Neurosciences Tests & Treatments

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Neurosciences Tests & Treatments

Timely, accurate diagnosis and treatment are key to a successful recovery. Genesis has the technology and highly trained, experienced staff to recognize symptoms of a neurological problem, make a timely diagnosis and provide interventional treatment to lead to the best outcome.

    • Carotid angiography
    • Carotid Doppler
    • Cerebral angiography
    • CT scans
    • Diffusion-weighted MRI
    • EEG
    • EKGs
    • EMG
    • MRA
    • MRI
    • Myelography
    • Sleep Diagnostic Studies
    • Transcranial Doppler
    • Aneurysm clipping
    • Balloon angioplasty for vasospasm
    • Cerebrovascular embolization
    • Kyphoplasty
    • Laminectomy/discectomy
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Physical Therapy
    • Speech Therapy
    • Spinal fusion
    • tPA
    • Vagus Nerve Stimulator Management
    • Vertebroplasty
    • Abdominal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (A-LIF)
    • Anterior Cervical Discectomy
    • Carpal Tunnel Releases (Open and Endoscopic)
    • Craniomities for Tumors
    • Direct Lateral Interbody Fusions (D-LIF)
    • Minimally Invasive Microdiscectomy (METRX procedure)
    • Radio-frequency thermal rhizotomy for trigeminal neuralgia
    • Radio-frequency Trigeminal procedures
    • Spinal Cord Stimulators
    • Spinal Decompression (lumbar and cervical)
    • Spinal Fractures (odontoid),
    • Tethered Cord Release
    • Transphenoidal Resection for Pituitary Tumors
    • Ulnar Nerve Transpositions
    • VP Shunts
    • X-stop Lumbar Decompression 
    • Stealth Neuro Navigation System
    • AXIS table
    • Jackson table
    • Advanced crani and spine microscopes

    Our rehabilitation team has helped individual regain independence after a neurological problem for decades. Learn more about the special rehab programs for neurological problems.

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    Genesis Neuro Patients Share Their Stories

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    Genesis Neuro Patients Share Their Stories

    The Genesis Neuroscience team has brought relief to many patients that suffer from brain and spine conditions. You can count on our interdisciplinary team of board-certified specialists.

    Learn how patients' lives have improved after receiving treatment from the Genesis Neuroscience team.

    Featured patient Story

    Woman Has Brain Surgery After 'False-Alarm Stroke' Reveals Brain Tumor

    Mary Hoover, a native resident of Zanesville, was at a doctor's appointment and reported that she couldn't move her left hand and left leg. Then, when asked to write her name, all she could manage was a scribble.

    Supporting Health Care in Our Communities

    The Genesis HealthCare Foundation is here to promote charitable support for Genesis HealthCare System.

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    Stroke Care

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    Stroke Care

    When you experience stroke symptoms, count on Genesis HealthCare System for timely, expert care that could help save your life.

    Recognized for Excellent Stroke Care

    Genesis HealthCare System holds Primary Stroke Certification from the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC). So rest assured that we can stabilize and treat acute stroke, provide acute care, and administer the clot-dissolving medication tPA and other treatments safely and efficiently.

    Also, Genesis Hospital adheres to rigorous criteria to receive the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines®–Stroke Quality Achievement Awards annually. That means you can feel confident you’ll receive the best treatment according to national standards.

    Stroke Specialists Available

    Telemedicine is a technology enabling you to get faster treatment by specialists. You get 24/7 access to stroke specialists because Genesis Hospital has Access TeleCare. The technology enables a neurologist to see, hear and talk to you and your family using video conferencing, which means you may be able to stay close to home for all the stroke care you need. But if you’d benefit from transfer to another hospital, our telemedicine technology lets treatment start sooner, improving your outcome.

    Stroke Rehabilitation

    After a stroke, neurological rehabilitation helps you regain skills in self-care, mobility and communication. You’ll also learn how to prevent strokes.

    Stroke Support Group

    Genesis offers a stroke support group to help stroke survivors, family members and caregivers share ideas and learn from others. 

