Are Pets Good for Your Health?

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

You may have heard or read that pets can be good for your health – but you might have wondered, “Is that true?” Turns out, the evidence shows that having pets can help you to be healthier in a variety of ways, both physically and emotionally. 

We all know pets provide companionship and unconditional love. But research has shown they can also help reduce stress and blood pressure in owners, increase longevity in those who've had heart attacks, and even relax and improve the appetites of Alzheimer's disease patients. 


Here a few facts regarding pets and your health: 

  • Heart attack patients with pets survive longer than those without. 
  • Kids with "furred animals" in the home have less risk of allergies and asthma. 
  • When a dog is in the home, infants were less likely to show evidence of pet allergies (19% vs. 33%). 
  • Male pet owners have less heart disease (lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels). 
  • Alzheimer's disease patients with pets in the home have fewer anxious outbursts. 
  • Pets can help children with their emotional and social skills. 
  • Having an animal companion to keep you company can help all of us – especially older adults who aren’t able to get out of the house much – to feel less lonely. 
  • Many hospitals and other medical facilities have pet therapy – bringing around pet volunteers to improve patients’ mental health. 


Pets Can Be Good Medicine 

Pets improve our health without speaking a word and without ever demanding a thing – they just need you, your love and your caring. Not only do pets help us to love, they help us to stay healthy and to heal. So, if you’re trying to decide whether a pet is right for you, keep in mind, improving your health might be the deciding factor!



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

You may have heard or read that pets can be good for your health – but you might have wondered, “Is that true?”

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Valentine's Day Heart Attack Survived

On Valentine's Day, Chris Forrestal took his wife of 34 years, Rhonda, to try a new burger place for lunch. That evening, a burning sensation began building in his chest. Considering indigestion as the culprit, Chris took an antacid, but he soon knew the mounting pain meant a bigger, more dangerous problem.

When hearts hurt

"This all started in the center of my chest, and normally with my indigestion it's a little higher. Within 10 minutes, the pain became crushing. I was sweating profusely and nauseous. I had never experienced that kind of pain before. It was intense and relentless, like an elephant sitting on my chest," Chris said.

While chest pain and tightness may first come to mind as signs of heart attacks, people can experience a variety of symptoms, such as shortness of breath, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, sweating, or pain in the neck, jaw, back, arms or shoulders.

Activate the heart heroes

Worried by Chris' intensifying symptoms, Rhonda called 911, initiating a coordinated chain of events that activated professionals on the emergency medical transportation team, Genesis Hospital's Emergency Department team, and Genesis' heart and vascular team.

“Chris was practically writhing in pain, so I called the squad. We live in the country in Norwich, and they couldn’t have gotten here any faster,” Rhonda said. “In the ambulance, they did an EKG and confirmed he was having a heart attack and then let the hospital know. When we arrived at Genesis Hospital’s Emergency Department (ED), a cardiac team of about 15 people was already in the room. I was so impressed. Everybody was in place and knew what to do. The doctor said to me, ‘This is where you want to be if there’s a problem. We’ll take care of him.’”

Timing proves critical

Chris suffered a massive heart attack originating in the left anterior descending (LAD) artery, the artery that supplies 65 to 70% of the heart’s muscle. When the LAD becomes nearly or completely blocked, the heart attack is commonly called the widowmaker

“Each minute, each second can make a big difference in a patient’s life when it comes to surviving a widowmaker,” said Alaa Gabi, M.D., fellowship-trained interventional cardiologist, at the Genesis Heart & Vascular Institute. “The quicker the patient receives treatment, the better the chance of surviving and the better outcome for the strength of the heart muscle. That’s why the response of the Genesis Community Ambulance to the ED and then to the Genesis Cardiac Catheterization Lab happens fast.”

Coordinating quick and expert care is one of Genesis’ strengths. In fact, Genesis diligently records and tracks the time from when a patient enters the hospital doors until the time they receive treatment in the cardiac catheterization lab; and Genesis’ timing proves faster than the national average.

Stopping the widowmaker

Inside Genesis’ Cardiac Cath Lab, Dr. Gabi and his team inserted a small wire into Chris’ blocked artery, crushed the hindering obstruction, and then deployed a stent to permanently hold open that area of Chris’ LAD artery.

“Dr. Gabi was just wonderful,” Chris said. “He explained everything and was reassuring during the process. After the procedure, I spent two more days at the hospital, and I had an excellent experience there. The nurses took great care of me, and everyone was informative and helpful.”

Rhonda agrees. She is a physical therapist at Genesis Rehabilitation Services, and this is the first time Rhonda and her family personally experienced the lifesaving care at Genesis.

“I felt well educated, understood everything that was going on and felt like I was part of the team. That kind of compassionate care brings peace,” Rhonda said.

