Finding the Unsinkable, Unflappable, Bulletproof You

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You’ve probably heard the saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” But is that really the case?  

For some it may be. But for others, it’s not true. What makes the difference? Is it simply the luck of the draw, and some people are just born more resilient? 

“Even though it may seem like some people are just naturally better at bouncing back quickly after tough times, that’s only partially true,” explains Christina Parr, director, Genesis Behavioral Health. “Everyone can take steps and build new habits that will help them become more resilient.” 

Unfortunately, there is no “one size fits all” approach to building resilience. However, one way to home in on what to do is recognize your own areas of weakness so you can strengthen them.  

For instance, if you look back on past experiences, you may recognize you’re fairly strong mentally in times of difficulty. But physically, you find yourself feeling tired or plagued by achy muscles, stomachaches or shortness of breath. In this example, focusing more on improving your physical health can contribute to your overall resilience. 


Ten Steps to Help Build Resiliency 

Here are some ideas to keep in mind as you work to build positive mental, physical and emotional habits that contribute to your overall resiliency. Most are very basic, but many people don’t follow them. Do you? 

  1. Go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep.  

  1. Stretch, take walks every day and move your body.  

  1. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid sugar and junk food.  

  1. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, too. Only take medications as prescribed. 

  1. Get involved in a cause you care about. It not only helps the cause; it helps you build strengths in yourself. 

  1. Remind yourself of things you’ve achieved in the past. You did it before, and you can do it again! 

  1. Discuss issues with friends who are not just close, but who are helpful and supportive.  

  1. Choose to focus on solutions, not problems.  

  1. Instead of worrying, attack problems head-on and make lists of things you can do and people you can talk to who can help. 

  1. Whenever you notice yourself feeling stressed, stop where you are and focus on taking several slow, deep breaths. 


“Remind yourself that building resilience is an ongoing process,” says Parr. “There will be days that you may feel defeated—and that is normal. However, if the feeling isn’t going away and you are becoming increasingly stressed or overwhelmed, be sure to contact your doctor or talk to a trusted friend who can help guide you to the help you need.” 


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” But is that really the case?  

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Genesis Recognized for Efforts in Supporting Breastfeeding

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Genesis Recognized for Efforts in Supporting Breastfeeding

Earned 5 Stars from Ohio First Steps for Healthy Babies


Zanesville, Ohio (June 24, 2021) Genesis HealthCare System has been recognized with a 5-star rating for its promotion and support of successful breastfeeding by the Ohio First Steps for Healthy Babies program. The program is a joint effort of the Ohio Hospital Association and the Ohio Department of Health. Genesis earned this recognition by achieving the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding as defined by the World Health Organization and Baby-Friendly USA.

“Our team is honored to receive this recognition of our efforts to ensure babies have a healthy start to life through successful breastfeeding,” said Carolyn Blenis, Director of Genesis Women’s Services. “We understand the support a new mother receives from our staff can impact her decision to breastfeed. Increasing the number of breastfed newborns can lead to a decrease in future health conditions such as asthma, diabetes and obesity.”

The Ohio First Steps for Healthy Babies is a voluntary breastfeeding designation program that recognizes maternity centers in Ohio that promote, protect and support breastfeeding. A star is awarded for every two steps achieved in the program, with five stars being the highest level of achievement.

To learn more about maternity services at Genesis, visit and select “Women’s Care under “Services.” To see where other Ohio hospitals rank in the program, visit

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Make a gift online or call (740) 454-5052 to learn how to contribute to our Genesis HealthCare Foundation.

Zanesville, Ohio (June 24, 2021) Genesis HealthCare System has been recognized with a 5-star rating for its promotion and support of successful breastfeeding by the Ohio First Steps for Healthy Babies program.

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5 Instant Beauty Boosts for All Occasions

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

There’s nothing like a little beauty TLC to give you a lift before a big day. Maybe it’s a wedding, birthday party or just because it’s Tuesday. We have some beauty boosts that will help you look and feel your best, no matter what the occasion. 

Shape it up 

Getting rid of a few stray hairs is always helpful, but a professional can help you avoid over-tweezing your eyebrows and find a shape that’s perfect for your face. A professional should always ask about the type of skincare products you’re using, as well as any allergies, in order to avoid potential reactions you may have to the procedure. Whether you opt for waxing or threading, be sure to schedule your appointment a few days before the event to allow for any swelling to disappear. 