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    Back Pain Treatment Center

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    Back Pain Treatment Center

    If you live with persistent back, neck or limb pain, you could have a spine condition. Ask the specialists at the Genesis Back Pain Treatment Center for help relieving your symptoms and staying as active and independent as possible. Call the Back Pain Treatment Center toll-free 855-893-BACK (2225) or 740-586-6577.

      Get care for a broad range of spine-related conditions, including:

      • Cervical and lumbar myelopathy
      • Cervical and lumbar radiculopathy
      • Degenerative disc disease
      • Lumbar spinal stenosis
      • Neck and lower back pain
      • Sciatica
      • Spinal arthritis
      • Spinal cord compression or injury
      • Spinal deformity
      • Spinal fracture

      In addition to muscle discomfort, signs of spinal conditions include shooting nerve pain, weakness, numbness, tingling, difficulty walking and incontinence. Symptoms can be:

      • Acute – Lasting up to six months and caused by an injury or disorder such as a strain, sprain, slipped disc or arthritis
      • Recurrent – Happens again and again
      • Chronic – Lasts longer than six months and worsens over time

      Your doctor may request an imaging procedure, lab test or nerve conduction study (electromyogram, or EMG) to diagnose your condition. Our Care Management Consultant will help you schedule tests, get authorization from your insurance company and schedule a follow-up appointment at the center.

      Whenever possible, your personalized treatment plan will begin with conservative, nonsurgical methods such as:

      • Rehabilitation – Includes the McKenzie Method of physical therapy, hot and cold therapy, gentle electrical stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, exercise, assistive devices and other methods to relieve pain and improve function
      • Lifestyle changes, such as smoking cessation, weight loss and stress management
      • Pain management

      We aim to help you return to your daily activities without heavy reliance on pain medication.

      Depending on your diagnosis, your doctor may refer you to a neurologist or neurosurgeon. In this case, our Care Management Consultant will work with the specialist to stay informed of your progress and update your primary care physician.

      Back Pain Team

      You get coordinated care from a multidisciplinary team of medical professionals, including:

      • Neurologists
      • Pain management physicians
      • Physiatrists (physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors)
      • Physical therapists
      • Occupational therapists
      • Surgeons
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      If you’re among millions of Americans who experience a brain or spine condition, turn to Genesis HealthCare System for help. Count on the interdisciplinary team of board-certified specialists at our nonprofit, mission-driven facility to help you improve your quality of life.

      At the Genesis Neuroscience Center, you’ll find all the care you need in one convenient location, including:

      • Diagnostic imaging
      • Neurology
      • Neurosurgery

        Ask an experienced Genesis neurologist or neurosurgeon for a diagnosis and treatment of nervous system conditions such as:

        • Acquired brain injury
        • Alzheimer's
        • Back and neck pain
        • Bell’s palsy
        • Migraines
        • Multiple sclerosis
        • Carpal tunnel syndrome
        • Degenerative disc disease
        • Epilepsy
        • Guillain-Barre syndrome
        • Nerve compression syndrome
        • Parkinson's disease
        • Seizures
        • Sleep disorders
        • Spinal cord injury
        • Stroke

        Rapid Response to Brain & Spine Emergencies

        After you come to the emergency department with a serious injury, you’ll get care from a skilled trauma team and other professionals experienced in recognizing and responding to neurological problems. You’ll also benefit from a critical care or acute care physician who is always onsite to quickly treat patients with brain or spine conditions.

        Resources for Those with Memory Impairment

        In Ohio, there are options to assist those with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological conditions. offers a guide to these resources.’s mission is to support older adults living with memory impairment and their families by using the latest, data-driven research and collaborating with memory care experts to provide resources that are accessible to all who are in need. Whether you are in the early stages of memory or cognitive impairment or care for a loved one in the later stages, has tools that can help.


        Our experienced neurologists and neurosurgeons provide specialized neuroscience services to patients who have a brain or spinal condition.

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        Woman Survives ‘Widow Maker’ Heart Attack

        Excellent local medical care is vital for survival

        Heart attacks in women often look and feel much less dramatic than the stereotypical elephant-on-the-chest scenario. Symptoms can include shortness of breath, lightheadedness, cold sweats, nausea and neck, jaw or back pain. Sometimes a heart attack is disregarded as a bad case of indigestion, as was the scenario of Penny Higgins.

