Complex COPD Patient Finds Relief With Palliative Care

Isolated senior receives medical care, housing and support

Franklin Beaver’s health was not good. He had been hospitalized for severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). “When we first met him, he was in really bad shape,” said Donna Lewis, Advanced Practice Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist (APRN-CNS), Genesis Palliative Care.

The 75-year-old was basically homebound and living in a place that had standing water – making his breathing problems worse. “He was a gentleman at home not knowing what his future held because he did not have access to the care he needed,” said Erin Remster, D.O., medical director, Genesis Palliative Care.

Providing care to patients with no transportation, support

While in Genesis Hospital, Franklin was referred to the Palliative Care Home Program by a hospitalist (a doctor who cares for patients in the hospital). The Palliative Care Home Program was developed for patients, like Franklin, who might have barriers to access to care.

Palliative Care helps patients manage the symptoms and stress that come with some serious illnesses such as advanced lung disease, heart disease or cancer. “Our Palliative Care Home Program was designed to meet the needs of patients who are unable to attend regular office visits due to the severity of illness or complex transportation issues,” Dr. Remster said. “We’re able to identify needs when we visit patients in their home environment that contribute to their health such as daily routines, access to medications, and presence or lack of family/friend support.”

Gaining strength to carry on with daily life

The Palliative Care Home Program’s team of doctors, advanced practice nurses and social workers collaborated to help Franklin get the care he needed. Social Worker Rachel Watson’s goal is to connect patients with the most appropriate resources to allow them to live a more productive life. “Franklin struggled with lack of socialization which affected his motivation to improve and led to frequent exacerbations of his COPD symptoms,” Watson said.

The social workers helped Franklin learn the importance of an active lifestyle to improve his overall well-being. “Franklin’s new passion and willingness to better his own life has helped him gain access to care and receive community resources. His friendly smile and thankfulness have reminded the entire Palliative Care team the importance of this program,” Watson said.

Help figuring out medical bills and housing

With the help of the Palliative Care team, Franklin moved into an independent living facility in Zanesville, and less than a year after being in the Palliative Care Home Program he enjoys playing bingo, winning prizes and going outdoors.

Before being helped by the Palliative Care team and the Genesis Lung Clinic, Franklin’s breathing problems hadn’t been addressed properly and his health was decreasing. “This is the first time I’ve received the care I’ve needed, and I’m grateful,” Franklin said. He was paying about $500 out-of-pocket costs for medications that are now covered through the 340B Medication Assistance grant program (Genesis Lung Clinic). Along with helping Franklin obtain medications for his breathing problems, he quit smoking. “I was a smoker for 60 years. When I was in the hospital on a breathing machine, I prayed to the Lord to get me out of here, and I would quit smoking. And I did.”

What would have happened to Franklin if he hadn’t participated in the Genesis Palliative Care Home Program? “I’d probably be six feet under,” Franklin said. He appreciates the difference the care has made in his life. “This is the best place to be. I’ve been in several hospitals in Ohio and received outpatient care, and none of the other places did for me what they’ve been able to do for me here.”

Franklin Beaver Patient Story

Genesis Palliative Care provides skilled physicians to help you and your family deal with life-limiting illnesses such as cancer, COPD, heart conditions and others.

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Palliative Care Patients

Genesis Palliative Care Patients Share Their Stories

Read about Franklin Beaver and how the Genesis Palliative Care team reached out to improve his quality of life.

Complex COPD Patient Finds Relief With Palliative Care

Franklin Beaver’s health was not good. He had been hospitalized for severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). “When we first met him, he was in really bad shape,” said Donna Lewis, Advanced Practice Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist (APRN-CNS), Genesis Palliative Care.

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Palliative Care

Palliative Care is available close to home

When you or someone you love is facing a serious illness, it’s a challenge. There can be many stresses – for both the family and the patient.

Genesis provides palliative care to offer comfort for patients and their families dealing with serious illnesses. Palliative means comfort in Latin, and that’s exactly the goal of palliative care – provide comfort for patients at any age or stage of an illness. The specialized medicine helps patients deal with the symptoms, pain and stress of a serious illness. We provide care to patients when they are in the hospital, in the Genesis Cancer Care Center, in assisted living facilities and in their homes. 

Conditions treated

The illnesses can include:

  • Advanced lung diseases (such as COPD or emphysema)
  • Advanced heart disease (such as heart failure)
  • Cancer
  • Advanced liver or kidney disease
  • Stroke or neurological disease
Palliative Care

Tests and treatments

You can get palliative care along with the treatments you’re receiving. The goal of the specialized medicine is to relieve suffering by treating the total pain that can include physical, psychological and/or spiritual.

In a serious illness, the symptoms can include pain, shortness of breath, fatigue (tiredness), nausea, difficulty sleeping, depression, anxiety and decreased appetite.

You can get help with:

  • complex pain
  • shortness of breath (dyspnea)
  • fatigue (tiredness)
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • decreased appetite

Most insurance companies cover palliative care, and the services can be provided in the hospital, at home or in assisted living facilities. 

