Factory Worker With COPD Now Enjoys Fishing, Gardening

Thanks to pulmonary rehab

David Mummey has suffered from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for many years. So when his physician, Emily Brawner, D.O., FCCP, pulmonary critical care, suggested he start pulmonary rehabilitation through the Genesis Black Lung Program, he wasn’t sure it would help. David’s mother and brother died as a result of complications from COPD, so he didn’t think the program would improve his condition.

David stopped using tobacco several years ago but figured that 50 years of smoking cigarettes and working in dusty factory jobs had taken its toll on his lungs. Even so, he decided to give pulmonary rehab a try. “I was short of breath and just sat around. I was at the point I couldn’t put out a garden or do anything,” David said.

Give It a Try

He started phase II Pulmonary Rehab in spring 2014 three times a week at the cardiac/pulmonary rehab gym on the Bethesda Campus. The pulmonary rehab program is medically supervised and includes exercises to improve physical fitness, breathing techniques and strategies for managing COPD.

David admits the physical exercises weren’t easy. He didn’t notice an immediate improvement but continued through the program. The respiratory therapists encouraged him to stick with it. “Ashlee Clark is an angel,” he said. “I tended to push myself hard. If I started to struggle, she was right there.” After several weeks, his breathing and stamina improved markedly. “It’s made a big difference in my life. I have been able to do things I wasn’t able to do before.”

A Changed Life

David is able to go fishing with his daughter and grandchildren. He’s also been able to plant a vegetable garden – a task he couldn’t accomplish before starting pulmonary rehab. He completed phase II pulmonary rehab three times a week and is now doing phase III twice a week.

David is grateful for the care he receives through the Genesis Black Lung Program. “It’s changed my life. I’d be afraid to stop now. If I miss one time, I notice a big difference,” he said.

He’s glad he took the first step to enroll in the program. “If I hadn’t started pulmonary rehab, I might not be here today,” David says.

More information

If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or other lung issues, we want you to know the treatment you might encounter. Check out our Lung Information You Need to Know (Infographic).

David Mummey Patient Story

David Mummey started pulmonary rehabilitation through the Genesis Black Lung Program.

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Factory Worker with COPD now Enjoys Fishing and Gardening | David Mummey
David had suffered from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for years. After completing pulmonary rehab at Genesis, David is now able to go fishing with his daughter and grandchildren.


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Meet the Lung Care Team

Care Management Consultants

Our consultants serve as a consistent resource and are able to assist with access issues, identifying available resources, providing education and educational materials and communicating with other healthcare professionals to individualize a treatment plan that best meets your needs. Call to make an appointment with one of our consultants at 740-454-5644. Staff:

  • Monica Gamble, R.N.
  • Courtney Hodge, R.N., BSN, RN-BC
  • Cheryl Roller, R.N., CCRN, CTTS
  • Rob Williamson, R.N., BSN, CRN, CTTS



Genesis Respiratory Therapists work under the medical direction of doctors to treat all types of patients. They are involved in the evaluation and monitoring of heart and lung function as well as giving treatment.


Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT)

A Pulmonary Function Test is used to determine how fast air is moving through your lungs. It also measures how easy it is to inhale and exhale and how efficiently your lungs transfer oxygen to your circulatory system. Staff:

  • Yvonne Adair, CRT, BPFT, RCP, coordinator


Pulmonary Rehab

Our pulmonary rehabilitation exercise-based program is designed to help you learn breathing techniques to make breathing easier. Education provided by respiratory therapist, exercise physiologist and dietician. Staff:

  • Ashlee Noyes, RCP, RRT, CTTS
  • Sara Paisley, BS


Lung Clinic

The Lung Clinic is where we provide expert outpatient services. Common conditions treated include; black lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and more. Staff:

  • Kelly Smith, R.N., BSN, MSN
  • Michelle Peffers, LPN
  • Jessica McGreevy, R.N., BSN, CTTS
  • Jodi Roe, LPN
  • Bryson Stair, APRN-CNP
  • Joy Stashonsky, APRN-CNP
  • Gretchen Rossiter, APRN-CNP


Black Lung

Our Black Lung Program is for coal miners and adults with breathing problems. It involves screenings, diagnosis, education, rehabilitation, treatment, exercise and medication assistance and more. Staff:

  • Michele Newlon, benefits counselor and grant administration consultant
  • Stacey Stewart, BBA, outreach coordinator
  • Tammy Mathers, R.N., BSN, ANCC-CV, TTS
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Tobacco Treatment Program

Tobacco Treatment Program

Congratulations on your decision to quit using tobacco. No matter what brought you here, the Genesis Tobacco Treatment Program offers tailored treatment plans and goal setting to help you quit successfully.

