A great place to restore your heart

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Jim Hodges received four stents in 2005 to ensure proper blood flow to his heart, but several years later, he started having heart issues again. Little did he know, this was only a precursor to bigger heart problems.

“When Jim came to see me, he was experiencing worsening chest pain. He had unstable angina, meaning his heart wasn’t getting enough oxygen and blood,” said Alaa Gabi, M.D., Fellowship-trained and Board-certified Interventional Cardiologist at Genesis. “We found a 90% blockage in the back of his heart, so we put in another stent. He did well, and after the procedure, we sent him to cardiac rehabilitation, like we do all our patients who have a cardiac intervention.” Jim attended the Genesis Cardiac Rehabilitation Center two or three times a week for several months, building heart strength and stamina under the observation of specially trained healthcare professionals. Everything was going well until he felt lightheaded on his drive to the hospital for rehab one morning.

“I got on the first exercise machine at rehab and did well, but my lightheadedness became stronger when I got on the stationary bike,” Jim said. “My legs felt like they were losing energy. I couldn’t even push the pedal down. I knew I needed to sit down, and apparently, through the leads hooked to my chest, the rehab team could tell there was a problem.”

As Jim stopped exercising, his heart stopped too

“As Jim was in rehab and connected to monitors during exercise, we knew he experienced more than 10 seconds without a heartbeat. The good thing is, after brief resuscitation, his pulse came back,” Dr. Gabi said.

During Jim’s 10 seconds without a heartbeat, an exercise physiologist and a respiratory therapist at Genesis performed CPR on him. Meanwhile, a code blue alerted an emergency cardiac team within the hospital.

“By the time they got through pumping my chest, my heart was back in rhythm. I was the luckiest guy in the world to be at Genesis when my heart stopped,” said Jim.

Right place at the right time

“If this had happened when Jim was not at the rehabilitation center, his care would have been delayed,” Dr. Gabi said. “Anytime the brain is not getting enough blood, seconds make a difference. Immediate access to cardiac care helped him. Jim was in the ideal place for this to happen.”

Comprehensive cardiac and vascular care

Genesis’ nationally accredited cardiac care and lifesaving technology provide patients with immediate access to expert physicians who collaborate to give exceptional heart care during emergencies. Jim went from the Cardiac Rehabilitation Center to the Emergency Department for stabilization and then directly to the operating room. He received a pacemaker, a small device implanted in the upper chest to regulate the heartbeat.

“My heart stopped beating during my morningworkout, and I had a pacemaker placed by lunchtime,” Jim said. “I’m so thankful for everyone at Genesis who helped save my life.”

Now that Jim has a pacemaker to assist his heart, he’s noticed a tremendous upswing in energy and ability.

“I’m 81 years old, and I feel about 50. I haven’t felt this good in a long time,” said Jim.

“It’s just amazing to me. I’ve been on medication for the past two years, but now I’m feeling stronger. There’s a big difference between before the pacemaker and after,” he said.

Jim continues to go to the Genesis Cardiac Rehabilitation Center about three times a week, as it remains available to him even after completing cardiac rehab.

“Jim’s case is an example of how we need to increase awareness of heart disease and heart rhythm issues. People often feel dizzy or lightheaded, and there’s a good chance that it can be heart-related,” Dr. Gabi said. “If someone feels dizzy, fatigued and lightheaded or experiences fainting and vertigo, these can all be related to heart rhythm issues. They’re especially alarming for people with other risk factors for heart disease, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and a family history of heart disease. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, please see a doctor.”



Jim Hodges found himself in the right place at the right time.

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Spotlight on Puneetpal S. Bains, M.D.

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“An endocrinologist is a detective who looks for clues and asks pertinent questions to solve a case,” said Puneetpal S. Bains, M.D., who joined Genesis Endocrinology in March. He was drawn to endocrinology by its complexity. “I have always loved solving problems, and this specialty allows me to investigate complex issues and fix them,” Dr. Bains said. “Moreover, endocrinology also presents an intersection between medicine and technology. I find this specialty very rewarding.”

Dr. Bains said endocrine disorders are increasing, but the number of endocrinologists is not keeping up with demand. “So, I am happy to bring my expertise to this community,” he said. Dr. Bains treats such common disorders as diabetes, thyroid issues and osteoporosis, and also treats gender dysphoria with hormone replacement therapy.