Show those pearly whites 

One of the best beauty boosts is a beautiful smile. Unfortunately, yellow teeth can keep even the most confident woman from smiling from ear to ear. An in-office session at your dentist is your fastest option, for results in about an hour. But your dentist can also provide custom-made bleaching trays to take home and use over the course of a week or so. If investing in professional teeth-whitening is a little out of your price range, many over-the-counter products can also give you the pearly whites you’re looking for in just hours. 


Treat your tresses 

Your hair deserves some love too. To give your hair a little more oomph than your standard haircut, try an invigorating scalp treatment and deep conditioning, which can stimulate the hair follicles and add both volume and shine to your hair. A professional can assess your locks to determine which type of treatment is best for your hair texture. 


Give yourself a little face time 

Put your best face forward with a facial at your favorite spa. A great facial treatment will open your pores, moisturize your skin and stimulate circulation, leaving your skin supple and with a beautiful glow. If you’re hoping to get rid of a few blackheads, you can also ask for extractions as part of your treatment. Always make sure to mention any allergies or sensitivities you have so that your aesthetician can help you decide which facial is best for your skin type. 


Say yes to the mani/pedi 

Special occasions usually mean photos will be taken, and pictures may show more than just your face. Add a manicure and pedicure to your next salon visit to make sure your hands and feet are picture prefect. For a long-lasting polish option, check out the salon’s selection of gel polish, which can last two to three weeks without chipping. 


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

There’s nothing like a little beauty TLC to give you a lift before a big day. We have some beauty boosts that will help you look and feel your best, no matter what the occasion. 

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(Quiz) Liver Cleanse: The key to better health—or a marketing scam?

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Have you heard of the “miraculous benefits” or “restorative powers” of a liver cleanse? Some claim they can repair years of damage to your liver, help you lose weight, flush your body of toxins and improve your overall health.  

But are these claims true? Take this quiz and find out!



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Have you heard of the “miraculous benefits” or “restorative powers” of a liver cleanse? Some claim they can repair years of damage to your liver, help you lose weight, flush your body of toxins and improve your overall health.  

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Fight the bite

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Who wants to scratch for days when you can prevent the itch in mere minutes? And what is it about bug spray that keeps the mosquitoes off? How can such a tiny nuisance cause so many diseases? It’s worth your time to fight the bite. View the list below for helpful tips.

There are 200 types of mosquitoes that live in the continental United States; of these 200, about 12 types spread germs that can make people sick. Because you can’t tell which mosquito could be spreading germs when it bites, it is important to protect yourself from mosquito bites.  

To protect yourself against diseases spread by mosquitoes, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommend using an EPA-registered insect repellent. When used as directed, EPA-registered insect repellents are proven safe and effective, even for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Mosquitos can’t smell you if you use one of the following repellents: 

  • DEET 

  • Picaridin (known as KBR 3023 and icaridin outside the US) 

  • IR3535 

  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) 

  • Para-menthane-diol (PMD) 

  • 2-undecanone 

Choosing an EPA-registered repellent ensures the EPA has evaluated the product for effectiveness. 


If you happen to get a mosquito bite, don’t scratch, the bites can become infected. There are optional ways to relieve the itch.  

  • Wash the area with soap and water. 

  • Apply an ice pack for 10 minutes to reduce swelling and itching. Reapply ice pack as needed. 

  • Apply a mixture of baking soda and water, which can help reduce the itch response. 

  • Mix 1 tablespoon baking soda with just enough water to create a paste: 1. Apply the paste to the mosquito bite. 2. Wait 10 minutes. 3. Wash off the paste. 

  • Use an over-the counter anti-itch or antihistamine cream to help relieve the itch. Follow the product label directions. 


How can one small insect that weighs 2.5 milligrams carry disease? When a mosquito bites you, it pierces the skin using a special mouthpart (proboscis) to suck up blood. Female mosquitoes bite people and animals to get a blood meal. Male mosquitoes do not bite people and animals. 

As the mosquito is feeding, it injects saliva into your skin. Your body reacts to the saliva resulting in a bump and itching. 


Mosquitoes spread germs through bites. A mosquito gets infected with a virus or parasite when it bites a person or animal that is infected. The infected mosquito can spread germs to other people or animals through bites. Mosquitoes spread viruses like West Nile, Zika, chikungunya, dengue and parasites like malaria that can make you sick. Not everyone infected with a mosquito-borne germ gets sick.  


