Ables, Inc. donates to Genesis Breast Care Center

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Funds will benefit breast cancer patients

Ables, Inc. recently donated $2,500 to the Genesis Breast Care Center at Genesis HealthCare System in recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

“We are grateful to the Ables company for the generous donation,” said Pebbles Thornton, BSN, RN, OCN, Director of Genesis Cancer, Palliative Medicine and Hospice Services. “Their commitment to helping breast cancer patients in our region is a great benefit to our patients and to our community.”

Ables, Inc. donates to Genesis Breast Care Center

Presenting the $2,500 check to the Genesis Breast Care Center and Pebbles Thornton, Director of Genesis Cancer, Palliative Medicine and Hospice Services (first row, far right), are Ables’ employees (left to right): Lisa Flaitz, Michaylah Malone, Hilary Wehler, Josh Ables, Cassie Lowry, Russ Ables, Amy Bowman, Lesley Hall, Heather Hopkins, Jenny Acheson and Brandy Whittle.

Ables, Inc. donates to Genesis Breast Care Center
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Coping with grief during the holidays 

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Spending your first holiday season without a loved one is hard, and the grieving process looks different for everyone. Although nothing can ever replace their presence, try some of these strategies to alleviate your heartache this time of year.  

Honor your loved one

Celebrating the life of your loved one can be done in a multitude of ways. Have their picture out during your family gathering. Light a candle in their honor. Make a toast or say a prayer. Ask members of your gathering to share special memories of your loved one. These are all meaningful ways to honor their life and feel their presence during your holiday get-together.

Ask for help if you need it

Be an advocate for yourself. If you need a shoulder to cry on, call a friend or family member and tell them. If you need space and time alone, that’s okay too. Communicating your needs will let your loved ones know how to best support you in this time of need.

Give yourself grace

With all this said, you know your mind and body better than anyone. If you aren’t feeling up to decorating the tree or carrying out your holiday traditions, don’t. Pay attention to what feels right for you.

Take care of yourself

Extreme stress, like the kind brought on by grief, can worsen existing conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. According to Harvard Health Publishing, up to 50% of surviving spouses experience depression in the months following their spouse’s death. If you feel your health is deteriorating, seek advice from a healthcare professional.

If someone you know is grieving during the holidays, take time to check in on them. Ask them what they need, respect their boundaries and be there to listen. Knowing you care and are there for them can make the grieving process a little more bearable.


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Coping with grief during the holidays

Spending your first holiday season without a loved one is hard, and the grieving process looks different for everyone. Although nothing can ever replace their presence, try some of these strategies to alleviate your heartache this time of year.

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Making your healthcare team better

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Making your healthcare team better

Caring for patients with cardiovascular disease takes a team. Our NPs and PAs work with our physicians to provide the best care, timely access and increase your satisfaction.

Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physicians Assistants (PAs) are a vital and growing part of your healthcare. 

Each of our NPs and PAs have advanced graduate degrees and subspecialized in cardiovascular medicine. Many of them have worked in cardiology for over 10 years and are highly trusted colleagues of all our cardiologists.

NPs and PAs partner with your cardiologist in both our office and the hospital. Through that partnership, our NPs and PAs focus on diagnosing diseases, managing symptoms, ordering diagnostic testing, adjusting medications and providing education.


Caring for patients with cardiovascular disease takes a team. Our NPs and PAs work with our physicians to provide the best care, timely access and increase your satisfaction.

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Nursing Students Donate $1,000 to Genesis Cancer Care Center

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The Muskingum University Nursing Student Organization recently donated $1,000 to the Genesis Cancer Care Center at Genesis HealthCare System. The nursing students raised the funds through T-shirt sales, and the money will assist breast cancer patients with supplies such as breast prostheses and mastectomy bras.


“We are immensely grateful to the Muskingum University nursing students for their efforts to raise funds for our breast cancer patients,” said Pebbles Thornton, Director, Genesis Cancer, Palliative Care and Hospice Services. “We are lucky to have these future healthcare providers and leaders demonstrating their dedication to helping those in our community who are fighting this disease.”