After Chris’ massive heart attack, his ejection fraction rate remained low – meaning his heart wasn’t pumping out a high enough percentage of blood with each contraction. “A normal ejection fraction is around 50 or 55%, but Chris’ ejection fraction was down to 30 to 35% at the time of his heart attack,” Dr. Gabi explained.

Chris attended Genesis’ cardiac rehabilitation for 10 weeks, where he met with a team of registered nurses, exercise specialists, counselors and dietitians who help patients recover faster and return to full, productive lives.

“It really helped!” Chris said. “They explained things physically and emotionally, and they helped me build my stamina and confidence.” Dr. Gabi recently gave Chris good news. “An echocardiogram showed his heart muscle ejection fraction is back to normal,” Dr. Gabi said.

A heart-filled thanks

This year, Chris and Rhonda plan to spend Valentine’s Day at home, playing with their grandchildren. They cherish time with family and intentionally focus on nourishing hearts – emotionally and physically. Chris continues building his stamina and confidence, and he’s committed to eating healthy, exercising regularly and managing his stress levels.

“This has helped me make major changes in my life,” Chris said. “I’m so thankful for the Genesis teams. They’ve worked hard, and I certainly credit them with saving my life.”

Heart attacks can happen any day – get to the hospital fast!

“Heart attacks are unpredictable. We treat patients on Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day – any day. The important thing is that you get to the hospital as quickly as possible. Every second counts,” said Alaa Gabi, M.D., fellowship-trained interventional cardiologist, Genesis Heart & Vascular Institute.

Unfortunately, some people have delayed seeking hospital care because of fear of exposure to COVID-19. That decision can have detrimental effects.

“It’s terribly sad. I’ve had patients who have died or suffered irreversible complications because they came to the hospital too late, trying to avoid exposure to COVID-19,” Dr. Gabi said. “Please, if you have any heart attack symptoms, seek medical care immediately.”

Chris Forrestal Patient Story
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Rak, Amy M.

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Amy M. Rak, MD
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Amy M. Rak, MD is board certified in Internal Medicine and Hospice and Palliative Medicine. She completed her residency at Akron General Medical Center and her fellowship at Riverside Methodist Hospital. She works in Zanesville, Ohio at Genesis Hospital.


2017 - 2018 Riverside Methodist Hospital

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2010 - 2013 American University of The Carribbean- School of Medicine


2014 - 2017 Akron General Medical Center

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Hospice and Palliative Medicine,Internal Medicine

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Genesis Medical Group

Amy M. Rak, MD is board certified in Internal Medicine and Hospice and Palliative Medicine. She completed her residency at Akron General Medical Center and her fellowship at Riverside Methodist Hospital. She works in Zanesville, Ohio at Genesis Hospital.

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Ear, Nose & Throat Care

Submitted by Jeff.Mills on

Ear, Nose & Throat Care

The experienced team at the Genesis ENT Group is trained in the medical and surgical management and treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose and throat.  Our physicians and advanced practice provider deliver expert medical care to adults as well as pediatric patients.  In addition, the ENT Group is experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders.  The team is trained to perform a wide variety of medical and surgical treatments.

Conditions Treated include:

  • Tonsillitis & Adenoiditis
  • Nasal allergy treatment
  • Sinus disease treatment
  • Pediatric and adult sleep apnea, and snoring evaluation and treatment
  • Pediatric evaluation of congenital neck masses and surgery
  • Botox, cosmetic and medical
  • Medical and surgical treatment of sinus disease

Surgeries Provided:

  • Skin cancer surgery
  • Septoplasty & Turbinoplasty
  • Salivary gland surgery 
  • Blepharoplasty (correction of sagging eyelids causing vision difficulty)
  • Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (surgical treatment of blocked tear ducts causing tearing)
  • Cochlear implant surgery 
  • Bone-anchored hearing aid surgery
  • Thyroid & Parathyroid tumors and surgery
  • Functional rhinoplasty 
  • Surgical correction of prominent ears
  • Tympanoplasty and tympanomastoidectomy
  • Stapes surgery 
  • Eustachian tube balloon dilation 
  • Ear tube placement (pediatric and adult)
  • Adenoidectomy & Tonsillectomy 
  • Neck dissection
  • Transoral robotic surgery 
  • Ear surgery to include treatment of chronic ear disease, hearing loss, and eustachian tube dysfunction 
  • Parotidectomy
  • Submandibular gland resection
  • Balloon sinuplasty
  • Endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic and recurrent sinusitis
  • Ossiculoplasty 
  • Sleep and snoring surgery 

In Office Procedures:

  • Ultrasound and biopsy of thyroid nodules and neck masses
  • Ear tubes
  • Laryngoscopy, Bronchoscopy, and Esophagoscopy 
  • Evaluation and surgical treatment of head and neck cancer

Ear, Nose & Throat Care at Genesis HealthCare System

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Climbing cancer’s uphill journey with local, expert guides

Debbie Lovensheimer’s hiking buddies looked concerned after traversing 25 miles on the Appalachian Trail. Normally, Debbie thrives as their fearless leader, but this time she felt bad. In addition to unusual fatigue, she consistently experienced stabbing pain after she ate. The discomfort had been going on for a while, and she had unintentionally lost 20 pounds within a month. Debbie knew this was more than indigestion, so she sought advice from her local primary care physician.