        Underestimating the warning signs of a heart attack

        Higgins, 70, had been experiencing the stereotypical heart attack symptoms that often get ignored—chest pain, indigestion, fatigue. The discomfort faded away and then returned with a vengeance.

        “I didn’t think it could be a heart attack – I didn’t feel that bad,” Higgins remembers. “It wasn’t like a heart attack in a movie scene.” Penny didn’t go directly to the hospital. Days later, the pressure tightened around her chest like rubber bands pulling, a stinging sensation shot down her arm, and her stomach pain caused vomiting.

        Low survival rate for ‘widow maker’ heart attack patients

        Within minutes of arriving at the emergency department, the emergency and interventional cardiology teams collaborated at full speed. “Nine or ten people gathered around and began working with extreme efficiency. They told me I was indeed having a heart attack, and they had to work fast to save my life,” Higgins said.

        Higgins had a complete blockage at the beginning of her main artery down the front of the heart, or the left descending artery (LAD). As far as heart attacks go, this is often referred to as the ‘widow maker’ because of the low survival rate when patients experience a heart attack in the left descending artery. It supplies blood to the front and the bottom of the heart’s left ventricle, and to the front of the septum.

        Heart muscle dies every minute during a blockage

        “When it comes to heart attacks, every minute counts, and time is heart muscle,” says Abdulhay Albirini, M.D., interventional cardiologist with the Genesis Heart, Lung & Vascular Group. “Literally, every minute a blockage in an artery stops blood flow, more of the heart muscle dies. When care is delayed, significant permanent damage can result. On the other hand, if we can open the artery right away, heart muscle damage can be minimal and the majority of patients go on to live normal lives.”

        Dr. Albirini and his team rushed Higgins into the Cardiac Catheterization Lab for diagnosis and treatment. Through a tiny, two millimeter catheter, Dr. Albirini maneuvered a hair-thin wire through the clot and inflated a balloon to bust the blockage. Then he deployed a small, wire mesh stent to hold the artery permanently open.

        Specialized treatment and technology in Zanesville is saving lives

        In acute cases like Higgins', excellent, local medical care is vital for survival. “In the old days, before Genesis had a heart program doing these procedures, patients were transferred to Columbus – 60 miles from here – which delayed treatment,” recalls Dr. Albirini. “Now, our communities have access to outstanding care close to home – it makes a big difference in outcomes.”

        In fact, Genesis Hospital provides superior heart and vascular care compared to the majority of the heart centers around the nation, according to national quality indicators collected by the American College of Cardiology. “We are successful because we have the expertise, the technology, and we work so well together. The ED team, the cardiologists, the technicians and nurses – everyone knows his or her role and treats the patient promptly,” Dr. Albirini says.

        Genesis cardiac rehabilitation combines exercise, education and nutritionists

        Higgins participated in the Heart & Vascular Rehabilitation three times a week for three months combining exercise, education and support. “Genesis’ rehabilitation program is wonderful,” Higgins said. “We talked with pharmacists, had support groups and learned from nutritionists. I’ve built my strength by using the exercise machines too. Plus, I’m lucky because I have my husband. We’ve been married 51 years, and his support helps me get through this.”

        She’ll return to water aerobics soon and continue serving West Muskingum Schools, First Christian Church and the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary. “I’m getting stronger daily. I feel like I’ve been given a chance to continue living a good life,” Higgins said. “The care at Genesis made all the difference. I know they saved my life.”

        Heart attack symptoms for women can be different than men

        Unlike the dramatic, chest-clutching pain in a movie scene, women often experience subtler and sometimes different symptoms for three or four weeks before a heart attack. Symptoms for women include but are not limited to:

        - Jaw pain in lower left side
        - Shoulder pain
        - Upper back pain
        - Pain in the center of the chest that spreads to the back
        - Pain that spreads to either arm (usually the left arm in men)
        - Unusual or extreme fatigue during normal activities
        - Pain that wakes you up at night
        - Shortness of breath without exertion

        If you are experiencing any one of the symptoms described below that lasts for more than five minutes, SEEK EMERGENCY TREATMENT AND CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY.