Dr. Bains said he functions as a team member with Genesis staff and a patient’s primary care provider. This team has a common goal of helping fix or manage an endocrine issue. “My patients are one of the most important things in my life, along with my family,” Dr. Bains said.

Endocrinological technology attracted Dr. Bains to the specialty. “Technology has changed our lives dramatically, and we continue to see its benefits in healthcare.” Particularly diabetes, he said. “Years ago, the only way for individuals to check their blood sugar was by poking their fingers four to six times a day or more,” he said.

Continuous glucose monitors changed that, as have insulin pumps. “Eventually, I think the insulin pumps will do more,” Dr. Bains said.

Dr. Bains spends his free time with his wife and two children — an 18-month-old son and a 6-year-old daughter. He also enjoys watching sports. “I am a big Cleveland Browns and OSU Buckeyes fan,” he said. “Hopefully, one day, the Browns can make it to the Super Bowl. We can all dream, can’t we?”

Dr. Bains’ office is located at Genesis Endocrinology, 860 Bethesda Drive, Building 2, in Zanesville. His phone number is 740-586-6690. A physician referral is required.

Doctor of Medicine: Saba University School of
Medicine, Netherlands-Antilles

Board-certified: Endocrinology, diabetes,
metabolism and internal medicine

Residency in Internal Medicine:
The Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio

Fellowship in Endocrinology:
The State University of New York Upstate Medical
University, Syracuse, New York


Genesis Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

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Tips to help women stay healthy

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Hey you, it’s me – your body. While I’m feeling pretty good right now, we can’t take things for granted. You and I need to get on the same page to make sure things don’t start going downhill. Can you help by following these tips? It’ll make my job so much easier – and more enjoyable for both of us.


Get regular checkups and screenings

Seeing your family doctor or OB/GYN on a regular basis is vitally important. Your doctor is your partner in keeping you on a healthy path or in managing chronic health conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure. Your doctor will also make sure you get the routine screenings essential for early detection of disease, like mammograms, Pap smears and blood work.

Get at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity

Exercise helps you feel your best – plus, it helps keep your weight in check. It can improve the quality of your sleep and helps prevent bone loss and osteoporosis, too.

Get 7 to 9 hours of sleep

A good night’s sleep helps you feel sharper, elevates your mood and can help prevent other health issues.

Eat healthy

Eating healthy and including more fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet can help you maintain a healthy weight, promote strong bones and teeth, and reduce the risks of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and strokes. Plus, it improves your mood and memory.

Reach and maintain a healthy weight

When you’re at a healthy weight, you lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes, and also help reduce the risk of many different cancers.

Get help to quit smoking

If you quit smoking, nearly everything improves. You’ll have healthier blood, heart and lungs. Your bones, muscles and immune system will be stronger, too. Plus, you will have clearer skin and fresher breath.

Limit alcohol to one drink or less

Limiting alcohol to one drink or less per day helps reduce the risk of some cancers, liver disease, heart disease and high blood pressure.

Use drugs only as prescribed

Prescription or illegal drug use and misuse can damage your body and mind. If you think you may have a problem, get help sooner rather than later.

Drive safely

In the U.S., road crashes are the greatest killer of women and men under age 55. Wearing a seatbelt greatly reduces your risk. Also, texting and driving is six times more dangerous than driving while intoxicated. Pull over or wait until you get home.



Hey you, it’s me – your body. While I’m feeling pretty good right now, we can’t take things for granted. You and I need to get on the same page to make sure things don’t start going downhill. Can you help by following these tips? It’ll make my job so much easier – and more enjoyable for both of us.

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Blueberries are healthy winners

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Blueberries can lower your chance of having a heart attack.

True or false?

True: An 18-year Harvard study of more than 90,000 people found participants had a 34% lower chance of having a heart attack if they consumed three or more servings of blueberries or strawberries per week.

Blueberries provide potassium.

True or false?

True: According to the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, blueberries are a source of potassium, magnesium, vitamins C and K and fiber. Even better, all those nutrients only add up to 80 calories per cup.

Blueberries can lower your chance of Type 2 diabetes.