How it Works

You’ll meet with Genesis Tobacco Treatment counselors who’ll discuss treatment options with you and determine the best approach to curb your tobacco craving. You’ll also discuss appropriate nicotine replacement products—such as gum or medications—as well as a “quit date” that works for you.

Meeting with Counselors

Your individualized program includes regular sessions with counselors. At Genesis, we suggest four sessions to make sure your program is working. You can also work in additional sessions to make adjustments to your plan, learn tips from other successful quitters and prepare to curb future cravings.

Insurance Coverage

There may be some cost to you, depending on your medical insurance or Medicare. When you call to schedule an appointment, we’ll help verify insurance coverage and co-pays.

Get Started Today

If you’re ready to kick the habit, call to schedule an appointment with one of our counselors. You’ll need a referral from your doctor, but we can help you obtain that when you call.

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Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Breathing problems are scary, but at Genesis HealthCare System, your lungs are in the best hands. You’ll have pulmonary rehabilitation focused on lessening shortness of breath and increasing your quality of life.

Check with your doctor to see if you’re a candidate for pulmonary rehabilitation. You may be considered for our comprehensive program if you’re living with a stable, chronic lung disease such as:

  • Alpha 1 (Antitrypsin Deficiency)
  • Asthma
  • Black lung
  • Bronchiectasis
  • COPD
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Pulmonary fibrosis
  • Other chronic respiratory disorders

David’s Story

Learn how patient David Mummey found care and support for COPD with help from Genesis Lung Services.

Exercise Sessions

Exercise sessions help you get back to breathing better. Sessions are held two days per week in two-hour sessions. Exercises include:

  • Low-level aerobic activities
  • Proper breathing techniques
  • Stretching
  • Strengthening

Exercise is proven to increase health and wellness, and by learning proper breathing techniques, you’ll be able to do more activity with less shortness of breath. All exercises are monitored by our team for your safety and progress, and we make sure you’re comfortable every step of the way.

Personalized Education

You’ll also receive education throughout your rehabilitation on achieving healthy lifestyle changes and making progress. You’ll also learn about breathing medicines, how they work and how to use them.

Maintenance Program

Upon successful completion of the pulmonary rehabilitation program, you can take advantage of our maintenance program with continued exercise at Genesis Hospital with our Pulmonary Rehab staff.

Accredited Program

Genesis HealthCare System’s pulmonary rehabilitation program is certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. So you can trust you’ll benefit from:

  • Evidence-based care tailored to your condition
  • A thoroughly trained, experienced interdisciplinary team
  • Care for your emotional and social needs

Get Started Today

For more information about the program, call Genesis Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

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Genesis Lung Center

Genesis Lung Center

Talk with your doctor today to decide if the outpatient care at the Genesis Lung Center is right for you.

You’ll get the care you need to breathe easier with help from the Genesis Lung Center. Your quality of life is our priority, and our care starts with advanced treatment and programs for various lung conditions and disorders.

Center Outpatient Care & Programs

You’ll have advanced, comprehensive care for all outpatient needs including:

  • COPD program
  • Financial assistance and medication
  • Home monitoring for weight and vital signs
  • Individualized education
  • IV and aerosol therapy, as needed
  • Lab testing and EKG, as needed
  • Lung screening program
  • Medication evaluations

Shelly’s Story

Learn how patient Shelly Grafton improved her health with help from the Genesis Lung Center.

Black Lung Program

The Genesis Black Lung Program helps coal miners with testing and treatment for black lung and breathing problems through the USA Department of Health and Human Services federally funded program.



Get Help Now

You’ll get the outpatient care your doctor ordered with help from our experienced team of lung specialists. Physician referrals are not necessary at our center, so call today to schedule your appointment.

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Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD)

Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD)

Did you know that 95% of people with Alpha 1 don't even know they have it?

Having difficulties breathing is no laughing matter, but did you know that laughing does matter? A good belly laugh can improve your respiratory and overall health. COPD is the third-leading cause of death in the US and can be the result of an underlying genetic condition called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD).

