Genesis HealthCare System Receives Award for Life-saving Care

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on

Genesis HealthCare System recently received the American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines®-Resuscitation Gold Award for the 8th consecutive year. The award recognizes Genesis for consistently implementing the most up-to-date research-based treatment guidelines outlined by the American Heart Association for patients who suffer cardiac arrests in the hospital.


“Genesis is dedicated to providing the best patient care,” said Heath Sholtis, Director of Pulmonary and Critical Care Services. “By following the Get With The Guidelines, we ensure we are using proven techniques each day resulting in the care our community deserves.”


Genesis earned the award for meeting specific measures in treating patients who suffer cardiac arrests in the hospital. The measures include protocols for patient safety, medical emergency team response, effective and timely resuscitation (CPR) and post-resuscitation care.

GWTG 2024 Resuscitation

Genesis HealthCare System recently received the American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines®-Resuscitation Gold Award for the 8th consecutive year.

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Ibuprofen insider: Side effects you should know

Submitted by emily.griffin on

When you have a headache, we usually grab some ibuprofen or any pain reliever to help with the pain. What we might be blissfully unaware of is the side effects these pills can cause. The effects below only apply if you take too much ibuprofen daily and not if you take it once occasionally.  


Side effects 

Gastrointestinal symptoms, also known as stomach problems, are the most common side effects when taking too much ibuprofen. The Hospital for Special Surgery states heartburn is the most common stomach irritation. If we are not careful with our ibuprofen consumption, then it could lead to more severe side effects such as ulcers or internal bleeding. To help reduce stomach irritation and prevent an ulcer, you can:  


  • Take ibuprofen at the end of a full meal or with an antacid  

  • Limit alcohol intake because this can also irritate your stomach  


We might not think of long-term effects when we start taking ibuprofen, but we should always consider the long-term effects of any drug. According to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, long-term effects include:  


  • Anemia due to bleeding in the stomach   

  • Impaired hearing   

  • Kidney and liver damage   

  • Bleeding in the stomach and bowels   

  • Increased risk of heart attack  


Ibuprofen and any over-the-counter pain relievers are great for anti-inflammatory, to help mild to moderate pain, fever and most commonly a headache. We want to make everyone aware of the dangers of these medicines if abused and used irresponsibly.   


Talk to your doctor for more advice on when and how to safely take ibuprofen.  


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Ibuprofen insider: Side affects you should know

The effects below only apply if you take too much ibuprofen daily and not if you take it once occasionally.  

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How to avoid the afternoon crash

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Ever been plugging along at work or home only to suddenly have heavy eyes, a fuzzy brain and a slow body? The afternoon crash can hit hard. Do we know what causes it and how to avoid it? Take this quiz to find out. 


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

How to avoid the afternoon crash

The afternoon crash can hit hard. Do we know what causes it and how to avoid it? Take this quiz to find out. 

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Solutions to everyday stress

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Let’s face it, everyone has something they are stressed about. It controls our lives, and sometimes we can take it out on others. The simple solution would be to solve the problem, but what if it can’t be solved or it is reoccurring? This is where everyday solutions come into play. These solutions are easy to do and when we incorporate them into our lives, we might not notice at first, but they will eventually make a huge difference.  

Harvard Health Publishing recommends that everyone sleeps at least seven hours per day, eats a predominantly plant-based diet, exercises regularly, meditates, and stays socially connected. These solutions should help reduce everyday stress and allow you to take on life’s fast-paced changes.  

Harvard Health also recommends solutions for on-the-spot relief. 

These solutions include:  

  • Doing a relaxation exercise 

  • Stretch your muscles 

  • Take a mindfulness break 

  • Take a brisk walk 

  • Use laughter 

  • Reducing loud noises in your environment  

  • Playing smooth music  

  • Counter negative thoughts 

  • Use positive self-talk  

  • Ask if it’s worth it 

  • Reach out for help 

Some of these solutions seem easier than others, and it is a matter of personal preference on what you use to help yourself. 

If you need additional suggestions to help with stress, check out some of our previous blogs: 


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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Solutions to everyday stress

These solutions should help reduce everyday stress and allow you to take on life’s fast-paced changes.  

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Katherine Hill, M.D.

