or lift a gallon of milk,” said the 48-year-old New Concord resident. “I like to hunt and fish, but it was painful to cast a pole. I like to do yard work, but I couldn’t manage pushing or pulling. My range of motion without pain was very minimal.”

Choosing the right orthopedic surgeon for shoulder surgery

Mark doesn’t know exactly when or how he injured his shoulder, but he knows that after seven years of hurting, he wanted his quality of life back. Though Mark said he’d willingly travel to find the best doctor, his family physician highly recommended a new, expert orthopedic surgeon in Zanesville – Thai Trinh, M.D., with Genesis Orthopedic Sports Medicine.

Before joining Genesis, Dr. Trinh obtained his doctorate from The Ohio State University College of Medicine and then completed an orthopedic surgery residency at Mount Carmel Health System in Columbus. He also underwent a fellowship in sports medicine and shoulder surgery at the University of Michigan. His thorough specialty training and expertise qualifies him to care for a wide variety of orthopedic injuries – from athletic damage to advanced impairments like Mark’s.

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Acromioclavicular (AC) joint arthritis and bicep tendonitis cause pain

Upon looking at Mark’s MRI results, Dr. Trinh identified a two-part problem with Mark’s right shoulder: acromioclavicular (AC) joint arthritis and bicep tendonitis. Both issues frequently result from strained, heavy use of the shoulder over time.

“The AC joint is the only joint that suspends your arm from your body,” Dr. Trinh explained. “So, every time you bring your arm above your head, your AC joint is under stress. After years of heavy use and lifting, arthritis can develop.”

Likewise, bicep tendonitis, or inflammation of the tendons connecting the bicep muscle, flares up with heavy labor and repeated overhead motion. To repair the damage, Dr. Trinh performed an advanced surgical procedure at Genesis.

“I removed the arthritis in his AC joint, then I removed the diseased bicep tendon from inside the shoulder where it’s surrounded by highly sensitive nerves. Then I reattached it to the humerus, where there are less nerves,” Dr. Trinh said.

“Also, based on the MRI, we weren’t sure if his rotator cuff was torn or not,” he said. To obtain an accurate, clear view of Mark’s rotator cuff, Dr. Trinh used a new 4K surgical camera. The impressive technology offers the highest resolution images available – right here at Genesis.

4k surgical camera leads to precise diagnosis

“The state-of-the-art, live imaging allowed us to determine that his rotator cuff was healthy and undamaged,” Dr. Trinh said. “We were able to use minimally invasive technology,” he said. “The whole thing was outstanding,” Mark said. “The Genesis team made sure my comfort was the top priority. They kept me 100% informed as to what they were doing, and I’ve had zero pain.”

Following surgery, Mark underwent physical therapy, has regained range of motion and seen tremendous progress.

Regrets waiting many years to seek treatment

“I’ve been fishing, and casting my pole didn’t cause any issues at all,” Mark said with a smile. “Plus, I just spent part of the weekend cleaning my pool and working in the garden – I think I’m getting along well.”

For Dr. Trinh, that kind of response makes his work worthwhile. “I absolutely love seeing people get back to what they enjoy – whether that’s an athlete returning to the game, a weekend warrior getting back into action, or a hard worker getting back on the job. They get their life back, and that brings the most rewarding feeling.”

The only thing Mark said he regrets is trying to deal with the pain for seven years. “I’m a living testimonial that Dr. Trinh knows all the new techniques, and as far as I’m concerned, I’m back 150 times better than I was before surgery. To those just living with the pain I say, ‘Why wait?’ Get it done – and make sure you see Dr. Trinh,” Mark said.

Make an appointment

You can schedule an appointment with Genesis Orthopedic Sports Medicine by calling (740) 586-6828.

Mark Morris Patient Story

After minimally invasive shoulder surgery, Mark is pain-free and able to enjoy casting a pole without wincing.

