Practice Positivity | Eight Daily Activities

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

If you think your brain is wired to think negative thoughts – think again. Research shows that positive thinking can be learned with practice and used to protect against stress and depression, according to an article by Jane Brody in the New York Times.


“Neuroscience research shows we can retrain our brains to focus on the positive,” said Ajay Sharma, M.D., psychiatrist for Genesis Behavioral Health. While everyone experiences negative emotions, always giving into fear, sadness and anxiety can have detrimental effects on a person's mental and physical health, according to Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist and founder of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Those who recover slower from emotional setbacks have a higher risk of health problems than those who bounce back quicker.


Here’s the good news. Barbara Frederickson, a psychologist at the University of North Carolina, found the brain is "plastic" enough to generate new cells and pathways that could enable the brain to foster positive responses and lower individuals' risks for a variety of health problems.


The researchers found that participants increased positive emotions and had greater social connection after six weeks of compassion and kindness meditation training. They also improved function in one of the main nerves involved in controlling heart rate. After two weeks of training in kindness and compassion meditation, there was a change in the participants’ brain circuitry that is linked to an increase in certain positive social behaviors, such as generosity.


8 steps to positive thinking

1. Do good deeds for others. This not only brings happiness to other people, but it can help brighten your day too.

2. Build and nurture relationships. Strong social bonds with family or friends can improve a person's self-worth. These connections are also associated with better health outcomes and longer lives.

3. Set attainable goals. By setting out to achieve realistic goals, you can avoid the stress of falling short.

4. Embrace who you are. Learning to love your strongest qualities and attributes can help keep sadness at bay.

5. Practice resilience. Made a mistake? Don't sweat it. Instead, consider it an opportunity to grow and learn.

6. Let go. Don't let the past get in the way of your future. Stay focused on the present.

7. Learn something new. Taking up a sport or trying to learn a new language can help build self-confidence and resilience.

8. Appreciate your surroundings. Take a moment to look at the world around you and begin to appreciate all it has to offer.


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

If you think your brain is wired to think negative thoughts – think again. Research shows that positive thinking can be learned with practice and used to protect against stress and depression.

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Stretch to the Limit (Infographic)

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Chances are you probably feel stretched to the limit in your daily life, however, if you are not stretching regularly, you could be headed for an injury. Along with eating healthy, exercising and getting rest, stretching is another key activity to keep you flexible and can help your balance.

There are numerous stretches to focus on different body parts and a well-rounded routine is best. Regardless of the muscle or joint you are working on, follow the simple guidelines in this infographic to stay healthy.


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Chances are you probably feel stretched to the limit in your daily life, however, if you are not stretching regularly, you could be headed for an injury.

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Whipped Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl

Submitted by Jeff.Mills on

Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein, low in fat, and high in calcium.

Whipping the cottage cheese takes it to a whole new level, so creamy and smooth and the perfect texture.  It makes this breakfast bowl feel like an indulgent treat this is healthy too.

Whipped Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl

Makes 1 servings
½ cup low fat or fat-free cottage cheese
¼ pomegranate
¼ cup blackberries
½ ounce unsweetened coconut flakes
1 ounce hazelnuts
*Have fun and experiment by adding your favorite fresh fruits and nuts.
In a small food processor or personal blender, pulse the cottage cheese until it is smooth and creamy, for about 2-3 minutes. 

Remove the seeds from the pomegranate and prepare the other toppings. Optional: toast coconut flakes and hazelnuts in a skillet over medium-high heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently.

Serve right away or keep in the fridge for up to 24 hours.

Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for about 24 hours. Whipped cottage cheese doesn't keep as long as un-whipped, so only whip what you plan to eat in the next 1-2 days.

Nutritional information (per serving) 
Serves 1

Calories 266
Fat 14.5g 
Saturated Fat 6g
Trans Fat 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1.1g
Monounsaturated Fat 6g
Cholesterol 5mg
Sodium 387mg
Potassium 153.5mg
Carbohydrates 18.8g
Fiber 5.6g
Sugar 11.6g
Protein 17.8g

Download the recipe

Love the recipe? Download the Whipped Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl (PDF)

Whipped Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl

Whipping the cottage cheese takes it to a whole new level, so creamy and smooth and the perfect texture.  It makes this breakfast bowl feel like an indulgent treat this is healthy too.