“My blood work came back whacky from that first doctor’s appointment. Within days I had a CT scan that showed a mass in my pelvis, and just days after that I had a surgery scheduled. Everything was set up quickly and smoothly,” Debbie said.

Local experts provide close-to-home care

Based on her blood work and CT scan results, Debbie’s primary care physician contacted the Genesis Cancer Care Center specialists. Known for providing expert and compassionate cancer care, the nationally accredited center offers top-quality treatment close to home.

Genesis physicians then collaborated with gynecological oncologists at OhioHealth, where Debbie underwent a hysterectomy and removal of the mass that grew around her uterus and colon. After recovering from the surgery, Debbie began six rounds of chemotherapy at the Genesis Cancer Care Center.

“We are lucky to have a top-notch cancer center in Zanesville. It made chemo so much easier for me to have a short, nice ride and not have to battle with traffic in Columbus,” Debbie said. “Plus, everyone at the center was upbeat and kind. I felt comfortable and cared for.”

Genesis Cancer Care Center offers support for a successful climb

“Patients walk through our doors and immediately feel like they’re among friends and family. I love working here because we really get to know our patients and what’s important to them,” said Annette Barr, BSN, RN, OCN, Oncology Nurse Navigator at Genesis Cancer Care Center. “We give personalized care with a hometown feel, and our patients appreciate that.”

Debbie agrees.

“They helped me successfully get through this,” Debbie said. “I can’t say enough great things about them! Now, I want to take my experience and help others with their journey.”

Helping others get on their feet

“Cancer is a journey. It starts the day of diagnosis and continues until a patient completes treatment and rebuilds a new normal,” Annette said. “With the pandemic, patients have said it’s more difficult to get out and recondition their bodies. That’s where Debbie is reaching out and making a difference.”

Eight years ago, Debbie and three friends initiated a Facebook group called “Forever Young Adventurers” for women looking to get active outside. After COVID-19 hit the United States, many new members eagerly joined, and some of them are cancer patients looking to rebuild their muscles and motivation.

“Having fellowship and outdoor experiences inspired me to get out of the chemo chair and back to hiking. I want to encourage others in the same way. Our group is free to join. I’d like to help cancer patients build up their stamina and get outside so I hope you join our group of fun, enthusiastic, inspiring women,” Debbie said. If you’re interested, you can phone Debbie at 740-828-2594 or join the Facebook group, “Forever Young Adventurers”.  

To contact specialists at the Genesis Cancer Care Center, call 740-454-5271.

Supporting Health Care in Our Communities

The Genesis HealthCare Foundation is here to promote charitable support for Genesis HealthCare System.

Debbie Lovensheimer’s hiking buddies looked concerned after traversing 25 miles on the Appalachian Trail. Normally, Debbie thrives as their fearless leader, but this time she felt bad. In addition to unusual fatigue, she consistently experienced stabbing pain after she ate.

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Little Changes Can Have Big Impact on Your Health

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

As we age, our bodies need more attention to stay fit. Most of us get busy, and our health becomes a casualty of a long “To Do” list and limited time. It happens. You can’t miss your work event, your child’s project has to be done, your family wants dinner and the laundry doesn’t wash itself. So, what do you do? You skip a workout, opt for a quick unhealthy meal. Before you know it, these exceptions become the routine.

You know the choices you make today impact your long-term health, so you decide to get healthy. You jump into an exercise program and declare you are only going to eat healthy. Then a few days in, your body is so sore you can’t get out of bed, and you really want a pizza instead of cooking a fresh, healthy dinner, and you slip back into your old habits.

How can you break this cycle? “Start small. It is much easier to incorporate little changes one at a time as you work towards healthy habits,” said Avheet Hira, M.D., board-certified psychiatrist for Genesis Behavioral Health.

Tips for making healthy changes

1. Set short- and long-term goals. According to a study from researchers at Chicago Booth, immediate rewards for short-term goals are key motivators for staying on course to achieve long-term goals.

2. Start easy and increase exercise over time. We are not quoting studies on this one, just experience. If you jump right into a hard workout and cannot finish it, you can deflate your motivation. More importantly, you can easily hurt yourself. Take your time and increase workouts as your body grows stronger. Plus, running longer or lifting more as your workout builds will boost your confidence and motivation.

