(Video) Recipe: Raspberry jalapeño chocolates

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

A tasty treat that packs some heat. These little chocolates are free of dairy, egg and gluten. Plus, the dark chocolate contains antioxidants, and may improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. 

Makes 12 chocolates. 


  • 5 ounces dark chocolate, chopped 
  • ½ fresh jalapeño, seeded and minced fine 
  • ⅓ cup fresh raspberries 
  • 2 tablespoons agave 
  • Chocolate molds (found at craft store) 




In small saucepan over low heat, melt chocolate until smooth. Spoon a small amount into each mold, and using a small, new paintbrush, coat the mold completely. Place in refrigerator for 5 minutes or until chocolate has set. Remove from fridge, brushing another layer of chocolate to coat, making a thick layer of chocolate shell. Cool in refrigerator until set.  


Meanwhile, mash raspberries together with agave and finely minced jalapeño. Fill each mold with raspberry jalapeño filling, leaving room at the top to seal with more chocolate. Reheat remaining chocolate and fill each mold, covering the filling completely. Tap molds on counter to remove any bubbles, return to refrigerator to set. 


Nutritional information (per serving)  


  • Serving size one chocolate 
  • Calories 22 
  • Fat 1g 
  • Carbohydrates 3g  
  • Protein 1g 


Raspberry jalapeno chocolates

A tasty treat that packs some heat. These little chocolates are free of dairy, egg and gluten. Plus, the dark chocolate contains antioxidants, and may improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. 

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Visiting Dr. Internet may add to anxiety

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Do you visit “Dr. Internet” every time you get the sniffles or feel a twinge? In other words, do you search online for health symptoms on a regular basis? If you do, you may have a condition called “cyberchondria,” meaning you experience anxiety for your personal wellness caused by health-related online searches.  


About 80% of internet users surf the web to answer health questions and self-diagnose when they don’t feel well. Searching the Internet may seem like a good idea because there is so much information at your fingertips. But you don’t want to add stress to your life unnecessarily. 


Here are just a few reasons why trying to answer health questions and diagnose any problems without the aid of a doctor can be a problem: 


  • There is so much information available online that it can be difficult to sort reliable sources from those that are less reputable. Even when health-related information is reliable, most searchers don’t have a medical background to allow them to know what to do with it, as medical problems tend to be complex. 

  • Recent studies have shown that as many as 9 out of 10 people who used the Internet to self-diagnose were led to information on serious illnesses when they had basic symptoms. 

  • When patients mistakenly believe they have a serious illness based on Internet searches, it can lead to high levels of anxiety that can cause medical problems and lead to unnecessary screenings or diagnostic tests.  


“The most important search you can make is finding the right doctor if you don’t already have one,” said Stacey Guan, M.D., Genesis Primary Care. “Your primary care physician will be your partner in your health journey. He or she will serve as your source of credible information specific to your personal health history.” 


So don’t stress yourself. Make an appointment to talk with your doctor about what is bothering you. If you can’t stay away from the Internet in the meantime, use credible medical websites like the National Institute of Health to search for signs and symptoms. Then you can have a comprehensive list to take to your doctor.  


Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Dr Internet

About 80% of internet users surf the web to answer health questions and self-diagnose when they don’t feel well. Searching the Internet may seem like a good idea because there is so much information at your fingertips. But you don’t want to add stress to your life unnecessarily. 

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(Quiz) From the hip

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” was an iconic catchphrase from a 1989 TV ad. But, for those left helpless from a broken or fractured hip, the situation is no laughing matter. The CDC says a broken hip is one of the most serious fall injuries; it’s a difficult recovery and jeopardizes independent living. How vulnerable or prepared are you to handle a hip injury? 




Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Hip Quiz

How vulnerable or prepared are you to handle a hip injury?

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Tips to keep picnics safe

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Having backyard cookouts with friends and family is what makes summer fun, but don't forget about handling your food safely to avoid foodborne illness.  

Check out these simple guidelines to ensure food safety when outdoors. 


Tip 1: Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. 

It's as simple as it sounds. Keep food out of the "Danger Zone" (40 to 140 degrees), where foods can spoil quickly. Keep hot foods in warming trays or to the side of the grill, avoiding direct heat. Store cold foods in ice baths, coolers or the fridge until ready to be served.  


Tip 2: Watch the clock.  

Food should not be left out for more than two hours and no longer than one hour if the temperature is above 90 degrees. The longer food is left out, the more harmful bacteria can grow and spoil the food.  


Tip 3: Cook all meats to the safe, minimum cooking temperature.  

Use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature of meats to ensure they reach their level safe for consumption.  

  • Hamburger, sausage and other ground meats – 160 degrees 

  • Poultry – 165 degrees 

  • Pork, beef cuts, veal and lamb – 145 degrees 

  • Fish – 145 degrees 


Tip 4: Keep hands, utensils and work surfaces clean, especially during meal prep.  

Remember to wash your hands, utensils and surfaces with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds. Also, wash surfaces, utensils and hands between handling and preparing different foods to avoid cross-contamination.  


Tip 5: Know the symptoms of food poisoning. 

Food poisoning occurs between 12 to 72 hours after consumption. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain and cramps. If symptoms last longer than 72 hours, be sure to seek medical attention. 