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Orthopedic Conditions We Treat

Turn to the experienced, caring physicians and staff at the Genesis Orthopedic Center for a diagnosis and treatment of almost any musculoskeletal condition, including:

  • Avascular necrosis
  • Bursitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome
  • Cysts and lipomas
  • Dislocations
  • Dupuytren's contracture
  • Foreign bodies – Loose fragments of bone or cartilage
  • Fractures
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Hand deformities
  • Knee instability
    • ACL tear
    • MCL tear
    • Meniscus tear
  • Nerve laceration
  • Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Pinched nerve
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Shoulder impingement
  • Shoulder separation
  • Sprains and strains
  • Tendonitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Torn biceps, labrum or tendon
  • Vessel lacerations
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Inpatient Care

While most cancer patients receive their care as outpatients at the Genesis Cancer Care Center, sometimes a higher level of care is needed. Genesis Hospital is attached to the Cancer Care Center, so you can receive more intensive care in the hospital quickly and easily. Perhaps you are having surgery for your cancer treatment or your symptoms need medical management. Or you might need inpatient chemotherapy. You can rest assured that the physicians at the Genesis Cancer Care Center will be there when you need to be in the hospital.

Conditions we treat

Some cancers often need surgical treatment while others are conditions that may require a higher level of medical care. Examples of the types of conditions that commonly require inpatient care include:

  • Breast cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Lung cancer
  • Lymphoma

Treatments and procedures

Treatments and procedures that can be done for patients who are hospitalized include:

  • Bone marrow biopsy
  • Central line placement
  • Chemotherapy
  • Intrathecal chemotherapy
  • Intravenous (IV) fluids
  • Plastic surgery
  • Surgery
  • Tumor biopsy

Meeting your inpatient treatment needs

At Genesis, we have compassionate, expertly trained oncology staff to meet your needs if you are hospitalized at Genesis Hospital. We are with you every step of the way. We’ll make sure your transition from inpatient to outpatient care is seamless. Our inpatient team includes:

  • Case managers
  • Dietitians
  • Ear, nose and throat surgeons
  • General surgeons
  • Gynecologists
  • Medical oncologists
  • Oncology nurses
  • Nurse navigators
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Radiation oncologists
  • Palliative care physicians
  • Plastic surgeons
  • Social workers
  • Spiritual care support staff
  • Surgical oncologists

Make an appointment

To learn more about inpatient cancer care at Genesis, call Genesis Cancer Services at (740) 454-5271 or toll-free 844-645-3433.


Patients can rely on inpatient care from the Genesis Cancer Care team when higher levels of care are needed, such as surgical treatment.

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Patient Support

Patient Support

When you’re going through cancer, there are many ways you navigate the journey. At Genesis, we are here for you during every step of that journey. We are committed to helping you with education, nutrition and physical, emotional and spiritual support. That’s the true meaning of WrapAround Care. We envelop you and your family with the tools you need to fight the battle and return to a healthy life.


We provide education to the community and our patients and your families, from prevention and diagnostics to treatment and survivorship. We reach out to the community at events and gatherings to educate you and your family on how to prevent cancer through screenings and lifestyle changes. We also discuss treatment options, side effects management and survivorship care.

13 Cancer Terms You Need to Know (Infographic)

Treating your mind, body, spirit and more

Cancer treatment is not just about surgery or chemotherapy, it’s also about treating the entire person. That includes your mind, body and spirit. We have a comprehensive team to help you, including:

  • Behavioral health services
  • Financial assistance
  • Hospice care
  • Nurse Navigators
  • Nutrition
  • Palliative care
  • Spiritual care
  • Support groups and classes

We also offer additional online resources about breast health, written by breast surgeons, for our patients.

Behavioral health

Your emotional and mental health plays a role in how you and your support team deal with cancer. We have behavioral health specialists available if you or your family need help coping with your diagnosis and treatment.

Financial assistance

Our Patient Financial Services staff can help determine benefits through your insurance, eligibility for insurance or financial assistance programs, medication assistance programs, transportation or housing assistance. If you or a loved one needs to stay overnight in Zanesville, you may qualify for a discounted rate at a local hotel.

Hospice care

Genesis Hospice has been providing care to the community for more than 30 years. We offer care wherever you call home, nursing facilities, Genesis Hospital and Genesis Morrison House. Our team includes board-certified physicians, nursing staff, home health aides, social workers, bereavement counselors, pastoral care staff and volunteers. We also offer music therapy, pet therapy, aroma therapy and Hospice clowns for visitation. We’re recognized as a Level 4 Hospice for our commitment to recognizing veterans through a pinning ceremony and our work with veterans in the community.