To learn more about Genesis Cancer Services, including the supplies available in the Women’s Boutique, go to


Photo Cutline:
Pictured during the $1,000 check presentation are (left to right) Marysa Starcher and Steven Garcia, Muskingum University nursing students; Pebbles Thornton, Director, Genesis Cancer, Palliative Care and Hospice Services; Cindy Wilkins, Director and Chair, Muskingum University Nursing Department; and Terra Armstead, Muskingum University Associate Professor of Nursing.

Cancer Center Muskingum University

Muskingum University Nursing Student Organization Raises Funds for Patients.

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(Quiz) Do flavonoids help your mind?

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Want to keep a sharp mind and memory as you age? It could be time to start thinking about flavonoids. Flavonoids are nutrient compounds in various fruits, vegetables and other edible items, including tea and more. Take our short quiz to learn more and if flavonoids can help you improve your mind. 



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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Do flavonoids help your mind?

Want to keep a sharp mind and memory as you age? It could be time to start thinking about flavonoids. Flavonoids are nutrient compounds in various fruits, vegetables and other edible items, including tea and more. Take our short quiz to learn more and if flavonoids can help you improve your mind. 

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Genesis is a Top 100 Hospital in the nation for the second year in a row

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

When you bring exceptional people together who are committed to a cause, provide them with innovative technology and community support and continuously pursue excellence, you are rewarded with amazing results.  


In 2022, Genesis was named a Top 100 Hospital in the nation and Everest award winner by Fortune Magazine. Recently, for the second year in a row, Genesis was named a Top 100 Hospital in the nation and an Everest award winner by Fortune Magazine/PINC AI. Only 51 hospitals from the 2022 Top 100 list repeated in 2023. In addition to this tremendous accomplishment, earlier this year, Genesis was also recognized as a Top 50 Heart Hospital in the nation by Fortune Magazine/PINC AI.  


“The entire Genesis team is genuinely honored to receive these national awards,” said Matt Perry, CEO of Genesis HealthCare System. “We have spent years bringing together the best people, implementing the latest technologies and continually striving for excellence in the care of our patients. Our dedicated team of compassionate care givers earned these awards, and I am proud of what they have accomplished.”  


Community support is as crucial as the healthcare team and technology for producing patient care outcomes that result in national recognition. “We are very blessed that our community entrusts their care to the exceptional team at Genesis. It is only through community support that we can remain a thriving health system,” said Perry.  


The Top 100 award was created so hospitals and the communities they serve have nationally verified, transparent data to evaluate performance against other hospitals and health systems. The Everest Award recognizes hospitals and health systems that achieve the highest improvement rates over a five-year period.  


The Top 100 award evaluates hospitals across the most vital categories of hospital performance:   

  • Clinical Quality: Inpatient mortality, complications of care, infection rates, 30-day mortality and 30-day readmission rates.
  • Patient Experience: patient satisfaction survey results.
  • Hospital efficiency: patient length of stay, inpatient expense per admission and financial results.


According to Fortune/PINC AI, if all hospitals performed at the level of the Top 100 hospitals: 

  • More than 272,000 additional lives would be saved.
  • More than 432,000 additional patients would avoid complications. 
  • $15.7 billion in inpatient costs would be saved. 


Supporting HealthCare in Our Communities

The Genesis HealthCare Foundation is here to promote charitable support for Genesis HealthCare System. Find more ways you can help.

Top 100 2023

When you bring exceptional people together who are committed to a cause, provide them with innovative technology and community support and continuously pursue excellence, you are rewarded with amazing results.

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Choosing the right moisturizer for you

Submitted by emily.griffin on

One of the most important steps in your skincare routine is moisturizer. A good moisturizer can help prevent dry skin and keep your skin healthy and soft. There are a variety of different moisturizers available that serve different purposes. If you choose one that isn’t right for you, it can leave your skin as dry as before or just plain greasy. If this sounds like you, don’t worry. By making a few simple tweaks, you can make your moisturizer work for you. 


Choose which moisturizer is best for your skin type 

If you find yourself panicking in the skincare aisle at your local drugstore and grabbing the first thing that looks like it might work, you’re not alone. With so many options, it can be challenging to figure out what you need. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, here are some common types of moisturizers and which skin types they may work best for:  

  • Gel: Often water-based and tends to feel lighter on the skin than a lotion. This option is best for people with oily skin.