        Recognize other warning signs of a heart attack

        Chest pain (often described as an ‘elephant sitting on the chest’) is the most common symptom of heart attack in men. These symptoms could also be signs of a heart attack:

        - Chest pain (heaviness, pressure, tightness, aching, burning or squeezing)
        - Chest discomfort that lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back
        - Pain in the arm, left shoulder, back, neck, jaw or stomach
        - Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
        - Sweating or “cold sweats”
        - Nausea or vomiting
        - Indigestion or what may feel like heartburn
        - Dizziness
        - Extreme weakness
        - Rapid or irregular heart beats
        - Light-headedness

        Respond to heart attack symptoms right away

        Time is muscle. Every minute a blockage in an artery stops blood flow, more of your heart muscle dies causing permanent damage to your heart. When it comes to your life or the life of someone you love, don’t delay if you have chest pain or symptoms of a heart attack. Error on the side of caution and respond immediately by calling 911 or getting to your nearest emergency department.

        Penny Higgins Patient Story

        Penny Higgins, 70, had been experiencing the stereotypical heart attack symptoms that often get ignored—chest pain, indigestion, fatigue.

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        Taking It To The Limit

        Heart Patient Competes

        Brad Hollingsworth tests his limits and always has. The 41-year-old has accomplished amazing physical feats even though he has complete congenital heart block, diagnosed when he was about a year old. "Basically, it means the electrical impulses to stimulate the ventricles don't connect," Brad said. "It's like one end of the line is frayed, and the result is spotty reception."

        Even with this heart condition, Brad has been able to compete in Ironman triathlon races with the help of his fellowship-trained electrophysiologist, Grant Chow, M.D., Genesis Heart & Vascular Institute. An electrophysiologist has additional years of training to specialize in the heart’s electrical activity.

        “Dr. Chow is part of my team that boosts my confidence to pursue my dreams of the Hawaii World Ironman championship,” Brad said. He eagerly shares his health information to help others learn that what seems impossible – is possible. “I want to educate others that you can overcome obstacles – especially if you have physicians like Dr. Chow. Having his guidance gives me the confidence, and confidence is necessary to commit to the Ironman races and the training (8 to 15 hours a week for 6 to 12 months).” The Ironman races include 2.4 miles swimming, 112 miles biking and 26.2 miles running.

        Although Brad’s heart condition doesn’t have symptoms and didn’t require a pacemaker, it does require close monitoring. Brad lives every day with a resting heart rate around 38 beats per minute (bpm), while the average rate is 60 bpm. “This is an uncommon heart condition, only occurring about one in every 15,000 to 22,000 people,” Dr. Chow said. “Brad’s ability to compete, given his heart condition, is basically unheard of. Most people with his heart condition are bubble wrapped and told not to exercise.”

        Competing in Ironman races is such an anomaly for a patient like Brad that Dr. Chow is featuring his health numbers in a case report. Brad’s biometric data was recorded during an Ironman race. “Nobody in the world, that I can find, has described and recorded this data on someone with a congenital complete heart block, who doesn’t have a pacemaker. Our hope is that others with complete heart blocks are inspired by what Brad achieved.” (As always, check with your physicians before beginning an exercise regimen.)

        Brad completed the Florida 2019 Ironman race in 12 hours and 29 minutes. Over 200 participants didn’t meet the 17-hour time limit to be an official finisher.

        Brad appreciates having a physician guiding him to screen for heart palpitations, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, fainting or decreased physical ability. Brad recognizes the signs and knows when he needs to take a break. “Being able to have Dr. Chow’s guidance has been very critical for me to go live and do these crazy things.”

        When asked why he pushes himself to do these ‘crazy things’, Brad responded, “I love the adventure. I love to push my limits. We’re all capable of doing more than what we believe we can.”

        Brad Hollingsworth Patient Story

        Brad Hollingsworth tests his limits and always has. The 41-year-old has accomplished amazing physical feats even though he has complete congenital heart block, diagnosed when he was about a year old.

