The Call of the Wild

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Outdoor recreation areas are increasingly making it easier for individuals with disabilities to enjoy the great outdoors. There are a couple of reasons for that. According to research conducted by the National Center on Accessibility (NCA), 26% of adults and 40% of people over 65 in the U.S. have a disability. This could be a visual, auditory, cognitive, or mobile disability. That’s roughly 65 million Americans, nearly half of whom visit national parks each year. That’s a lot of people answering the call of the wild.  

And well they should. Studies show that even five minutes of outdoor activity and sunlight boosts mood and decreases depression and anxiety in just about everyone. People with disabilities who participate in outdoor recreation programs exhibit more self-confidence, better goal setting and stress management skills and are better at developing interpersonal relationships. A study featured in the Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 23(3) found that people without disabilities tended to have more positive impressions and greater acceptance of people with disabilities after spending time with them outdoors.  

So, if you’re one of the 1 in 4 adults with a disability or limited mobility and want to continue wildlife watching, fishing and camping, research national, state and local parks and organizations like NCA. Because most parks are funded with federal, state or municipal funds, they are required to follow the American with Disabilities Act and provide accessible areas at each park. Many also have paved trails and accessible events listed on their websites. Finally, don’t hesitate to call around and ask about special programs for individuals with disabilities. There are programs for water skiing, climbing, kayaking, hunting and more. Once you find your passion, get out there and enjoy the wild side.  


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

The Call of the Wild

Outdoor recreation areas are increasingly making it easier for individuals with disabilities to enjoy the great outdoors. There are a couple of reasons for that.

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Genesis Offers Free Physicals for Student Athletes in Coshocton

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Genesis Primary Care, Genesis Orthopedics and Genesis Occupational Health are offering free sports physicals for student athletes from Monday, May 15 through Thursday, June 15. The physicals are conducted at the Genesis Physician Services office at 23599 Airport Road, Coshocton.

Appointments can be scheduled by calling 740-722-9568. Walk-in appointments are also available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. A parent or guardian must accompany minors. Student athletes need to bring the signed Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) form to the appointment.

For more information on Genesis services in the Coshocton area, visit

sports physical

Genesis is offering free sports physicals for student athletes from May 15 through June 15 at the Physician Services office in Coshocton. Make your appointment now.

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(Quiz) Is Fish Good or Bad to Eat?

Submitted by emily.griffin on

One study says you should eat fish. Another study says no. Your social media feed says … well, let’s not go there. Take our quiz to find the answer to one of life’s great mysteries. Well, that might be an exaggeration, but you can still learn a thing or two. 

The takeaways from this quiz are eating certain types of fish in moderation is much better than not eating fish. And please don’t bring the leftovers to work.


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

fish quiz

One study says you should eat fish. Another study says no. Your social media feed says … well, let’s not go there. Take our quiz to find the answer to one of life’s great mysteries. Well, that might be an exaggeration, but you can still learn a thing or two. 

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BE FAST When It Comes to Stroke Symptoms

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Here’s the scenario: Your loved one begins to exhibit strange behaviors – her words aren’t making sense and one side of her face droops when she tries to smile. You wonder what’s going on or if she could be having a stroke, but you can’t remember the symptoms that might help you figure it out.  

Minutes count 

When a person is having a stroke, minutes count – the sooner you recognize it and get the person to treatment, the better the chance of saving that person’s life. What do you do?  

We have an easy way to remember the symptoms of a stroke. 

Think BE FAST 


  • Watch for sudden loss of balance 


  • Check for vision loss 



  • Look for an uneven smile 


  • Check if one arm is weak 


  • Listen for slurred speech 


  • Call 911 right away 


If any of these symptoms occur in someone, don’t hesitate – call 911. The life of your loved one may depend on your quick action.  

BE FAST When It Comes to Stroke Symptoms


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

BE FAST When It Comes to Stroke Symptoms

We have an easy way to remember the symptoms of a stroke. Think BE FAST.

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Suffering from Anxiety? Help is Available.

There are approximately 57.8 million Americans living with a diagnosed mental illness. Despite the fact that the number translates to 1 in 5 adults, there’s still stigma attached to almost everything related to mental health. This sense of shame and reluctance to discuss disorders that affect the brain is why May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  

Jodi Dickson, R.N., at Genesis Behavioral Health, describes why it’s so important for people to be aware of their own mental health. “We are still fighting the stigma that mental health is different from physical health and that individuals control their mental health. Mental health is a medical concern. You’re looking at changes in brain chemistry.”   

For example, one of the most common mental health disorders is generalized anxiety disorder. “People will suffer from anxiety for a long time before asking for help,” said Dickson. “They’re too ashamed to ask for help because they believe they’re at fault. Once they understand the symptoms relate to an illness and we know how to treat those illnesses, we can start helping them feel like themselves again.”   

Generalized anxiety disorder 

Anxiety is normal, and everyone deals with it. If you are experiencing excessive anxiety for a six-month period, or it begins to interfere with your daily life, make an appointment with your primary care provider. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 5.7% of Americans will experience generalized anxiety disorder at some point. 

What happens at the doctor’s office? 

Your doctor will likely rule out physical health issues or medication side effects with a physical exam.  

If there aren’t any physical causes behind your anxiety, your doctor may look for signals that you’re suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. These symptoms manifest in both physical and mental ways. Signs of generalized anxiety disorder can include: 

  • Inability to control excessive worrying    

  • Sleep difficulties 

  • Irritability 

  • Feeling frightened 

  • Difficulty concentrating 

  • Isolation from social support 

  • Muscle tensions and aches and pains 

  • Stomach pains, nausea, difficulty eating 

  • Rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath 

  • Needing to go to the bathroom more frequently 

On top of evaluating physical and emotional symptoms, your doctor may ask about your family history of anxiety.  