  • Cream: Thicker and has higher oil content than a lotion and gel, making it more hydrating. This option is best for people with dry skin and people older than age 50. 

  • Ointment: The thickest of all, making it the most effective in remedying dry skin. This option is best for people with very dry skin. 


Switch it up if it isn’t working 

Now that you have your new moisturizer, how do you know it’s working? Watch for these signs when trying a new moisturizer: 

  • If your skin is irritated, burning or discolored, stop using your moisturizer and try a different one. 

  • If your skin is smooth, hydrated and feels comfortable, keep using it. Over time, if you notice your skin clearing up, this is a sign that your moisturizer is working.  


Have chronically dry or oily skin? Check with your primary care physician or dermatologist to determine the right fit for you. 


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

choosing the right moisturizer for you

One of the most important steps in your skincare routine is moisturizer. A good moisturizer can help prevent dry skin and keep your skin healthy and soft.

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(Quiz) Take the stairs for a shortcut to better health

Submitted by emily.griffin on

You are starting your day, your caffeine hasn’t fully kicked in, and your hands are full. All reasons to skip the stairs and hop on the elevator.


However, there is one reason to take the stairs, and it trumps the other ones. Taking the stairs is a shortcut to better health.  


Take our short quiz to learn how healthy taking the stairs is for you. 


As with any exercise, before starting, talk to your doctor to make sure you take the proper precautions.  


Ready to get healthy?

Sign up for our digital newsletter to receive health tips, recipes, success stories for inspiration and information about new doctors to help you on your journey to better health.


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Take the stairs for a shortcut to better health

Take our short quiz to learn how healthy taking the stairs is for you. 

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Genesis HealthCare System Named 2023 Most Wired

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Genesis HealthCare System was named one of the Most Wired® hospitals of 2023 by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME). This places Genesis in the top 10% of all hospitals in the country utilizing integrated technology for the 8th consecutive year. 


“Accepting this award for the 8th year in a row affirms our mission to continuously provide our community with exceptional care,” said Ed Romito, Chief Transformation Officer at Genesis HealthCare System. “Healthcare technology is constantly evolving. It is important to Genesis to stay ahead of the curve because that allows us to deliver the best quality of care to our patients, and really make a difference in people’s lives here in Southeastern Ohio.”


Genesis is certified as a level 9 for Ambulatory Care and Acute Care again for 2023. These certifications place Genesis in the top 10% of all hospitals in the country utilizing integrated technology. The CHIME Digital Health Most Wired program conducts an annual survey to assess how effectively healthcare organizations apply core and advanced technologies into their clinical and business programs to improve health and care in their communities. The surveys assessed the adoption, integration and impact of technologies in healthcare organizations at all stages of development, from early development to industry leading. The Digital Health Most Wired survey and recognition program serves as a comprehensive “Digital Health Check-up” for healthcare organizations. 

More information on the Most Wired award is available here:


Most Wired Award 2023

This places Genesis in the top 10% of all hospitals in the country utilizing integrated technology for the 8th consecutive year.

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Lee, Anh-Dao L.

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on
Doctor ID
Anh-Dao Laura Lee, DO
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Primary Care
Primary Care - Family Medicine

1 East Main Street
Ste 200 B
New Concord, OH 43762
United States


Anh-Dao Lee, D.O., has joined Genesis Primary Care, specializing in family medicine. She earned a bachelor of science in biology at the Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, West Virginia and her doctor of osteopathic at the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine in Athens, Ohio. Dr. Lee completed a residency in family medicine at the Heritage Valley Health System in Beaver, Pennsylvania. She is an active member of the American Medical Association and the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians. Dr. Lee will see patients for annual wellness exams, acute illness visits, routine office visits for chronic disease management and much more.

Medical Education

Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine in Athens, Ohio.


Heritage Valley Health System in Beaver, Pennsylvania.

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Lee, Anh-Dao
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Genesis Primary Care
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Genesis Medical Group

Anh-Dao, Lee, D.O., is a family medicine physician with Genesis Primary Care in New Concord.

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