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        Patient Finds New Energy After Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery

        Say goodbye to shortness of breath, low energy

        JoAnn Grubb had been active her whole life, but the shortness of breath caused by her narrowing aortic valve was slowing her down. “We’d been following my heart valve problem for a couple of years and finally it was at a place where it had to be replaced,” said JoAnn. She went to Genesis HealthCare System to see a cardiothoracic surgeon on the advice of her regular cardiologist, Dr. Abdulhay Albirini.

        Aortic stenosis occurs when the valve between the heart and aorta (the main artery carrying oxygenated blood away from the heart) does not open all the way. The cardiothoracic surgeon confirmed that JoAnn’s aortic valve was significantly narrowed and recommended surgery to replace it. While she might have gone a few years without the surgery, her quality of life would have been diminished and eventually her heart would have given out.

        With the exception of a heart transplant, Genesis can perform any cardiac procedure available in a larger hospital, including open heart surgery.

        Heart surgery is scheduled

        The surgery went as expected but was followed that evening by unexplained seizures. However, a neurologist was immediately consulted and JoAnn recovered quickly.

        Today, JoAnn is back to her old self, taking daily walks, going to Zanesville High School basketball games and planning trips with her husband, Jim. For her part, JoAnn was so pleased with her care that she posted a thank-you in the local newspaper. “I’m doing better with shortness of breath, which was my major symptom before the surgery,” she said. “Now I can walk farther and do more without having to sit down and catch my breath.”

        Get the best care for your heart

        Genesis Heart Services are close to home and is the region's only hospital with accreditations for chest pain treatment and congestive heart failure (CHF). Genesis is the first hospital in the nation to be granted atrial fibrillation certification. Genesis has a full range of heart care services, and our quality ranks among the highest in the state and country ... so you know your heart is in good hands.

        JoAnn Grubb Patient Story

        JoAnn Grubb had been active her whole life, but the shortness of breath caused by her narrowing aortic valve was slowing her down. “We’d been following my heart valve problem for a couple of years and finally it was at a place where it had to be replaced,” said JoAnn. She went to Genesis HealthCare System to see a cardiothoracic surgeon on the advice of her regular cardiologist, Dr. Abdulhay Albirini.

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        Man Survives 100 Percent Blockage After Coronary Bypass Surgery

        Symptoms alert Zanesville man to heart problem

        “What’s the matter, Grandpa?” asked 7 year-old Hunter. Daniel Wilson rested on a log and inhaled deeply.

        “I’m just going to sit here and relax,” Daniel said, trying to make sense of the new, lightheaded feeling swirling inside of him. This was the second night in a row that lightheadedness cut into his wood splitting attempts.

        Cardiologists work with surgeons to find the right treatment

        The next day, Daniel went to work at Genesis in Materials Distribution. He’s served in the department that delivers supplies throughout the hospital for 24 years and knows most of the hospital’s team members. Sighting Duane Pool, M.D., cardiologist, down the hallway, Daniel asked, “Hey doc, what does it mean if you get lightheaded when splitting firewood?” Dr. Pool quickly replied, “It means you need to get into my office.” After hearing Daniel’s symptoms and considering his family history, Dr. Pool scheduled a heart catheterization at the Genesis Catheterization Lab. Dr. Pool found blockage, and Daniel was referred to Christopher Genco, M.D., cardiothoracic vascular surgeon at Genesis. “Dr. Pool found severe coronary artery disease in two of Daniel’s main vessels,” Dr. Genco explained. “One artery with two large branches was 100 percent blocked, and the other artery was 80 percent blocked.” Daniel was soon scheduled for surgery.

        Grafting veins to restore blood flow to the heart

        Coronary artery disease develops as plaque builds. Eventually, the artery narrows and blood flow decreases significantly, causing shortness of breath, chest pain, lightheadedness and other symptoms. Though the disease cannot be cured, quality of life can greatly improve for people with severe disease when surgeons perform coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).

        “Think of it this way, Daniel’s main road or artery, was blocked and we needed to build roads around the blockage,” Dr. Genco said. “We build the bypass by grafting the veins from the patient’s legs or use the mammary artery … Just like we turn off a car’s engine when working on it, in Daniel’s case we stopped the heart for about 1.5 hours to perform the bypass. As we build the roads and work on the stilled heart, a bypass machine maintains blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body. When we’re finished, blood flow is restored and the heart starts pumping again.”