Generalized anxiety disorder treatment options 

If your doctor determines you are suffering from generalized anxiety disorder, there are treatments available. Treatment options are typically based on the level of anxiety you’re experiencing.  


If your primary care provider determines that you’re suffering from generalized anxiety disorder, they may begin treatment,” said Dickson. “They may order a prescription specifically for anxiety or an anti-depressant to treat anxiety. Some folks respond wonderfully to these tools. When it becomes a more intense form of anxiety or the patient is not having success with medication, that’s when they refer to a specialist.” 

Cognitive behavioral therapy  

“While a physician may refer to a specialist for medication management, another component of treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy,” said Dickson. “This is a form of talk therapy with a trained therapist to process how you can change thought processes in your brain.” 

According to the American Psychological Foundation, numerous research studies suggest that cognitive behavioral therapy leads to improvement in functioning and quality of life.  

If you are suffering from extreme anxiety or any other mental health problem, help is available. Contact Genesis Behavioral Health at 740-454-4201. They can direct you to services available to meet your specific needs. 

Suffering from Anxiety? Help is Available.

There are approximately 57.8 million Americans living with a diagnosed mental illness. Despite the fact that the number translates to 1 in 5 adults, there’s still stigma attached to almost everything related to mental health. This sense of shame and reluctance to discuss disorders that affect the brain is why May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  

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Tooill, Tiffany M.

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on
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Tiffany M Tooill, APRN-CNP
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Nurse Practitioner
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506 East Main Street
Ste A
Junction City, OH 43748
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103 Public Square
Somerset, OH 43783
United States

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2015 - 2017 Chamberlain College of Nursing.

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Tiffany Tooill APRN-CNP
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Schulz, Andrew J.

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on
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Andrew J Schulz, MD
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48439 Genesis Drive
Coshocton, OH 43812
United States


2016 - 2017 Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

Medical Education

2008 - 2012 Northeastern Ohio Medical University


2012 - 2016 University of Wisconsin Medical School

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Andrew Schulz MD
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Genesis Medical Group
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Science Supports a Trip to the Dog Shelter

Submitted by emily.griffin on

When a local family decided to give in to the pleading of their three children and get a dog, friends and neighbors were shocked. Their children were in college and high school, with only a couple of years living under their parents’ roof remaining. Everyone wondered what could have possibly changed their minds. 

“We couldn’t see past busy church, sport, school and work schedules,” said the mom. “The thought of having something else to feed, care for and clean up after was the main reason I kept saying no.” 

What convinced them to visit their local dog shelter? “Science,” said the dad. Instead of promising that they’d help with walks and waste clean-up, the kids would mention the results of one of a growing number of studies involving canines. The dad said they were amused at first but couldn’t help but be impressed the deeper the kids dug for unique reports. 

For instance, a scientific study released by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute reported that petting a dog for 18 minutes increased immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels in the saliva of humans. Higher levels of immunoglobulin lead to stronger immune systems. 

A September 2022 study from Queen’s University in Belfast, Ireland, proved that dogs can differentiate between a person’s normal smell and smell caused by stress. Much like some dogs can sense an epileptic episode and be trained to support the person with epilepsy from injury, the dogs in that study sensed panic attacks and helped keep their person grounded.  

There’s a large body of evidence that dogs are good for our mental health, especially as we age. The family is interested in keeping their aging grandparents engaged and active and have studies reporting on canine companionship bookmarked for review.  

Finally, a 2020 study in the Journal of Allergy and Immunology concluded that growing up with a dog lessened the chances of young children developing food sensitivities. One child has multiple food allergies. “Now we think we should have listened to our kids all along.” 



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Science Supports a Trip to the Dog Shelter

For instance, a scientific study released by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute reported that petting a dog for 18 minutes increased immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels in the saliva of humans. Higher levels of immunoglobulin lead to stronger immune systems.

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Fad Diets – No, Thank You

Submitted by emily.griffin on

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Think of fad diets – just because a diet is popular doesn’t mean it’s effective or healthy for you. Most nutrition experts agree that the biggest problem with fad diets is the lost weight comes right back. Not sure if the latest craze is a good idea, then ask yourself these questions: 

  1. Do I have to buy special foods or pills? 

  2. Do I have to skip meals?  

  3. Is rapid weight loss promised?  

  4. Is one or more of the food groups eliminated?  

  5. Does the diet claim to be suitable for everyone without warning those with diabetes or high blood pressure to seek medical advice before starting?  

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you might want to avoid starting what is likely a fad diet or is a weight-loss program worth skipping. 

Accept that what you eat affects your health. Many fad diets restrict or eliminate fruits, vegetables, dairy products and whole grains. Each food group provides its own unique set of vitamins, minerals and energy your body needs.  

The USDA suggests instead of trying fad diets or weight loss programs, take the long-term approach of developing healthy eating habits. Slow and steady weight loss is more effective.  

“We all want instant gratification, which is one of the draws to fad diets,” said Melanie Poinar R.D., L.D.  “One way to start weight loss is to ween yourself from packaged foods and sweetened beverages. Try and focus on drinking enough water daily as well as incorporating healthy choices from each food group like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, low fat dairy, and healthy fats.” 

Consult your physician about your diet plan. 


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Fad Diets

Most nutrition experts agree that the biggest problem with fad diets is the lost weight comes right back. Not sure if the latest craze is a good idea, then ask yourself these questions: 

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