3. Replace one unhealthy item in your diet at a time. This could be drinking water instead of a soda. Having an apple instead of a candy bar. Or replacing takeout with a healthy home-cooked meal. Wonder how much of a difference it can make? Replacing one can of Coke a day with water will save you over 50,000 calories in one year.

4. Celebrate milestones. Staying fit takes work and deserves occasional rewards. If ice cream is your go-to snack, and you give it up for a month, treat yourself to a movie or something else you enjoy.

When you are ready to get healthy, talk to your doctor before starting your exercise routine to make sure it is safe.


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

As we age, our bodies need more attention to stay fit. Most of us get busy, and our health becomes a casualty of a long “To Do” list and limited time. It happens.

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Posers Welcome – Yoga for Your Health

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Asana, vinyasa, chaturanga … say what? If you don’t know anything about yoga, learning the terminology alone can be a workout for your mind. Actually, one of the great things about yoga is it exercises your mind and body.

With yoga, you train by stretching and sometimes contorting your body. Remember playing Twister as a kid? This is the grown-up version, only everybody wins. While practicing odd poses with weirder names, you focus on your thoughts and feelings as they happen—a technique sometimes referred to as mindfulness. It teaches you to evaluate and control your emotions, which can decrease stress, anxiety and depression.

You may have been interested in yoga for the increased range of motion, flexibility or the calm it can bring to your mind. However, you may not know that yoga can also relieve back pain and be good for your heart through stress relief.

If you are worried about stretching yourself too thin by starting a new workout, consider several professional athletes from all major sports have adopted yoga into their cross-training routines. The athletes say yoga helps them improve flexibility and focus on their goals. There are even specific yoga poses for runners, golfers, tennis players, basketball players and baseball players.

So, are you ready to get your “om” on? If so, before you start, talk to your doctor about your fitness level and determine where to start. There are multiple levels of yoga to accommodate everyone from a couch potato to a professional athlete.

In case you are still wondering, in yoga, asana means the poses and postures used during yoga. Vinyasa is a type of yoga where you do a series of poses in a row. Chaturanga refers to a specific kind of pose. Sort of like learning a new language, huh?


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Asana, vinyasa, chaturanga … say what? If you don’t know anything about yoga, learning the terminology alone can be a workout for your mind.

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Genesis Specialty Pharmacy

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Genesis Specialty Pharmacy

Specialty medications for complex and chronic conditions

The Genesis Specialty Pharmacy supports patients who are taking high-cost and complex medications, called specialty medications. The medications are typically available only through limited or restricted distribution. Many complex and/or rare conditions are treated with specialty medications.

Conditions we treat

We specialize in providing specialty drugs for conditions such as, but not limited to:

  • Cancer
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Hepatitis C
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Same-day prescription transfer and medication counseling

The Genesis Specialty Pharmacy is an outpatient pharmacy program dedicated to providing patients the support necessary to manage complex medication treatments. Our pharmacists and liaisons work with your healthcare providers to ensure your specialty medications needs are delivered accurately and on time. We’ll handle the details for shipping and delivering your specialty medications and monthly refills. Medications can also be provided to you during your visit to Genesis. Additional Genesis Specialty Pharmacy services include:

  • Administrative support for prior authorizations for specialty medications
  • Free medication expense tax summaries
  • Medication counseling
  • Monthly medication delivery by mail or to your doorstep
  • Personalized clinical services
  • Pharmacist available 24/7
  • Prescription refill management to improve compliance
  • Same-day prescription transfer
  • Specialty liaisons who help identify and obtain patient financial assistance

Assistance with insurance claims and medication management

Our team of pharmacists and service representatives can educate you and support your medication treatment as well as advocate on your behalf with insurance claims. Your condition-specific pharmacy experts will collaborate with your clinical team to develop your personalized care plan and provide medication management for your chronic condition.

Contact our pharmacy

Our pharmacy team is always available to serve you. We are located at 860 Bethesda Ave., Building 2, Suite 1A in Zanesville, Ohio. For more information, call 740-450-1620.

Accreditations and Quality

Genesis operates with a mission of providing compassionate, quality healthcare and a vision to be a regional healthcare system recognized for compassion, trust, innovation and excellence. This accreditation and recognition illustrates our commitment to our mission and vision.

Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) for the Specialty Pharmacy

Genesis HealthCare System has achieved accreditation through the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) for the Specialty Pharmacy. Accreditation is a process through which healthcare organizations demonstrate compliance with national standards. Accreditation by ACHC reflects an organization’s dedication and commitment to meeting standards that facilitate a higher level of performance and patient care.


ACHC Accredited

ACHC Accredited

URAC Accredited

URAC Accredited

Specialty Pharmacy



The Genesis Specialty Pharmacy supports patients who are taking high-cost and complex medications, called specialty medications. The medications are typically available only through limited or restricted distribution. Many complex and/or rare conditions are treated with specialty medications.

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