True or false?

True. According to a 2013 study in the BMJ journal, eating blueberries, which contain anthocyanins, three times a week can reduce your risk of becoming diabetic.

Blueberries are good for your mind.

True or false?

True. A 20-year study on women 70 years of age and older from Harvard showed that eating blueberries at least once a week or strawberries at least twice a week may delay cognitive aging by two and a half years.

With all these health benefits, it is time to start gobbling blueberries. To make sure you get the most out of your blueberries, here are a couple of tips. The darker the color means there are more nutrients in the blueberries. Frozen blueberries are just as beneficial as fresh blueberries.

Learn about the amazing benefits of blueberries.

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Maximizing technology to maximize health

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Why do hospitals invest in the latest and greatest advancements in technology? Is it to increase efficiency? To ensure safety and precision? To reduce pain and improve healing? Well, yes, all of those. But most importantly, the teams at Genesis HealthCare System believe technology enhances compassionate healthcare.

“Some people think that when you start using technology, you lose human touch and human connection, but the opposite is true,” said Ed Romito, Chief Transformation Officer at Genesis HealthCare System. “At Genesis, we aim to maximize human connection and health by utilizing the benefits of technology.”

Ed began his information technology career with the hospital 27 years ago, just before Good Samaritan and Bethesda hospitals merged to form Genesis. Back then, computer networks were in their infancy, and Genesis initially had only 300 personal computers (mostly used for finance). Today, as Genesis celebrates its 25th anniversary, the organization has approximately 4,000 personal computers, and the technology has grown to impact and improve nearly every touchpoint in patient care.

Pairing technology and hospital care: An Epic undertaking

For the past five years, CHIME (the College for Healthcare Information Management Executives) has recognized Genesis as one of the Most Wired Health Systems. Genesis is also listed on the national Top 100 Places to Work in IT by IDG Computerworld. Both distinguished designations became possible because of innovative technology advancements made during the past 25 years.


“Genesis is a progressive, innovative organization – never stagnant. We’re always looking to be the most sophisticated community hospital and use technology to enable safer, faster and better healthcare.”


For example, examine our electronic medical system, Epic. It’s the best in the world. When we implemented Epic in 2010, Epic was typically only used in large academic medical centers. Still, Genesis decided to move forward and bring this world-class technology to Southeastern Ohio,” Ed said. “We are continually innovating, using the best technology that is powered by our phenomenal team of IT professionals, the best in the country.”

Our vision is One Patient – One Record. Genesis advanced from paper to electronic medical records to enable a single medical record for each patient allowing quick access to current patient records to every member of the patient’s care team and our patients via MyChart. This provides for more coordinated and efficient care. The “epic” undertaking is just one of many advances.

For example, over a decade ago, Genesis invested in robotic-assisted surgical instruments called the da Vinci Surgical System. Bringing robotic technology into operating rooms expanded possibilities beyond what’s possible with the human eyes and hands. With 3D high-definition, surgeons see crystal-clear views magnified ten times stronger than the natural human eye. Plus, tiny instruments offer greater control and range of motion than human hands, making less invasive, smoother and more precise movements.

“The da Vinci Surgical System allows us to deliver safer surgical treatment to our patients, enabling shorter recovery times that allow our patients to get back to their normal lives more quickly. It’s amazing,” Ed said.

Since 2010, Genesis surgeons have completed more than 2,000 surgeries using the da Vinci technology.

Increasing knowledge and health with artificial intelligence

Advancements in technology at Genesis continue moving at a very rapid pace but as the technology increases in capabilities, so does the amount of collected data. To ensure the data is analyzed, organized and used to best help patients, Genesis is enlisting artificial intelligence (AI).

“It’s impossible for a human to fully consume and understand the massive amount of information available. So, we’re using computers to do what computers do best, analyze and present information in a more usable format– and that allows our teams to focus on the human connection in caring for patients,” Ed said.

For example, Genesis uses AI to monitor hospitalized patients on more than 80 data points, like vital signs, lab results, medications, etc. When data points identify potential problems in a patient’s health, the AI alerts the medical team so the patient can receive fast, early assistance. “There’s no way a person could monitor all 250 patients in the hospital on all these points of health. This kind of AI  provides warning signs and alerts the care team so they can take action before the situation becomes serious,” Ed said.