        Though Dr. Genco explains CABG in simple terms, the advanced procedure requires expertise and top-quality care. “We’re fortunate to have a hospital providing such quality heart care close to home,” Dr. Genco said. “It provides residents with access to needed health care and opportunities to heal while surrounded by friends and family.”

        Finding support among family members and friends

        Heart disease runs in Daniel’s family. His father died during a similar open-heart surgery about 40 years ago. To prepare for his surgery, Daniel attended church and visited his father’s grave.

        “I was scared to death,” Daniel recalled. “When I went into surgery I felt so nervous, but then I looked around and saw an anesthesiologist, who’s a friend of mine, and a couple nurses I knew, and I relaxed. I knew I was in good care. The doctors and nurses were pulling for me, and I had a whole bunch of family in the waiting room too. Everybody cared, and I made it through.”

        Daniel said his support system and trust in the advanced cardiology care at Genesis remained strong throughout his entire journey – from diagnosis, through treatment and recovery. He said his hospital room was dubbed “Main Street” due to many visitors; and his wife, grandson and 3-year-old granddaughter, “Nurse Sofia,” doted on him constantly.

        “I did this for my family,” Daniel said. “But if I did it all again, I’d have started losing weight earlier. I didn’t realize I was so heavy; it just crept up on me.”

        Daniel’s weight loss started about a month before his heart-related symptoms surfaced, when he lost 60 pounds by removing pop and sugary drinks from his daily diet.

        “We can’t make coronary artery disease go away, but there are ways to slow the disease’s progression,” Dr. Genco said. Healthy habits will be vital to keeping his coronary artery disease in check. Habits that promote healthy arteries include managing diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol levels; eating healthy; exercising; not smoking; weight loss; and reducing stress.

        Back on the farm after recovery

        After his CABG procedure in February, Daniel recovered for 11 weeks before returning to work. He doesn’t split wood or lift heavy items yet, but he does bail hay, drive the tractor and spend quality time with his children and grandchildren on the family farm.

        “I’m back to doing the things I like to do,” Daniel said. “Family and friends ask what doctor I used, and I’ve already referred several to Dr. Genco. I like him a lot, and I’m happy to tell everyone how the experts at Genesis enabled me to get back to working and enjoying life.”

        Daniel Wilson Patient Story

        Daniel was lightheaded while splitting wood at home. After hearing Daniel’s symptoms and considering his family history, Dr. Pool scheduled a heart catheterization.

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        Cardiac Team Resuscitates and Saves Heart Attack Patient

        Woman survives widow maker, 100 percent blockage

        Shelba Kane, a long-time resident of South Zanesville, casually watched TV while the discomfort grew in her chest. Once the pain forcefully struck between her shoulder blades, she got up and told her husband that she needed to get to the hospital. A sense of urgency flooded over her as nausea, dizziness and cold sweats erupted.

        EMS arrived quickly and took her to Genesis Hospital – where widow maker heart attacks meet their match. Upon arrival, Brooke Donaldson, M.D., FACEP, emergency medicine specialist, Genesis Emergency & Trauma Services, rushed to Shelba’s bedside and began asking questions, but the conversation ended abruptly when Shelba lost consciousness and her heart stopped beating.

        Left descending artery (LAD) is known as widow maker artery

        “I started compressions immediately, and our team moved her to a major medical resuscitation room,” Dr. Donaldson said.

        Shelba’s situation was grave. She went into cardiac arrest four times and received three electric shocks to restore her normal heart rhythm. The dire situation was caused by a blockage that completely stopped blood from flowing to her left anterior descending artery (LAD). Known as the deadliest kind of heart attack, the widow maker strikes suddenly – and despite its name, the attack can occur in men as well as women.

        Dr. Donaldson and her quick-acting emergency team were able to resuscitate Shelba and transport her to the cardiac catheterization lab, where Abdulhay Albirini, M.D., medical director and interventional cardiologist, Genesis Heart & Vascular Services, and his team aimed to re-establish proper blood flow – and fast.