Nurse Navigators

If you are diagnosed with cancer, a cancer treatment program will be designed just for you. You will also be assigned a Nurse Navigator who meets with you throughout your treatment journey to guide you. Rely on your Navigator for help with:

Applying for financial aid and understanding insurance benefits
Communicating with the rest of your cancer team
Coordinating medical appointments
Discussing side effects of treatment or concerns
Taking advantage of support services and community resources
Understanding your condition and treatment options

Meet the caring nurse navigators you may work with in Cancer Services:

Annette Barr, BSN, RN, CGRN, OCN

Nurse Navigator
(740) 588-7815

Maggie Brydon, BSN, RN, OCN

Nurse Navigator
(740) 454-5232

Alicia Hunt, BSN, RN, OCN

Nurse Navigator
(740) 588-7816

Wendy Long, BSN, RN, OCN, CBHN

Nurse Navigator
(740) 586-6618


Good nutrition is key to healing, feeling good throughout treatment and beyond. You may find you have a decreased appetite from symptoms of cancer or from side effects of treatment. Our nurses and dietitians can educate you on how to manage your dietary needs. Other side effects you may experience include having a sore mouth or trouble swallowing, or food may taste bland. Our staff can discuss medications or diet modifications to help ease the symptoms. Maintaining good fluid intake is important for energy, maintaining blood pressure and flushing medications through your system. Our staff will guide you on what you should drink or avoid during treatment.

Palliative care

Genesis provides palliative care to offer symptom control for patients and their families dealing with serious illnesses. Palliative means comfort in Latin, and that’s exactly the goal of palliative care – to give comfort for patients with a chronic or serious illness. Palliative Care staff help patients deal with the symptoms, pain and stress of a serious illness like cancer.

Pet therapy

Our pet volunteers will bring a smile to your face. These specially trained dogs offer a distraction and lend a paw in times of need. Therapy dogs seem to have a positive effect on those individuals who love animals. In many cases the patient’s focus is momentarily diverted from their emotional and physical challenges of cancer treatment by focusing on the dog.

Chase Research has shown that when a patient interacts with a dog, the patient may realize a reduction of blood pressure, stress, anxiety, loneliness, depression and fear. Responses may also include increased awareness, communication and smiles. Dog visits offer physical and emotional benefits and may help the healing process along with your wellbeing.

Spiritual care

Serious illness and cancer often brings up feelings of anxiety and questions. Our compassionate spiritual care team offers guidance and emotional support, even if you don’t have a religious affiliation. Our spiritual care team is here to listen, offer words of comfort and encouragement, hold your hand, or offer a hug. Services our team offers includes:

  • Being an advocate
  • Crisis intervention
  • Cultural diversity training
  • Notifying churches and synagogues for patients if requested
  • No One Dies Alone (NODA)
  • Religious sacraments
  • Short-term individual counseling
  • Supply training for lay visitors

Support groups and classes

Support groups and classes offer you and your family encouragement and advice during your journey. We offer classes such as the Genesis Risk Intervention Program (GRIP) for exercise and strengthening after treatment.

Survivorship care plan

Depending on the type and stage of your cancer, you may receive a survivorship care plan. The care plan recommends ways to stay healthy and explains how often to schedule certain cancer screenings. You and your primary care doctor will also receive a treatment summary for your records.

Make an appointment

For an appointment or more information about the patient support our Cancer Care Center team provides, call (740) 454-5271 or toll-free 844-645-3433.

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Women’s Boutique

At the Genesis Women’s Boutique, you’ll discover products that help you or a loved one feel more confident and comfortable during cancer care. We have a variety of prostheses, bras, shapers, wigs and more. Our certified mastectomy fitters will guide you in choosing the right post-treatment supplies – they are here to help you look and feel your best. You can trust our caring staff to understand your concerns and answer your questions.