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on
Katherine Hill, MD
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Year Joined Staff
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Hand Surgery

23599 Airport Rd.
Suite B
Coshocton, OH 43812
United States

48439 Genesis Drive
Coshocton, OH 43812
United States


Katherine Hill, M.D., Genesis Orthopedic Group, specializes in orthopedic surgery. Dr. Hill completed her medical training at Northeast Ohio Medical University, Rootstown, Ohio, and her orthopedic surgery residency at Summa Health, Akron, Ohio. She has received numerous awards during her career, such as the 2021 Resident of the Year at Summa Health Medical Education and the 2019 Outstanding Achievement Award from Northeast Ohio Medical University. Dr. Hill is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American Society for Surgery of the Hand.

Medical Education

Northeast Ohio Medical University, Rootstown, OH


Orthopaedic Surgery

Summa Health, Akron, OH

Accepting New Patients
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Katherine Hill, MD
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Genesis Medical Group
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Genesis Medical Group

Katherine Hill, M.D., Genesis Orthopedic Group, specializes in orthopedic surgery.

23599 Airport Rd.
Suite B
Coshocton, OH 43812
United States

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Hand Surgery

Casey R. Lynch, APRN-CNP

Submitted by Kyle.Norton on
Doctor ID
Casey R. Lynch, APRN-CNP
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Office Phone
Nurse Practitioner

751 Forest Avenue
Ste 301
Zanesville, OH 43701
United States

Medical Education

2016 - 2018 Ohio University; 2018 - 2021 Walden University

Accepting New Patients
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Genesis Medical Group
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Genesis Medical Group

751 Forest Avenue
Ste 301
Zanesville, OH 43701
United States

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Nurse Practitioner

Pack-a-day doesn’t keep the doctors away

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Smoking has been a topic of interest in healthcare for a long time. We always hear certain phrases that go along with smoking and the negative health affects you could live with. At Genesis, we want you to stay healthy by stopping or avoiding smoking to prevent negative health effects and contact your doctor early if you notice any symptoms from smoking so you can be helped right away.  

If you meet any of the qualifications below then you are recommended to get a lung screening, it is free through insurance:  

  • Have a 20 pack-a-year or more history.  

    • A pack-year is smoking an average of one pack of cigarettes per day for one year. For example, a person could have a 20 pack-year history by smoking one pack a day for 20 years or two packs a day for 10 years. 

  • Smoke now or have quit within the past 15 years. 

  • Are between 50 and 80 years old. 

  • Have no signs or symptoms of lung cancer. 

“Studies over the last 15 years using early detection screening such as spiral CT have been shown to increase your chances of surviving lung cancer by 16% to 20%.” says the Lung Cancer Foundation of America. If you notice lung cancer symptoms (listed below), you should also contact your doctor.  

The American Cancer Society states the most common lung cancer symptoms are:  

  • A cough that does not go away or gets worse 

  • Coughing up blood or rust-colored spit or phlegm 

  • Chest pain that is often worse with deep breathing, coughing or laughing 

  • Hoarseness 

  • Loss of appetite 

  • Unexplained weight loss 

  • Shortness of breath 

  • Feeling tired or weak 

  • Reoccurring infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia  

  • New onset of wheezing 

We want to catch lung cancer as early as possible, which is why we recommend getting a screening before there are symptoms present.  


Ready to get healthy?

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Genesis HealthCare System’s Health and Wellness content conveniently provides accurate and helpful information. Your health history and current health may impact suggestions provided through our Health and Wellness content. Although we hope this information is helpful, it is not a substitute for your doctor's medical advice. Before making any significant changes, please consult your doctor.

Pack-a-day doesn't keep the doctors away

We always hear certain phrases that go along with smoking and the negative health affects you could live with.

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Exercises to combat chronic disease

Submitted by emily.griffin on

Having a chronic disease can be a challenge. You may need to take medication or avoid certain foods and activities. However, chronic diseases don’t have to control your life. You can frequently slow the progression of a chronic disease and its effects by developing a wellness plan, which often involves exercise.  

We know we often recommend exercise. However, there are several good reasons. Countless studies have shown regular exercise can help you in numerous ways.  

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states exercise can help:  

  • Improve memory and the ability to work through problems.  

  • Control weight.  

  • Strengthen bones and muscles.  