AATD is an inherited disease and can be misdiagnosed as COPD or asthma. People with AATD are born with a lack of or low levels of a blood protein called AAT or alpha1-proteinase inhibitor (A1-PI). This protein (which is made in the liver) helps protect from lung tissue damage from enzymes that are released by white blood cells.

Without this important protein, the lungs are more at risk for damage, and people are far more likely to develop serious lung diseases such as emphysema.

What are the symptoms for AATD?

If you have any of the following symptoms/conditions, you may have AATD. Ask your doctor if testing for AATD is right for you.

  • COPD—emphysema, chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis
  • Early onset of emphysema (age 45 years or less)
  • Family history or any of the following: emphysema/COPD, liver disease, or panniculitis
  • Liver disease with unknown cause
  • Asthma with minimal response to therapies, such as medication and inhalers
  • Shortness of breath with routine activity
  • Cough with or without mucus

Where does AATD come from?

AATD is a genetic disorder caused by inheriting an abnormal gene from one or both of your parents. Since it is inherited, your parents, siblings and children may also be at risk for the disorder.

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Pulmonary Function Lab

Pulmonary Function Lab

A pulmonary function test is used to measure how much and how fast air can move in and out of your lungs. It also can indicate how easily you are able to inhale and exhale air and how efficiently your lungs transfer oxygen into your circulatory system.

Genesis Pulmonary Function Lab offers both certified and registered pulmonary function technologists to perform your diagnostic test for lung diseases.

You doctor may order a pulmonary function test to:

  • Diagnose lung diseases such as: asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and black lung
  • Monitor how lung diseases change over time
  • Assess the benefits of respiratory treatments
  • Screening prior to surgery
  • Evaluate symptoms and the effect of lung disease
  • Monitor reactions of drugs that are known to cause damage to the lungs.

Some of the testing that we can perform include:

  • Spirometry
  • Lung volumes with plethysmography
  • Diffusion capacity
  • Methacholine challenges
  • Arterial blood gases
  • CPET (Cardiopulmonary Exercising testing)
  • 6 minute walk test

To get the most accurate results from your breathing tests:

  • Check with your healthcare provider for any specific instructions.
  • Do not smoke for at least 1 hour prior to your test.
  • Do not drink alcohol for at least 4 hours prior to your test.
  • Do not exercise heavily for at least 30 minutes prior to your test.
  • Do not wear tight fitting clothing that would make it difficult to take in a deep breath.
  • Do not eat a large meal within 2 hours prior to your test.

A pulmonary function test will not cause any side effects, but you may feel tired after the test and should get plenty of rest. Your physician will be provided with the results of your test, which will enable them to better determine the type of treatment you need.

Genesis Pulmonary Function Lab offers both Certified and Registered pulmonary function technologists, and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Certified technologists, to perform your diagnostic test for lung diseases. We maintain high quality standards by training our core group of therapist who are highly qualified and who demonstrate a high level of understanding of American Thoracic Society guidelines.

Pulmonary Function Test locations and hours:

  • In Zanesville: 7am - 7pm, Monday thru Friday
  • In Coshocton: 7am - 5:30pm, Mondays and Wednesdays
  • In Somerset: 7am - 7pm, every other Tuesday

For additional information, please contact us at: (740) 454-4730 or the Pulmonary Function Technologist at (740) 454-4280.

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Tests and Treatments

Tests & Treatments

Get the answers and care you need for breathing troubles with help from Genesis Lung Services. With a complete cardiopulmonary assessment, therapy, education and training, you’ll have the tools you need to get back to living a healthier life.

Tests & Screenings

To help diagnose your condition and get you on the right treatment plan, our team offers a variety of lung function tests, including:


Lung Surgery

When it’s hard to breathe or you’re living with a lung condition, lung surgery can help. Genesis Lung Services performs lung surgeries such as:

  • Pneumonectomy (removal of a lung)
  • Thoracotomy (lung cancer surgery)
    • Lobectomy
    • Resection
    • Segmentectomy

Respiratory Therapy

Through inpatient and outpatient respiratory therapy at Genesis Lung Services, you’ll learn how to make good decisions for a healthier life. Respiratory therapy services at Genesis include:

  • Aerosol mediation administration
  • Accredited arterial blood gas analysis
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Pulmonary function testing
  • Support for post-surgical, pediatric, neonatal and trauma patients
  • Ventilator and airway management

Your respiratory therapy is personalized and delivered by your licensed therapist. You’ll learn about various topics, including:

  • Bronchial hygiene
  • Oxygen safety
  • Proper inhaler techniques
  • Tobacco management and cessation

If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or other lung issues, we want you to know the treatment you might encounter. Learn about different treatments by reading our Lung Information You Need to Know (Infographic).