Post-treatment accessories

The Genesis Women’s Boutique is accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics. That means we offer:

  • Bras and shapers
  • Breast prostheses
  • Follow-up adjustments after your purchase
  • Hats, scarves and wigs
  • Instructions for using, cleaning, caring for and replacing your items
  • Insurance claim assistance
  • Mastectomy and lumpectomy supplies
  • Protection of your privacy


Breast prostheses, bras and shapers

Our quality post-treatment accessories meet the special and unique needs of each individual patient. Our certified staff members will take the time to discuss your options for prosthesis, bras or shapers. We offer private dressing rooms for fittings. We will teach you how to adjust, clean and care for your prostheses, as well as when to replace your items. Insurance companies allow for new prosthesis, bras, and shapers at a set interval. We will check with your insurance on eligibility for new items.

Certified mastectomy fitters

A certified fitter will meet with you to answer all your questions during a private, closed-door appointment. Our mastectomy fitters have been specially trained to make you feel comfortable and relaxed. They earn certifications through the American Board for Certification of Orthotics and Prosthetics. They are educated and trained in fitting, adjusting or modifying your prostheses and accessories.

Wigs, scarves and head coverings

The Women’s Boutique offers a variety of wigs, scarves and head coverings to meet your individual needs. We offer private dressing rooms, vanities, large mirrors and styling products for your personalized fitting. Our compassionate staff will teach you how to wear, clean and care for your wigs and head coverings.

Skin care, jewelry and gifts

In addition to post-treatment accessories, the Women’s Boutique has a unique collection cancer awareness jewelry, inspirational gifts and greeting cards. You’ll find products in our inventory created by nurses with patients in mind. Browse the boutique’s collection of:

  • Clothing
  • Greeting cards
  • Inspirational gifts
  • Jewelry
  • Purses
  • Skin care items

Make an appointment

For an appointment with a certified mastectomy fitter at the Genesis Women’s Boutique, call (740) 586-6538 

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Breast Care Center

The Genesis Breast Care Center, located in the Genesis HealthPlex, offers convenient appointments with our dedicated breast surgeon and compassionate staff. You can also get your mammogram in the HealthPlex – right across from the Breast Care Center. We offer digital mammography technology with 3-D tomosynthesis. The center is recognized by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers and a designated Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology. Weekly breast cancer conferences are held with a team approach involving surgeons, oncologists, nurse navigators, radiologists and pathologists to coordinate your care. Our goal is to ensure you receive the highest quality of breast care.

Dedicated breast surgeon

Patients can make an appointment without a physician referral with Shannon Hanley, M.D., a fellowship-trained breast surgeon at the Genesis Breast Care Center. Dr. Hanley and the staff of the Genesis Breast Care Center, including Amy Rice, APRN, CNP, are here for you and your breast health needs.

Shannon M. Hanley, MD
Shannon M. Hanley, MD
Amy B. Rice, APRN-CNP
Amy B. Rice, APRN-CNP

Conditions we treat

Our fellowship-trained breast surgeon, general surgeons, medical oncologist, radiation oncologists, radiologists and reconstructive surgeons can diagnose and provide advanced treatment for a variety of cancers and benign breast conditions including:

  • All types of breast cancers
  • High-risk breast cancer screening/management
  • Atypical hyperplasia
  • Intraductal papillomas
  • Breast calcifications
  • Lipomas
  • Breast masses
  • Lymphedema
  • Breast pain
  • Lobular carcinoma in situ
  • Fat necrosis
  • Mastitis
  • Fibroadenomas
  • Metastatic breast cancer
  • Fibrocystic breast changes
  • Nipple discharge
  • Genetic abnormalities


  • Gynecomastia


Treatments and procedures

The Genesis Breast Care Center offers a variety of treatments and procedures with your health and convenience in mind:

  • Genetic counseling
  • Nipple-sparing mastectomies and oncoplastic approaches
  • High-risk assessment
  • Radiation and systemic therapies
  • Imaging work-up
  • Same-day breast imaging and office appointments
  • In-office ultrasound machine – aspirations and breast biopsies
  • Same-day breast reconstruction for surgical patients
  • Lymphedema (swelling) management
  • Various surgical options
  • Multiple biopsy techniques

We also offer additional online resources about breast health, written by breast surgeons, for our patients.

Breast cancer surgery

Once breast cancer is detected or diagnosed, surgical treatment plans need to be made to remove the cancer and reduce the chance of the cancer returning. Our Breast Care Center offers patients a full range of surgical options.