Meet the team

The goal is to offer you and your loved ones the best possible quality of life and make sure you’re getting the best possible care. It’s a team effort that includes access to care such as:

  • specialized physicians
  • advanced practice nurses
  • registered nurses
  • chaplains
  • social workers
  • psychologists
  • massage therapists
  • music therapists
  • pharmacists
  • volunteers

Why choose us?

You don’t want to travel long distances when you have a loved one with a serious illness. We’re here to provide care closer to home. The care can be provided in the hospital, at home or in an assisted living facility.

What’s the difference between Palliative Care and Hospice?

Palliative care doesn’t mean it’s the end of life. Hospice is a type of palliative care designed for patients with a life expectancy of less than 6 months.

Palliative Care can help you and your family by:

  • Managing pain and symptoms that come with some serious illnesses
  • Support and guidance in making difficult medical decisions
  • Navigating the health care system by working with your physicians to make sure you’re getting the best care that’s right for you
  • Emotional and spiritual support for you and your family

How can we help?

We welcome your questions and look forward to helping improve the quality of life for patients in our community dealing with a serious illness.


Contact Genesis Palliative Care

Our office is located at the Genesis Cancer Care Center, 2951 Maple Ave. 

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Pain Management

Interventional Pain Management Clinic

Chronic pain can keep you from living your life to the fullest. Our team of experts at the Interventional Pain Management Clinic is here to help. We focus on reducing your pain without medication and helping you enjoy life again.

The Genesis Interventional Pain Management Clinic has helped people with pain return to fuller lives for more than 25 years. Our physicians specialize in pain medicine and the newest techniques for providing the highest quality of care. Our physicians are also able to provide a variety of nerve blocks and implantable devices to provide long-lasting pain relief. We also use the latest imaging techniques such as the Sonosite® Ultrasound to provide the most efficient and effective treatments.

Through our network of specialized providers we're also able to offer more unique solutions to pain management. Specialized therapies are available at Genesis Outpatient Rehabilitation. In addition, we can direct you to psychological counseling to help you and your family cope with the emotional consequences of pain and concerns about using medications long term for pain control. 

Our Program Goals: 

  • Stop pain in its tracks
  • Minimize the time involved
  • Get you back to work, home and play

Procedures Performed Include:

  • Nerve Blocks
  • Sympathetic Blocks - Stellate, Lumbar
  • Epidural Steroid Injections - Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar (including transforaminal), Caudal
  • Facet Joint Injections - Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar
  • Medial Branch Blocks/Radiofrequency Ablation - Cervical, Lumbar
  • Joint Injections
  • Trigger Point Injections
  • Percutaneous Lysis of Adhesions
  • Spinal Cord Stimulators

The first step is to evaluate your unique pain management needs, and along with you as a member of the team, develop your treatment plan. You can have your primary care doctor make a referral or you can call 740-454-4712 for more information. We are located at 2945 Maple Ave., Zanesville.

Interventional Pain Management Clinic

Our goal is to alleviate your pain without medication and help you enjoy life again. Learn more about how we can help you. Ask your doctor for a referral to our anesthesia pain physicians or call us for more information



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Nutrition Education

Nutrition Education

Eat well and live a healthier lifestyle with help from our team of registered dieticians at Genesis HealthCare System. We offer a variety of programs for all ages.

Nutrition Consultation

Certain diagnoses and conditions can improve with the right diet. We’ll help you understand what you need to eat and why. Call Genesis Nutrition Education to learn more about diets and education for:

  • Athletic performance
  • Celiac disease
  • Cholesterol and heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Diverticulitis (digestive inflammation)
  • Eating disorders
  • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
  • Pregnancy and breast feeding
  • Weight management for children, teens and adults

Your First Appointment

After your physician referral, you’ll be scheduled for a one-on-one appointment with a registered dietitian to talk about your diet. Together you'll create a meal plan and set nutrition and/or fitness goals that can work for you.

Monitoring Your Progress

Schedule follow-up sessions to monitor your progress, learn new skills―like label-reading and cooking modifications―and help you make positive changes in eating and exercise habits.

Mindful Eating at Genesis

At Genesis HealthCare System, we’re setting the example with mindful eating. Mindful eating is balancing nutrition while still enjoying the food and flavors you love. You’ll see Mindful logos on menu items in the Genesis Hospital cafeteria.

Track Your Progress

Keeping track of what you eat can help you understand where you need to make changes. Consider a handy dietary log to track your progress.

Community Education

You’ll find our nutritionists out and about in the community, helping you and your neighbors learn to make healthy eating choices. If you’re interested in having a dietician speak with your group, learn about our Speaker’s Bureau or call Genesis Nutrition today.

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Nurse Line


Registered nurses with emergency medicine experience staff the Genesis NurseLine phones.

Registered nurses have the knowledge to help you make informed decisions about immediate health concerns. The NurseLine staff won't diagnose your problem, but you'll feel better knowing trained nurses are listening to your concerns and helping you make informed decisions.


Call Genesis NurseLine

Count on Genesis NurseLine to get you accurate, reliable answers, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

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