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Woman Has Brain Surgery After 'False-Alarm Stroke' Reveals Brain Tumor

Advanced brain surgery using ORBEYE 4K-3D microscope

Mary Hoover, a native resident of Zanesville, was at a doctor's appointment and reported that she couldn't move her left hand and left leg. Then, when asked to write her name, all she could manage was a scribble.

I just couldn't get my leg or arm to cooperate. I couldn't hold on to anything. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I knew something wasn't right," Mary remembered. The doctor sent me straight to the Genesis Emergency Department.

Assessing if Mary was having a stroke, the Emergency Department team immediately ordered imaging of the brain. Surprisingly, the scans revealed that Mary wasn't experiencing a stroke; instead she had a large tumor pressing on her brain.

The imaging showed a large mass compressing the brain on the right side, thus impacting the left side of the body,explained Yasu Harasaki, M.D., neurosurgeon, Genesis Neurosurgery Group. It measured about 2 inches in diameter; and though 2 inches doesn't sound that big, when its pressing on your brain, that's actually a very large mass."

The diagnosis rightfully stunned Mary, but she quickly found consolation in her neurosurgeon.

When you hear brain tumor you think, "I'm going to die, but I didn't think that because Dr. Harasaki explained things so well from start to finish," Mary said. "He kept me calm."

Dr. Harasaki's calming presence comes from specialized experience and training in neurosurgery. Dr. Harasaki joined Genesis in May 2019. His training includes an internship and residency at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. He combines his intensive training in neuro and spine surgeries with the innovative equipment at Genesis to provide expert care right in Zanesville.

Detaching, removing and patching a meningioma tumor

Dr. Harasaki could tell from Mary's initial imaging that the tumor was likely a meningioma, an extremely slow-growing tumor that develops on the delicate membrane covering the brain. Thankfully, 90% of meningiomas are not cancerous.

To remove Mary's benign and enlarged tumor, Dr. Harasaki used cutting-edge technology, including a stereotactic navigation system (it's like a GPS for the brain) and the new ORBEYE 4K-3D microscope at Genesis during the intricate surgery. Genesis is the first healthcare system in Ohio to have this emerging technology.

With the finest available tools and a highly trained team of specialists, Mary's brain tumor removal surgery was completed with precision and accuracy. In addition to detaching the tumor from the membrane, Dr. Harasaki removed the section of membrane the tumor grew on, as well as the diseased membrane growing around the tumor. Then, he patched the membrane using a sheet of material made of collagen.

Walking her dog again after surgery

When I woke from surgery, I had 39 staples from ear to ear, and my head was wrapped in towels. I looked like a mummy," Mary said. "Dr. Harasaki came to check on me all the time. He had me concentrate and see if I could move my leg and I did. I could not believe I could finally move that leg. Then I got my pencil and colored in an adult coloring book which is great because before the surgery I couldn't even find the lines."

Mary spent several days being closely observed and recovering in Genesis Hospital before returning home. With brain surgery to recuperate from, she wisely takes it one day at a time, and she delights in small, yet steady, progress. For example, she recently took her longest walk yet with Bandit, her beloved dachshund; she also resumed crocheting and baking.

"Mary has done very well in recovery," Dr. Harasaki reported. "Her weakness in the left side is gone, the wound has healed nicely, and she's gone back to living her life."

For Mary, returning to her home and life is a sacred gift. "I feel like I've been given a second chance. I thank God every day, Mary said. God put the right doctor in the right place at the right time. I love Dr. Harasaki because he saved my life. Plus, he has excellent doctor-to-patient camaraderie."

For Dr. Harasaki, treating patients like Mary is an honored gift. “Zanesville is such a hard-working community. To be a resource and to be able to help take care of the people is a privilege," Dr. Harasaki said.

In addition to cranial surgeries, Dr. Harasaki specializes in complex spinal problems. He treats degenerative issues, as well as spine trauma and spine deformities.

Scans revealed that Mary wasn’t experiencing a stroke – instead she had a large tumor pressing on her brain and needed brain surgery.

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