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Healthy Distraction

Submitted by Jeff.Mills on

Here’s how you can put distraction activities into practice. If your mind continues to spiral with unhelpful thoughts, use distraction as an effective tool to knock out negativity. It’s important to note that a distraction activity must command your full attention to effectively reduce anxiety.

Reducing anxiety through activities

Remember when you were a kid and you threw a fit because you wanted the newest toy, and your parents distracted you by involving you in a new activity?

Well, good news. The same idea works for adults, too. It’s easy to do and doesn’t cost as much as a new gaming system for your child, either.

Here’s how you can put distraction activities into practice. If your mind continues to spiral with unhelpful thoughts, use distraction as an effective tool to knock out negativity. It’s important to note that a distraction activity must command your full attention to effectively reduce anxiety.

Give it a try. When an activity isn’t working well, reflect on why and how you could make it more attention grabbing in the future. Distraction activities can also help you feel happier, motivated, energized and combat boredom.

Here’s a checklist for healthy distraction activities. Check the ones you like along with adding your own ideas:

1. Browse mindfulness and meditation resources to try

2. Work on personal development through journaling

3. Search for healthy recipes

4. Plan your meals

6. Watch documentaries or comedy

7. Play on a trivia or games app

8. Learn basic yoga poses

9. Learn to play a musical instrument

10. Read a biography about someone who inspires you

11. Rediscover old music you liked as a teenager

12. Take free online nutrition course

13. Do a jigsaw puzzle

14. Make a list of goals for the year

15. Find a new podcast to listen to

16. Make a list of books you want to read this year

17. Take a free online drawing class

18. Search Facebook for local groups with volunteering opportunities

19. Do a workout video

20. Add your own distractions



Healthy Distractions, Reducing Anxiety through Activities

If your mind continues to spiral with unhelpful thoughts, use distraction as an effective tool to knock out negativity.

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Mole mystery: Is it skin cancer?

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Are you seeing spots? The average person has between 10 and 40 moles, though the number varies drastically. The number of moles that you have can change throughout your life, as new moles can develop, and some may disappear as you age. You can develop moles almost anywhere on your body, including your scalp and underneath your fingernails. But what exactly are they, and where do they come from?

Moles are small, colored spots made of melanocytes, which are cells that make the pigment of your skin. Usually these cells are evenly distributed across your skin, but moles appear when these cells occur in clusters, causing small areas of your skin to darken.

Though most moles are harmless, it is important to keep an eye on them in case they develop into abnormal moles, called dysplastic nevi, that have the possibility of becoming cancerous. It isn’t as hard as you might think to sharpen your skin detective skills and solve your own mole mystery.

You should visit a dermatologist yearly for a routine full-body skin examination. Your dermatologist will closely examine any moles on your skin and will likely biopsy any suspicious-looking growths. In between your annual examinations, you should also complete self-examinations, to watch for any changes to your skin and to assist in early detection of skin cancer, so that you can alert your doctor if there are any changes.


Use the ABCDE method to remember what to check for:

A – Asymmetry

B – Border Irregularity

C – Color Change

D – Diameter

E – Evolving


Though most are harmless, some moles can develop into melanoma, which is skin cancer. Melanomas often appear suddenly and are dark and fast-growing. You should also let your doctor know if you have a mole that is painful, itching, burning, inflamed, oozing or bleeding, as these symptoms can also be a sign of melanoma. When you do your self-examination, make sure you check your entire body, as moles can appear anywhere. Don’t forget to check around your ears, scalp, and underarms; underneath breasts, buttocks and genitals; bottoms of your feet, between toes; and under your nails. Don’t forget to remove any polish before doing a self-exam or visiting your dermatologist.


To protect your skin and avoid skin cancer, particularly if you have several moles, it is crucial to be extra careful in the sun. Avoiding overexposure to UV light can reduce your chances of developing melanoma. Here are some tips:

· Stay in the shade between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when UV rays are strongest.

· Wear a hat and UV-blocking sunglasses to protect your face.

· Wear SPF 15 or higher sunscreen and reapply every few hours and after swimming.

· Avoid tanning beds.


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Are you seeing spots? The average person has between 10 and 40 moles, though the number varies drastically. You can develop moles almost anywhere on your body, including your scalp and underneath your fingernails. But what exactly are they, and where do they come from?

