Patients’ Rights, Responsibilities & Non-Discrimination Policies

Providing quality medical care for our patients

When you’re a patient at Genesis, you have certain rights and responsibilities. Individuals with questions, concerns or complaints about this policy or the provision of services may contact Genesis’ Patient Experience department at 740-454-5946. For TDD and TTY, contact the State Relay by dialing 7-1-1 or 800-750-0750.

Patient rights

As a patient you have the right to the following:

    You have the right to participate in the development and implementation of your plan of care, to be informed of your health status and be involved in the care, planning and treatment. You have the right to request or refuse treatment. This right must not be construed as a way to demand the provision of treatment or services deemed medically unnecessary or inappropriate. You have the right to have a family member or representative of your choice and your own physician notified promptly of your admission to the hospital. That representative, as allowed under state law, has the right to make informed decisions regarding your care. Your representative has the right of informed consent for donations of organs and tissues.

    You have the right to formulate advance directives and to have hospital staff and practitioners who provide care in the hospital comply with these directives, in accordance with §489.100 of 42.

    You have the right to receive care in a safe and clean environment, free from all forms of abuse or harassment. This includes your right to be free from restraints of any form that are medically necessary or are used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation.

    You have the right to personal privacy and to the confidentiality of your clinical records.

    You have the right to access information contained in your clinical records with a reasonable time frame. The hospital must not frustrate the legitimate efforts of you to gain access to your own medical records and must actively seek to meet those requests as quickly as its record keeping system permits.

    You have the right to be fully informed of and consent to or refuse to participate in any unusual, experimental or research project without compromising your access to services.

    You have the right to know the professional status of any person providing your services. You have the right to know the reasons for any proposed change in the professional staff responsible for your care and to know the relationship of the hospital to other persons or organizations participating in the provision of your care.

    You have the right to know the reasons for your transfer within or outside the hospital.

    You have the right of access to the cost, itemized when possible, of services rendered within a reasonable period of time. You also have a right to be informed of the source of the hospital’s reimbursement for your care and of any limitations that may be placed upon your care.

    You have the right to be treated as effectively as possible.

    Patient responsibilities

    As a patient you are expected to have the following responsibilities:

      Give your doctors and others treating you full information about your health and any changes you have to your condition.

      To provide all billing information needed for payment of services; to follow all insurance regulations necessary to maintain coverage; and any charges from service as promptly as possible.

      To ask your doctor/nurse what to expect regarding your pain, pain management and pain relief options. It is also the patient’s responsibility to inform nursing staff of when pain first begins by describing the type of pain and the pain location.

      To respect the rights of other patients in regard to visitors, property, noise and anything else that may bother another patient.

      To participate in and follow the treatment plan recommended by your physician and health care team. If you do not follow it, all goals may not be met.

      To follow the rules of Genesis HealthCare System. For example: No smoking or use of tobacco products is allowed inside or outside the hospital building by patients, visitors and staff.

      To treat staff with thoughtfulness, respect and dignity.

      To arrange for the security of all personal property. Genesis HealthCare System is not liable for lost or stolen items.

      To ask questions when anything is not understood.

      Genesis HealthCare System works to provide a safe and healthy environment for everyone who walks through its doors. Genesis expects patients, staff and visitors to refrain from behaviors that are disruptive or pose a threat to the rights and safety of others. Violators are subject to removal from the facility and may be reported to appropriate law enforcement, and patient violators may be asked to make other plans for care/treatment.

      To review the full list of prohibited behaviors, please download our Patients and Visitors Code of Conduct.

      Patient resolutions

      We would like to help you answer any questions and get any complaint or concern resolved quickly and to your satisfaction. In order to do so we would like for you to first share these with your nurse, social worker, doctor, or unit manager.

      If you are not able to solve your concerns this way or if you would like help, you may call the Office of Patient Experience at 740-454-5946. A representative will talk to you about your questions, concerns or complaints. They will also serve as an advocate to help with communication between you and the people involved. Most concerns can be resolved through this process.

      If you feel you need more help or feel your needs would be better addressed by an outside agency, you may contact: The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) at 800-342-0553, 246 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio, 43266.

      Patient visitation rights

      Genesis HealthCare System embraces a philosophy of open and flexible visitation that welcomes and encourages the involvement of family and friends in the patient’s care. Genesis promotes and supports a patient- and family-centered approach to visitation.

      You have the right to have designated visitors, including but not limited to, a spouse, domestic partner (including same sex domestic partner), another family member or a friend. You also have the right to withdraw or deny consent to visitation at any time. Patients and visitors will be treated equally, regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.

      You have the right to designate a “support person” of your choosing. The support person can be a family member, friend or other individual whose role is to support you during the course of your stay. This individual may exercise your visitation rights on your behalf if you’re unable to do so. Such an individual may be, but is not required to be, legally responsible for making medical decisions on your behalf.

      Your well-being is the primary consideration in determining visitation. Visitors may be restricted for the following reasons:

      • When their presence interferes with your care, rest or privacy
      • When their presence interferes with the care, rest or privacy of other patients
      • When the hospital is aware there is an existing court order restricting contact
      • When their behavior is disruptive, threatening or violent
      • For infection control issues
      • When you or your support person has denied access
      • Other guidelines or considerations may apply in Behavioral Health, Critical Care and Maternity

      Non-discrimination policy

      Genesis HealthCare System does not discriminate in the provision of services to persons with disabilities, including persons with HIV or AIDS, or persons who are associated with or have a relationship with a person with a disability. We will make reasonable modifications in policies and procedures when necessary to provide services to disabled individuals unless the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of the services. Genesis will provide auxiliary aids and services when needed to ensure effective communication with individuals with disabilities and their companions, unless Genesis can demonstrate that provision of auxiliary aids and services would fundamentally alter the nature of the services or would result in an undue burden.

      Individuals with questions, concerns or complaints about this policy or the provision of services may contact Genesis’ Patient Experience department at 740-454-5946 or via email or its Compliance hotline at 740-454-5555. For TDD and TTY, contact the State Relay by dialing 7-1-1 or 1-800-750-0750.