  • Make normal activities easier by increasing stamina, balance and flexibility.  

  • Improve mental health by reducing stress.  

  • Reduce the risk of certain diseases.  

  • Improve sleep.  

Even better, you will start to feel some benefits, like stress relief and improved sleep, soon after beginning to exercise.  

With so many types of exercise, you should be able to find something you enjoy and is either free or low-cost.  

If you are not sure where to start, the National Council on Aging recommends the following exercises for combating diabetes. However, these exercises are also great for people with several other chronic diseases. You can try:  

  • Walking  

  • Dancing  

  • Yoga  

  • Weight training  

  • Tai chi

  • Swimming  

The common factor in these activities is that they will get you up and moving. Most combine moderate muscle-building along with balance and flexibility.  

Just as important as exercising is not overdoing it, especially if you’re just starting and have a chronic disease. Before beginning any exercise program, you should consult with your doctor for tips on which exercises you should try, how long you should exercise and other necessary precautions to take. 

Exercises to combat chronic disease

We know we often recommend exercise. However, there are several good reasons. 

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Welcome Adam J. Clemens, M.D.

Submitted by emily.griffin on


Adam J. Clemens, M.D., has joined the Genesis Urology Group, specializing in general urology and urologic surgery. Dr. Clemens brings 10 years of practice experience to the Genesis Urology Group.  

He performs many urologic procedures, including da Vinci robotic oncologic/reconstructive surgery, complex endoscopic renal stone surgery and minimally invasive benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) treatment.  

In his free time, Dr. Clemens enjoys wakesurfing, boating, golfing and hunting. He also enjoys listening to podcasts.  

Dr. Clemens is located at the Genesis Urology Group office, Medical Arts Building 2, 751 Forest Ave., Suite 301, Zanesville. His phone number is 740-455-4923.  

Dr. Clemens is accepting new patients.  

Doctor of Medicine: 

University of Toledo College of Medicine  

Toledo, Ohio  

Urology Residency:  

Mayo Clinic  

Jacksonville, Florida  

General Surgery Internship:  

Mayo Clinic  

Jacksonville, Florida  



Welcome Adam J. Clemens, M.D.

Adam J. Clemens, M.D., has joined the Genesis Urology Group, specializing in general urology and urologic surgery. Dr. Clemens brings 10 years of practice experience to the Genesis Urology Group.  

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Firepit safety

Submitted by emily.griffin on

In the summer and fall, it is fun to have cookouts and make s’mores by a firepit.  

Plus, the outdoors is a great place to hang out with friends and family.  

What we never want to hear or think about is an accident happening with fire. It could happen to anyone, and we want to ensure everyone is safe while having fun.  

To prevent a fire-related accident, the U.S. Fire Administration recommends the following tips for practicing fire safety outdoors:  

  1. Use chimneys, outdoor fireplaces and firepits at least 10 feet away from your home or anything that can burn.  

  2. Watch children closely when a firepit is in use.  

  3. Use a metal screen over wood-burning fires to keep sparks from floating out.  

  4. Put out fires before you go inside.  

  5. Keep matches and lighters out of children’s sight and reach.  

The Chimney Safety Institute of America recommends putting out a fire by slowly moving your hose in a zigzag pattern. After wetting the firepit down, take a shovel and move around the wet embers so the water can soak in. Remember to extinguish the fire before going to bed or anytime you leave the fire unattended.  

If there happens to be an accident and someone gets burned, immediately tend to that person. The American Red Cross advises removing any clothing or jewelry not stuck to the burn site, then cooling the burn as soon as possible with clean, cool or lukewarm water for 20 minutes, then leaving the burn uncovered.  

If emergency medical service is called and delayed or transport is needed, cover the burn loosely with a clean, sterile dressing or plastic wrap if necessary. You should not use ice or ice water to help with a burn, as ice can cause more damage to the skin.  

Some of us often hear the expression, “it’s not if, it’s when,” and we always want to be prepared. These tips are a precaution to prevent an accident from happening and ways to treat a burn until medical help arrives.  

Call 911 if the accident is severe and you aren’t able to safely transport the victim to the hospital. 

Firepit Safety

To prevent a fire-related accident, the U.S. Fire Administration recommends the following tips for practicing fire safety outdoors.

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