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Genesis Receives Level III Trauma Center Reverification

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Genesis Receives Level III Trauma Center Reverification


Zanesville, OH (April. 13, 2021) –The trauma center at Genesis HealthCare System has been reverified as a Level III Trauma Center by the Verification Review Committee, an ad hoc committee of the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons. This achievement recognizes the trauma center’s dedication to providing optimal care for injured patients. Genesis HealthCare System has been verified as a Level III trauma Center since 2010. The verification visit reviews and evaluates trauma care based on numerous stringent criteria that must be fulfilled but mainly focuses on its quality processes.


“We are honored to be acknowledged for the quality care that Genesis provides for our community,” said Stuart Chow, D.O., F.A.C.O.S., F.A.C.S., Medical Director of Trauma and Acute Care Surgical Services at Genesis HealthCare System. “This recognition is a testament to the teamwork and dedication of all Genesis team members, including all prehospital providers.”

The Level III Trauma Center reverification recognizes Genesis’ ability to provide prompt assessment, resuscitation, stabilization, emergency surgery, intensive care and post-hospital care of injured patients.

The American College of Surgeons is a scientific and educational association of surgeons that was founded in 1913 to raise the standards of surgical education and practice and to improve the care of the surgical patient. The College has over 72,000 members and it is the largest association of surgeons in the world. Longstanding achievements have placed the ACS in the forefront of American surgery and have made it an important advocate for all surgical patients.

The trauma center at Genesis HealthCare System has been reverified as a Level III Trauma Center by the Verification Review Committee, an ad hoc committee of the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons. This achievement recognizes the trauma center’s dedication to providing optimal care for injured patients.

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Genesis Outpatient Pharmacy

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Our retail pharmacy, the Genesis Outpatient Pharmacy, prepares and dispenses prescriptions for patients, hospital employees, medical staff and community members. Conveniently located inside Genesis Hospital, our outpatient pharmacy can save you an extra step by filling your medications following your appointment or hospital stay. Our pharmacists, certified pharmacy technicians and support personnel work together to assure patients receive the highest quality pharmaceutical care.

5 Healthy Snacks Guaranteed to Satisfy

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

A little bit of sugar or salt here, an unhealthy bite of fat there. It’s so easy to nibble on tasty snacks throughout the day that are unhealthy, contribute to weight gain and affect the way you feel. Instead of continuing to feed that bad habit, the next time you’re about to reach for a high-calorie or high-fat snack, try one of these satisfying, healthy alternatives instead.

1. Spread cheer – and hummus

If the phrase, “Eat your vegetables” still echoes in your mind from childhood, someone was giving you good advice. Fresh vegetables and fruit have so many beneficial vitamins, minerals and fiber – and they fill you up. Raw veggies not exciting enough? Instead of turning to a high-fat veggie dip, try them with hummus. “Trying a healthy new snack can help you savor every bite instead of mindlessly munching on unhealthy foods,” said Sarah Brauning, MS, RD, LD, CDCES, Genesis Diabetes & Nutrition Education.

2. Why rice is nice

Next time you’re craving the satisfying crunch of nachos, swap the chips for rice crackers and the cheese for a fresh veggie salsa. You’ll find many recipes online for fresh salsas that are low in sugars and salt and are super easy to make at home.

3. If you like being corny

Popcorn can be a great way to satisfy your inner snacker without significantly adding to your daily caloric intake – that is if you don’t drown your serving in oil and butter. Instead of loading on the fat, experiment with herb blends, lemon zest or other toppings like cocoa, chili powder, nutritional yeast or cinnamon.

4. Aw, nuts!

A handful of your favorite nuts – especially those that are raw or dry roasted – are a great snack that also help you fight the urge to eat too much between meals. Additionally, they’re rich in heart-healthy fats, high in fiber and contain other amazing stuff like magnesium, potassium and vitamin E.

5. Something brew-tea full

Sometimes you think you’re hungry, but if you pause for just a moment, you’ll realize it’s just thirst. Instead of popping the top of your favorite soft drink the next time your thirst needs quenching, try a low sugar alternative like coffee, tea, low-fat milk or fruit-infused water. If you’re craving carbonated sparkle, try seltzer or sparkling mineral water with a splash of fruit juice.



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

The next time you’re about to reach for a high-calorie or high-fat snack, try one of these satisfying, healthy alternatives instead.

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