It’s worth your time to wear bug repellant and/or long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Then go enjoy the great outdoors.  


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Who wants to scratch for days when you can prevent the itch in mere minutes? And what is it about bug spray that keeps the mosquitoes off? How can such a tiny nuisance cause so many diseases? It’s worth your time to fight the bite.

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Community Involvement

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Genesis HealthCare System is dedicated to supporting a strong community. We are committed to helping other local nonprofit community organizations through active community participation, volunteerism and financial contributions. Below are some of the ways Genesis and its employees support our community.

Preventing Swimmer's Ear: Keeping your ears healthy while swimming

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

(Slideshow) Check out these tips to help keep your ears healthy while swimming this summer.

swimmers ear

Dry your ears after swimming: You can drain the water out of the ear by tipping the head and repeat on the other side. If necessary, you can carefully use a hairdryer set on the coolest setting and hold 12 inches away from your ear.

swimmers ear

Maintain a healthy amount of ear wax: Ear wax has a natural germ-fighting agent that protects the delicate skin in the ears. Some ear wax is healthy, and it plays an important role in preventing infections.

swimmers ear

Be gentle to the skin in your ear canal: You should avoid scratching or vigorous cleaning with cotton swabs or other objects that can cause small tears and damage the skin around your ear canal.

swimmers ear

Swim smart: Swimmers should avoid swimming if water has a high bacterial count.

swimmers ear

Be prepared: Have an over-the-counter ear drying solution on hand to help keep ears dry after swimming. They are available at most local drugstores.

swimmers ear

Talk to your doctor before swimming: If you’ve had an ear infection or surgery, play it safe and discuss with your doctor.

swimmers ear

Contact your doctor: If you have pain, fever or mild signs or symptoms of swimmer's ear, contact your doctor.


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Check out these tips to help keep your ears healthy while swimming this summer.

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The benefits of walking: follow these easy steps

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

You’ve been doing it almost your whole life – taking steps. Most of us take the ability to walk for granted, but in the last few years the number of steps we take has become a feat to track. Do you know the benefits of walking and tracking the steps you take? Walking is one the of best things you can do to be more active, and you don’t have to take one long walk all at once for it to benefit your health. Tracking steps from an app on your phone, a pedometer or other wearable devices are ways to monitor your activity. If you start to track your steps, you may be surprised to learn how little exercise you were getting before you began counting steps.   

Any physical activity, including walking, is a benefit to your overall health, but walking comes with some surprising benefits.  

1. It counteracts the effects of weight-promoting genes. Harvard researchers looked at 32 obesity-promoting genes in over 12,000 people to determine how much these genes actually contribute to body weight. They discovered among the study participants who walked briskly for about an hour a day, the effects of those genes were cut in half. 

2. It helps curb cravings. A pair of studies from the University of Exeter found that a 15-minute walk can curb cravings for chocolate and even reduce the amount of chocolate you eat in stressful situations.  

3. It reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. An American Cancer Society study that focused on walking found that women who walked seven or more hours a week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer than those who walked three hours or less per week. This protection included women with breast cancer risk factors, such as being overweight or using supplemental hormones. 

4. It eases joint pain. Several studies have found that walking reduces arthritis-related pain, and that walking five to six miles a week can even prevent arthritis from forming in the first place. Walking protects the joints — especially the knees and hips, which are most susceptible to osteoarthritis — by lubricating them and strengthening the muscles that support them. 

5. It boosts immune function. Walking can help protect you during cold and flu season. A study of over 1,000 men and women found that those who walked at least 20 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, had 43% fewer sick days than those who exercised once a week or less. And if they did get sick, it was for a shorter duration, and their symptoms were milder. 

6. Improves your mood. Walking releases natural painkilling endorphins to the body – one of the emotional benefits of exercise. 

When you take steps to track your steps, find your activity level. In the first week, don’t change your routine but track your activity level. Set a goal for the second week. At first, try to add 300 to 500 steps to your day. Then work toward 2,000 more steps a day, which adds about one mile, or 20 minutes of walking to your routine. Compare how well you’re doing from one week to the next, and work to increase the number of steps.  

Talk to your health care provider before you begin an exercise routine.  


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

You’ve been doing it almost your whole life – taking steps. Most of us take the ability to walk for granted, but in the last few years the number of steps we take has become a feat to track. Do you know the benefits of walking and tracking the steps you take?

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