Tip 6: Put food out in small batches.  

It is a good idea for cold foods to be placed in two separate containers. One can be stored in the fridge while the other is out for serving. Once the first container is empty, grab the second container from the refrigerator for everyone to enjoy.  


By following these guidelines, you can be sure to enjoy a fun and safe cookout with family and friends. 



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Safe picnic

Ways to avoid food poisoning

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Energy drinks: Do they help …or harm?

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Energy drinks are beverages that claim to improve energy. Their main ingredient is caffeine. They usually contain sugar, which adds calories. They also may contain guarana plant extract (which is like caffeine), taurine (an amino acid) and vitamins. How much do you know about the benefits and the risks of energy drinks?  


Q: Are energy drinks safe for adults? 

A: Energy drinks are usually safe for adults if you drink them in moderate amounts. The main ingredient is caffeine. Consuming less than 400 mg a day of caffeine is considered safe for adults. There is about 95 mg. of caffeine in 8 oz. of brewed coffee. A single energy drink can have as much as 500 mg of caffeine. Caffeine increases energy in adults and fights tiredness. But too much caffeine can make you feel nervous or grouchy. And it can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea and headaches. 


Q: Is it okay to drink alcohol and energy drinks at the same time? 

A: Drinking energy drinks and alcohol together may be unsafe. The caffeine in these drinks can make the effects of alcohol harder to notice. People may feel they are not as intoxicated as they really are. Mixing caffeine with alcohol may cause you to drink more. That's because the caffeine may keep you awake longer. 


Q: Are energy drinks safe for children and teens? 

A: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children and teens not drink energy drinks. One reason to avoid them is that the main ingredient is caffeine. It can cause problems in children and teens, including: 

  • Higher blood pressure 

  • Sleep problems 

  • Worsen existing problems, such as an abnormal heartbeat for those with a heart condition or high levels of blood sugar for those with diabetes 


The best way for children and teens to improve energy is to eat a balanced diet and get enough sleep. 


Q: What are some concerns about energy drinks? 

A: There are several:  

  • Too much caffeine. 

  • Other ingredients are sometimes included, such as kola nut or guarana. There has been little research on how these ingredients may affect the body. 

  • Limited regulation. 

Energy drinks may be classified as dietary supplements, which are not as strictly regulated as foods. For example, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the amount of caffeine in sodas, but not in energy drinks. 


Energy drinks usually contain sugars, which add to the calories. This could lead to weight gain. The sugars can also lead to dental problems. 


When your body gets used to a lot of caffeine and then you stop using it, you can get symptoms such as headaches, feeling tired, having trouble concentrating and feeling grouchy. 


The caffeine in energy drinks may make it harder to sleep. Some people may feel they need less sleep, due to the stimulation they get from the caffeine. This can lead to not getting enough sleep, which can be harmful to your overall health. 



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Energy Drink

How much do you know about the benefits and the risks of energy drinks?

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Phillips, Lindsey

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Lindsey Phillips, PA
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Physician Assistant
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2019 - 2021 Kettering College of Medical Arts

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Physician Assistant

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Genesis Medical Group
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Pathadan, Tony

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Tony Pathadan, DO
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Hospitalist- Telemedicine
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2014 - 2018 Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine


2018 - 2021 Northeast Regional Medical Center

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Internal Medicine

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Genesis Medical Group
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Duemmel, Ashley D.

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Ashley Diana Duemmel, APRN-CNP
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Nurse Practitioner
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2018 - 2021 Maryville University

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Nurse Practitioner

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Genesis Medical Group
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Bains, Nimrat

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Nimrat Bains, PA-C
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Physician Assistant

860 Bethesda Drive
Unit 1 & 4
Zanesville, OH 43701
United States

61353 Southgate Road
Suite 5
Cambridge, OH 43725
United States

Medical Education

2015 - 2018 Marietta College

Board Certifications

Physician Assistant

Accepting New Patients
Is Referral Required
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Genesis Medical Group
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Genesis Medical Group

860 Bethesda Drive
Unit 1 & 4
Zanesville, OH 43701
United States

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Physician Assistant

Explain that to me

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

We should be actively involved in our doctor’s appointment to help make decisions about our health and the best, most cost-effective treatment. But sometimes that’s easier said than done because some medical terms can be confusing, and it’s hard to recall what we don’t understand.   

Studies show 40-80% of medical information we hear our provider tell us is forgotten immediately and almost half the information that is remembered is incorrect. Take notes while you are with your provider. 

If you don’t understand, don’t be shy – keep asking questions. It’s your body, after all. It’s easy to forget what you want to ask once you’re at the doctor’s office, so be sure and bring a list of questions that includes any medications or supplements that you’re taking. 

It’s easier to recall the diagnosis than the treatment. Ask for simple, specific instructions about the treatment plan so they can be recalled and followed.  

If you understand your diagnosis and the treatment plan, and follow it, you’ll be more satisfied with your healthcare.

If you have questions or concerns about your diagnosis or treatment once you’re home, contact your doctor.  



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Doctor Visit

We should be actively involved in our doctor’s appointment to help make decisions about our health and the best, most cost-effective treatment. But sometimes that’s easier said than done because some medical terms can be confusing, and it’s hard to recall what we don’t understand.   

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