The future looks techy and terrific

In the past 25 years, Genesis has made tremendous investments in state-of-the-art technologies at a very rapid pace and will continue to bring new advanced technology to provide safe, innovative, life-saving technology to southeastern Ohio.

“I believe we’ll continue an upward trajectory of healthcare technology. I don’t see it stopping or slowing down, which is exciting. I look forward to seeing what happens at Genesis during the next 25 years.” Ed said.


Ed Romito, Chief Transformation Officer at Genesis HealthCare System, talks about technology advancements.

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Genesis HealthCare System celebrates 25 years of caring

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It began as two healthcare organizations merged into one, then two hospital buildings merged into one, but the singular purpose within Genesis HealthCare System remains the same: Helping each person achieve optimal health and well-being by providing compassionate, exceptional and affordable healthcare services.

“At Genesis, we help our community obtain optimal health,” said Sharon Parker, Chief Operations Officer (COO) at Genesis. “However, providing treatment is not enough. Over the last 25 years, I’ve been blessed to work with amazing colleagues to evolve our services. My focus is to provide care the way I’d want to be treated if I or a family member were the patient. Every team member at Genesis supports that concept.”

Sharon began her medical career as a patient care technician in Zanesville while attending nursing school nearly 43 years ago. She has played a key role in advancing Genesis services, first as director of the Cancer Care Center and now as COO for all Genesis services. Over the years, she has experienced the care at Genesis through various procedures for herself, her husband and their children.

“I helped start the cancer services program and we designed it with our patients’ perspectives in mind. Patients and families wanted all medical providers working together for the best possible outcomes for each unique individual. We spent a lot of time conducting research and then worked with an architect who could make the vision come to life,” said Sharon.

Genesis Cancer Care Center: Close-to-home care for the entire cancer journey

With cancer diagnoses increasing in the United States, having state-of-the-art cancer care close to home is essential. That’s why, in 2015, Genesis opened a dedicated Cancer Care Center to provide personalized, comprehensive expertise and treatment.

“By bringing in additional physicians, we developed a strong multidisciplinary team that offers cancer patients a convenient, close-to-home place to receive coordinated care. Patients could potentially have imaging, lab work, palliative care, medical oncology and radiation oncology visits all in one day here, saving them valuable time and energy,” Sharon said.

The patient-centered, nationally accredited center also includes nurse navigators, an in-house pharmacy and certified surgeons. Beyond treatment, we also addressed the psychological elements of care. The new center includes private chemotherapy pods that are a calming oasis with floor-to-ceiling views of our nature trail that wildlife often visits.

Having all cancer care services available in one center provides convenience for patients and increases communication between cancer care team members. “Our patients rave about the coordination of care, and our physicians appreciate the quick access to their colleagues. It’s routine for our physicians to have conversations about treatment plans so they’re all on the same page. The closeness ensures each patient receives an evidence-based plan of care personalized for their situation,” Sharon said.

A dedicated place for heart health and healing: The Genesis Heart & Vascular Institute

Modeled after the same comprehensive structure as the Genesis Cancer Care Center, Genesis developed a dedicated heart and vascular center. The Genesis Heart & Vascular Institute opened in 2015 and sits opposite the Genesis Cancer Care Center on the Genesis Hospital campus.

The Genesis Heart & Vascular Institute includes the Congestive Heart Failure Clinic, Vein Center, Anticoagulation Clinic, cardiac rehabilitation gym, cardiac catheterization lab, electrophysiology lab and nutrition services.

“Whether patients need open-heart surgery, cardiac rehabilitation or nutrition counseling, they can get it all here. Plus, patients enjoy that hometown feeling at Genesis and the fact that top-quality healthcare that’s close to home costs less than larger facilities that are farther away,” Sharon said.

The Genesis Heart & Vascular Institute became the first fully accredited chest pain center in Southeastern Ohio in 2009. Known for advanced care, the institute’s fellowship-trained, board-certified physicians perform groundbreaking roboticassisted and minimally invasive treatments. By using innovative technology and techniques, patients benefit from smaller incisions, less risks and quicker healing.