  • Excisional biopsy
  • Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) Flap
  • Immediate reconstruction with tissue expanders/implant
  • Lumpectomy/partial mastectomy
  • Mastectomy
  • Nipple-sparing mastectomy
  • Oncoplastic breast reduction

Breast reconstruction and plastic surgery

The Genesis Breast Care Center offers a full range of surgical breast reconstruction options, such as:

  • Breast implants, silicone and saline
  • Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) Flap
  • Hidden scar surgery, oncoplastic closures

Your breast cancer surgery and reconstruction can be scheduled the same day at Genesis, so you don’t have to undergo two separate surgeries or travel to hospitals in other cities.


Increase your odds of detecting breast cancer early – when it’s easier to treat – with regular breast exams and imaging tests according your doctor’s recommended schedule.

You can trust Genesis for high-quality, digital breast imaging because we’re accredited by the American College of Radiology as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence (BICOE). That means we meet high standards for image quality, staff training, equipment and quality assurance and control.

As a BICOE, we’re fully accredited in:

  • Breast MRI
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Mammography, including 2D and 3D tomosynthesis
  • Stereotactic breast biopsy
  • Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy

Free mammograms

You may qualify for a free or reduced-fee digital mammogram from Genesis HealthCare System if you’re a woman:

Age 40 or older without insurance coverage for a mammogram
Younger than 40 and have a parent or sibling who’s experienced breast or ovarian cancer
Younger than 40 and have an area of concern in your breast
Whose income falls within 300 percent of the federal poverty guidelines

For more information or to find out if you’re eligible for a free mammogram, call Genesis Cancer Services at (740) 455-7648 or 800-322-4762, ext. 7648.


In most centers, you wait days for test results. We understand this can be very stressful, so at the Breast Care Center, we make sure your test results are timely.

We offer same-day testing and radiology results for our patients in the Breast Care Center who need:

  • Breast biopsy – pathology results take two to seven days
  • Genetic testing – results take two to three weeks
  • Mammogram
  • Ultrasonography

Therapy, chemotherapy and radiation

Breast cancer patients at the Genesis Breast Care Center have easy, convenient access to many treatment options at the Genesis Cancer Care Center, just across the street. You don’t have to travel far for the highest quality breast care. Treatment options include:

  • Biotherapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Endocrine therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Targeted therapy

Prostheses and certified fitters at the Women’s Boutique

Patients at the Genesis Breast Care Center receive personal, private attention at the Genesis Women’s Boutique. Our certified fitters can help you find the right prostheses, bras, shapers, wigs and more, so you’ll feel more confident and comfortable.

  • Bras and shapers
  • Breast prostheses
  • Follow-up adjustments after your purchase
  • Hats, scarves and wigs
  • Instructions for using, cleaning, caring for and replacing your items
  • Insurance claim assistance
  • Mastectomy and lumpectomy supplies
  • Protection of your privacy

The Genesis Women’s Boutique is accredited by the American Board for Certification (ABC) in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics. Trust our caring staff to understand your concerns and answer your questions. The boutique is located just across the street in the Genesis Cancer Care Center. For more information or to schedule an appointment at the boutique, call (740) 454-4701.

Make an appointment without a physician referral

You can make an appointment without a physician referral with Shannon Hanley, M.D., a fellowship-trained breast surgeon at the Genesis Breast Care Center. Whether you have benign breast disease or breast cancer, you will receive compassionate, quality care at the Breast Care Center. For an appointment at the Genesis Breast Care Center, call (740) 454-5221.


Schedule a mammogram

The American Cancer Society recommends that women age 40 and up receive mammograms. For an appointment for a mammogram, call Genesis Central Scheduling at (740) 454-4242 or toll-free 800-949-2720, ext. 4242.

Second opinions and consultations

A second opinion can have a significant impact on your diagnosis and treatment plan. Genesis offers second opinion services as well as consultations. For an appointment to discuss a second opinion, call (740) 454-5221.

Genesis Breast Cancer Patient Shares Her Story


Genesis Breast Care Center offers breast cancer diagnosis and advanced treatment for a variety of cancers and benign breast conditions.

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