        Immediate dilation and stenting to save her life

        “With heart attacks, time is crucial,” Dr. Albirini said. “The LAD supplies blood to more than 50 percent of the heart muscle, and Shelba’s was 100 percent obstructed. If patients receive care quickly after the onset of symptoms, we have greater chances of restoring blood flow and saving the heart muscle.”

        Dr. Albirini opened Shelba’s blocked blood vessel by dilating a balloon in her LAD. He then carefully placed two stents that permanently prop open the artery. “It’s definitely a life-saving procedure in acute heart attacks,” Dr. Albirini said.

        For Shelba, the expert care at Genesis proved to be life-saving and absolutely inspiring. “I feel like I had a miracle,” Shelba said. Though Shelba sees it as a miracle, the Genesis team sees it as their daily routine. Genesis’ skilled hospital professionals care for, on average, 120-130 patients experiencing acute heart attacks each year; with the majority suffering from 100 percent blockage of one of the heart’s three main arteries. Since heart disease holds strong as the leading cause of death among men and women, it’s comforting to know that outstanding emergency and cardiology care is close to home.

        Reunited with the medical team to say thank you

        “It’s too bad that we see so many people with heart attacks, but at least we can do something about it – we have the skills, experience and technologies to help these patients,” Dr. Albirini said. “There is nothing more gratifying than seeing a patient who survived a heart attack say, ‘You saved my life!’ It’s wonderful.”

        Dr. Donaldson agrees. As a Genesis Emergency Department (ED) physician, she stabilizes patients but rarely knows the long-term results of her patients’ progress. That’s why, when Shelba returned to Genesis’ ED to express thanks to team members who kept her alive, Dr. Donaldson felt overcome with emotion. “It was probably one of the most gratifying and humbling experiences I’ve had – to see her walking and talking with her family, to see her back to the person she was before,” Dr. Donaldson said.

        Grateful to make heart-healthy changes

        Thanks to procedures in the catheterization lab and four days of care at Genesis Hospital, Shelba’s body rallied. Her vitals improved steadily, her blood flowed properly, and she went home to continue her healing. Today, Shelba makes heart health a major priority. To nurture her healing heart, Shelba cherishes time with family and sticks with revolutionary changes in her diet.

        “I cut out all junk,” Shelba said. “I switched to a lower sodium and lower fat diet, and I’m eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. I have more energy now, and I feel stronger.” Looking back, Shelba’s heart bursts with gratitude for the Genesis team.

        “They’re wonderful. My daughter said she’s never seen anything like the care I got and how hard they worked to keep me alive. Dr. Donaldson saved my life, as did Dr. Albirini (and I think he’s one of the best doctors Zanesville has to offer). They were SO good, it’s hard to put into words,” Shelba said.

        Recognize the warning signs of a heart attack

        Chest pain (often described as an ‘elephant sitting on the chest’) is the most common symptom of heart attack in men. These symptoms could also be signs of a heart attack:

        • Chest pain (heaviness, pressure, tightness, aching, burning or squeezing)
          Chest discomfort that lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back
          Pain in the arm, left shoulder, back, neck, jaw or stomach
          Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
          Sweating or “cold sweats”
          Nausea or vomiting
          Indigestion or what may feel like heartburn
          Extreme weakness
          Rapid or irregular heartbeats

        Women can experience different heart attack symptoms

        Jaw pain in the lower left side, shoulder pain, and upper back pain are all symptoms women should pay close attention to. Unlike the dramatic, chest-clutching pain in a movie scene, women often experience subtler and sometimes different symptoms for three or four weeks before a heart attack. Other symptoms include:

        • Pain in the center of the chest that spreads to the back
          Pain that spreads to either arm (usually the left arm in men)
          Unusual or extreme fatigue during normal activities
          Pain that wakes you up at night
          Shortness of breath without exertion

        If you are experiencing any one of the symptoms described below that lasts for more than five minutes, SEEK EMERGENCY TREATMENT AND CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY.

        Shelba Kane Patient Story

        Shelba Kane was taken to the Genesis by EMS suffering from chest pain. The Genesis medical team was able to save her life from a heart attack, and Shelba made a full recovery.

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