Quality and compassion

With its Cancer Care Center and the Heart & Vascular Institute devoted to the best treatment options, it’s no wonder Genesis’ outcomes and patient experience scores rank among the highest in the state and nation.In addition to providing excellent results, Genesis focuses onproviding an excellent healing environment.

“Having dedicated buildings where all physicians and services are available in a close-knit space ensures compassionate, wrap-around care. So, when a patient is diagnosed with a health challenge, we can wrap our arms around them and take care of everything – coordination, communication and quality treatment. They don’t have to worry about anything,” Sharon said.

For the past 25 years, Genesis has served residents in Muskingum, Morgan, Perry, Coshocton, Noble and Guernsey counties with that mission in mind.


Sharon Parker, Chief Operations Officer, reflects on the past 25 years at Genesis HealthCare System

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The strongest candle vs. running shoes

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Who burns a candle in their garage? 


Why do running shoes smell so bad, especially if they’re wet? Shoes with that stench should not be allowed past the garage. Even the most potent candle can’t mask the stench of wet running shoes in the garage. Why is the odor potent? Why is it worse when shoes are wet? 


Bacteria. With 150,000 sweat glands in each foot, our feet sweat. If your shoes don’t get a chance to dry out between wearing, the bacteria in your shoes keep growing.  


Aside from going barefoot, there are remedies for smelly shoes and feet. 


  1. Wash your feet with antibacterial soap and thoroughly dry them, even between the toes. 

  1. Wear wicking socks made of natural or acrylic fiber blends that draw the moisture away from your feet instead of trapping it with socks made from 100% cotton. 

  1. Wear shoes made of breathable materials.  

  1. Wash shoes or insoles. 

  1. Avoid shoes made of plastic. 

  1. Don’t share shoes or towels, that’s sharing bacteria. 


Other remedies are to sprinkle corn starch or baking soda inside your shoes to absorb odor. Soaking your feet in a sink or tub of warm tea or Epsom salts are also methods of controlling foot odor.  


Until you find the remedy that works for you, keep your shoes on in social situations.  



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.


Why do running shoes smell so bad, especially if they’re wet?

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(Quiz) Microwaves save time, but what about your health?

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After a long day at work and a night of kids’ activities, a microwave can be a lifesaver. Who has time to cook a meal in the oven when you get home at 8:30 p.m.? However, is the microwave saving or hurting us? Take our quiz to find out. As we know, most people using a microwave have very little spare time. So, our quiz is only four questions long. As fast as cooking your microwave snack, this quiz will be done.  




Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.


Is the microwave saving or hurting us? Take our quiz to find out.

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Heat hurts hair (ouch!)

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Have you ever burnt yourself with a curling iron? If you have, you know it hurts a lot. That much heat is bad for your skin … and it’s not so great for your hair, either. Here’s why and some alternatives to prevent hair damage. 


Heat damage 

Our hair is made up of three layers: the cuticle (outermost protective layer made of keratin), the cortex (middle) and the medulla (center). According to a cosmetic chemist, using too much heat on your hair can damage the keratin and cause hair strand dehydration. This can cause hair to break more easily. Heat damage cannot be easily repaired. If you use your hair straightener daily, your hair may look shiny and smooth, but it likely has heat damage. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent damage. 


Avoiding heat damage 

Here are some ways that you can prevent heat damage to your hair: 

  • For heatless styles, try braids, buns and twists. 

  • When blow-drying your hair, use the lowest setting and hold the blow-dryer further away from your hair. 

  • Try using heatless styling methods such as pin curls and sock curls. 

  • If you need to use a straightener or curling iron, use heat protectant spray and turn the dial down to a lower setting. 

  • If you use heat every day, try altering your routine so that you use it fewer times per week. 


By preventing heat damage and knowing how to be safe, your hair will feel much healthier. Here’s to a curling iron burn-free world for all of us. 



Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Heatless Hair

By preventing heat damage and knowing how to be safe, your hair will feel much healthier. Here’s to a curling iron burn-free world for all of us.

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Rexroad, Brandon

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Brandon Rexroad, APRN-CNP
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Nurse Practitioner
Interventional Radiology
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2017 - 2021 Walden University

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Nurse Practitioner

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Genesis Medical Group
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